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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 9


Shang Bang
Hell NO!!! Crapcom is the one who started this terrible fad of re-releasing the same shit to their customers. It's only been 5 months and theyve already announced a new version of MvsC3 FFS. You gotta be kidding me. Everything in this game can be patched in or comes as DLC at a cheap cost. If they do want to re-release, then wait at least 16 months so not until next July would I even consider buying.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Hell NO!!! Crapcom is the one who started this terrible fad of re-releasing the same shit to their customers. It's only been 5 months and theyve already announced a new version of MvsC3 FFS. You gotta be kidding me. Everything in this game can be patched in or comes as DLC at a cheap cost. If they do want to re-release, then wait at least 16 months so not until next July would I even consider buying.


no need to fix anything.

Yes! I would love for them to make an Ultimate MK9 and release it about April 2012, but lets call it Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition. If Capcom can copy off of us then we can copy off of them is how I see it.

And it should be just that, Arcade Edition Style:

No Challenge Tower
No Krypt
No Story Mode

Just Arcade Ladder and VS games.

Should contain all MK9 Characters and DLC Characters and Skins, plus add several more characters, fill out the MK Klassic's List including MK4.

Add the RUN Button
Add Brutalities= And how you perform them is you dont use your "meter" at all, and perform the x-ray move for the finishing move, and it will continue into the Brutality.
Add Friendships=How you perform them is you dont ever use your x-ray move during the match, but super moves are ok.
Add Klassic MK1, MK2, MK3 & MK4 Skins to all characters.

Balance the game fully, and fix all glitches.

And PLEASE get Online play right and worth a F**K!
stop complaintnign about the game, this is not umk9 and adding a run button will be a mess since game is too fast already and then you will have people complaining about the rush, you dont want some types of characters to get to you that easy and thats why some people have faster dash than others, if u dont like the game as it is don't play it, not offense, but back then people had to get used to play umk3 as it was and game couldnt get patched, now people just complaint about game performance and want things patched every month come on, get used to it as it is, there re not infinites as i said before and there is a lot of balancing compared to other mortal kombats. as a professional fighting gamer i find mk9 perfect the way it is, and it needs more time before changes are made at least a year or 2. i agreed online performance should get fixed, delay is awful,


Focused Grace and Intensity
Anyone like dashes AND running, BlazBlue style (ie hold right/left after input for dash)?

Actually come to think of it this mite be screw up forward-inputted normals during dashes in kombos. So Idk. Just wondering what you guys thought.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I'll put like this to why I don't want an UMK9. Let's be ourselves. Let's not follow. Let's be leaders in the FG world. And besides those rehash of a game you have played 100 times over never pay off. It's trying to give Aries a phoenix down. It's no good. And Tifa is better anyways.
I'll put like this to why I don't want an UMK9. Let's be ourselves. Let's not follow. Let's be leaders in the FG world. And besides those rehash of a game you have played 100 times over never pay off. It's trying to give Aries a phoenix down. It's no good. And Tifa is better anyways.
I have no idea what half of this means! The part about rehashes never pay off? Do you know how many people play SSFIV & SSFIV:AE? ALOT! Why? Because when people love a game that much, they love it more when the company behind it makes it better. Sure AE has the "twins" issue, but it's still a bad-ass game.
Now, UMK9 does NOT need a run button, it does NOT need any change to the core fighting engine, that would make it MK10. What it does need is a permanent rebalance, new characters, maybe a combo challenge mode to replace challenge tower, get rid of all the mini games (that weren't supposed to be there in the 1st place). Plus what I would personally like to see is an online practice mode. Where you can go online with a friend, set the options like you can in practice (infinite xray, no timer, record, ect...) and practice combos with a buddy, or help a friend who isn't so good without the restrictions of a normal match.
If we could see a game with these changes, not only will it bring in players who are still not feelin MK, it will benifit the ones who love it already.
Or maybe my ideas are stupid, I don't know ;)


I am personally hoping for a UMK 9.

However I can't help but feel guilty for wanting it. I mean guys, NRS worked hard on this game. I spent a year following it (we all did), Now I have it and after 4 months (and not one tournament have I been to yet) I am already wanting a rehash of the game. I love the work of ED boon and his team and I just feel as if I am disrespecting them with wanting more so soon. If they made an UMK 9 then I would want to see the continuation of the story. I really don't know how to feel lol, the idea that we have 33+ characters already from the old games made for this great game, is more than I could have asked for in April 2010. I can't think of anything else I would REALLY want to see.

