Not according to Playing To Win.
As far as I am concerned, I hope you do very well. The Flash is down played too much in this community.
no one is really downplaying flash except shitty flash players, i was the first to say he was top 5 because in theory the character needs just one touch and you can lose the game. he doesn't lose any MU more than 4 - 6 because of that fact. he does ludicrous damage into a 4 way guess once knocked down in the corner, and if your wake ups suck then good luck. THE ONLY reason tom brady even mentioned anything about how bad the aquaman vs flash MU is because of me, because i play him all the time and i know how to counter aquaman. i would find it really hard to find another flash player with as much MU exp and knowledge as i have when using the flash. i have been hiding tech just for NEC that no other flash player that i know even knows about. i know the timing on my hardknockdown where i can stuff any wake up that isn't fully invincible, not a lot of players experiment with that, but i can beat almost every wake up with a certain meaty into full combo, it hits you if you try to backdash or jump, i can convert if you managed to even get off the ground, oh and i don't need meter for it. so all those batman players that backdash or jump on wake up and desperately try to escape, or all those doomsday players that just want to wake up every single time, watch out at NEC

sorry i went on a tangent here, i am legitimately disappointed in what playing to win said, and how it was said no one "good" was using the flash or how "no one has picked this character up that can show us X and Y". i have been to one major in this game, etc 5 was a regional remember? lol jk and i go to the break and haven't placed out side top 3 since like the first week i went there, so i feel i have something to prove at NEC and i have no excuses now that i have a hitbox.