Will NRS try to make this? I can see this giving them the wrong idea of the tourney scene. It seems so "gimme gimme gimme" I understand why we ask for the material, but if I were a designer and after 4 months of patching and reading these post of how "NRS did this wrong and this sucks.", I would just get tired of trying to feed a bottomless pit. If UMK9 does happen (and it will mean something if it does) We need to stop asking, and just start enjoying the game for what it is.
What I wanna see in UMK9:

Of course balancing
New Characters
A Second X-ray
A third fatality
a record feature on training
and a replay channel would be kick ass

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I have no idea what half of this means! The part about rehashes never pay off? Do you know how many people play SSFIV & SSFIV:AE? ALOT! Why? Because when people love a game that much, they love it more when the company behind it makes it better. Sure AE has the "twins" issue, but it's still a bad-ass game.
Now, UMK9 does NOT need a run button, it does NOT need any change to the core fighting engine, that would make it MK10. What it does need is a permanent rebalance, new characters, maybe a combo challenge mode to replace challenge tower, get rid of all the mini games (that weren't supposed to be there in the 1st place). Plus what I would personally like to see is an online practice mode. Where you can go online with a friend, set the options like you can in practice (infinite xray, no timer, record, ect...) and practice combos with a buddy, or help a friend who isn't so good without the restrictions of a normal match.
If we could see a game with these changes, not only will it bring in players who are still not feelin MK, it will benifit the ones who love it already.
Or maybe my ideas are stupid, I don't know ;)
I'm not a fan of SSSF4 Ae and etc. To put it simple. I feel this whole idea of taking the same game and making changes only a certain group knows is good for us( high level fighting community) but the other group( casual players) is getting muff. You can't do that. You gotta please both parties sadly. It can't be one or the other. I hope this makes sense to you sir. If it doesn't then I don't know what to say to you.

Edit: BTw, fuck the twins. I almost burn 30 dollars on that game because of fucking Oni. He is so cool. But good thing I took that money and got AH3( don't wanna hear it). I also wouldn't call it a "badass game".
Dummy recording feature in practice mode, decent netcode, frame data and visible hitboxes.

That's what I want. And I'll pay full price for it. Not everything can be fixed with a patch unfortunately. Sometimes you need to start over and reprogram some things.
better training mode
a replay channel
private KOTH modus that WORKS
decrease negative edge
better online code
NO STATS FOR CASUALS, only for the ppl play RANKED MATCH, because STATS sucks, the ppl care 2 much about it, they dont play free

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I don't really see why anyone wouldn't want UMK9, as Tim said, MK3 and UMK3 were released within the same year. Unfortunately, I think releasing it as DLC is out of the question, due to the fact that they really need to rebuild the online with GGPO, ideally make it a true 2D fighter, and put in a multi-tiered recording feature in the trainer. This will take some time, and I understand that, but it'd make this game 100x better.

I mean, honestly, if you're unfamiliar with the difference between MK3 and UMK3 go play them; it's huge.


My Two cents on what UMK3 should offer.

dude, theres so many things that need to be changed to make MK9 ITSELF a better and more fair game that it would end up an entirely new game by the end instead of just an "update".

first things first they should totally switch to hitboxes instead of 3D hitting. i was so sure SF4 would benefit from a 3D hitbox or whatever is used for that style because 3D models still are awkward when used with 2D hitboxes. but MK9 is proof positive that Hitboxes are just the best way to go. a 3D game built as a 2D one just doesnt cut it and leads to weird shit like Ermacs attacks having nebulous ranges, and since it gives better and more consistent frame data it gets rid of most infinites (or so i am told).

needs to have physical attack "trading". when i heard about how trading was done (apparently its random at the start of a match then jumps around players between frames) it just sounded completely bonkers and it leads to exchanges where certain pokes can just flat out fuck you up and theres little you can do about it. having ranged attacks not trade is perfectly fine to me and i totally like it AS IS. but the way physical attacks work is wrong. exchanges should NEVER be based on a roll of the dice in a tournament level.

ALOT LESS NEGATIVE EDGE!!! for the love of all that is holy this needs to be fixed and done with. whats the most basic thing about a fighting game? the fact that it controls WELL!! if your doing the motions and getting something completely different it can ruin your chances of winning on just that exchange alone. and this goes double for MK9. it makes using a stick abhorrent and almost completely useless except for those stalwarts whove done their best to get used to it. the fact that using a simple DUX command only works when it wants to is all the proof you need to know this needs to be fixed.

a BETTER SPECTATOR MODE. you know why we dont have alot of online streams for MK9 from TYM like SRK does for SF4? because in KOTH (its version of endless battle) the operators cant just set a machine aside and forget about it. they HAVE to play, and that itself fudges up any ideas to hold some of the same events for PS3 or 360 for MK9. what needs to happen is have a simple 15-20 timer and if the challenger or current king dont respond at this time then it moves on to the next person. thats a simple fix and then we can have those online Justin.tv steams for everybody to see.

BETTER ONLINE with ALMOST no input lag. the biggest problem with MK9 online aint even the "gamestate lag" but the "INPUT LAG". now no online is perfect and there will ALWAYS be lag of some kind or another to bother people. but if MK9-ultimate-10 can at least get SOMEBODY to make a netcode that has little to no input lag then itll all be worth it. because for a good deal of players wanting to play with real people, alot of them want to learn characters and matchups and at its current state it just DOESNT WORK. some characters play fine offline and some play like absolute SHIT online. the fact that moves have different properties and priorities from offline to online undoes whatever good could come from learning online. if we want to foster better players in cities where theres little competition for them then they too deserve a better gateway to do that in.

and of course a BETTER training mode. a trainer that shows off as much detailed information as the system will allow is paramount to a good tournament community. frame data, hitbox data, interaction data, how much life it takes, where the hit comes from, and of course a PROPER record function for the CPU to test moves. whatever they can fit in it i totally think should be put in it. im all in the belief that its the game's duty to teach new players high level play, not just community built around it.

other than some of the big (change to hitbox from 3D hit modeling,trainer changes, negative edge, trading, better netcode) and the simple (better spectator mode in KOTH) i think MK9 is solid enough that it doesnt need to change to heavily. i like the way it plays and i think its a great game when some of it elements cant be abused to oblivion like it was MvC3. but thats the nature of things, this is a first step for MK players and some changes are necessary if not outright mandatory if they want to continue making MK "for the tournament player". it definitely sells enough to the casual player alone so i dont see why this cant work. so im hoping they see this and do their best with what they can do.


Play Monster Hunter!
This is some vain pop monster shit, but there is a few non gameplay related things I would love for MK9.

New versus screen art, current batch is deviant art quality, a redesinged character select screen with better placement, and all the current DLC added to it.
The option to toggle off blood and damage models, I fucking hate the damage, its ugly as shit and the novelty wears off quick.
More then just 2 colors for outfits, about 7 to choose from, ranging from all kinds of colors even if it does silly shit like make scorpion blue.
Replace the announcer with quan chi and his amazing voice, and let him actually comment on the match like every other fighting game and even past MK's.
Crank up the volume of the music, it being so low and the announcer saying jack squat makes the game feel weird and way to quite.
Fix the cloth physics on hair and capes, or FUCKING REMOVE RAIDENS ALT, AND GIVE KITANA A HAIR CUT.
if UMK9 is perfect ,and they add 8 more characters, i will be glad to pay the 60$ again (coming from a guy who lives in third world country ,that's a huge statement)
Well, Boon has said before they are working on a new game. Not sure exactly what that means. I believe we will see another MK game, just not anytime real soon.

Best thing you can do is wait and see what happens. Just remember, nothing will be perfect.
If they do it, I'd support it on the condition of A) they wait another 6 months at least to do it, B) It comes with a ton of its own characters (DLC would still have to be purchased), and C) they keep most of the current mechanics intact.

I don't want a run bar (dashing is vital to me) and I don't want the game to be overhauled, I just want some little quirks fixed and some new features. Oh and shit tons of new characters.

Also some simple kombo challenges would be nice ala Street Fighter.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I honestly feel like we wouldn't be having this conversation if online were functional. There isn't anything fatally wrong with the game and if people were getting smooth online matches from day one we would be heaping praise on MK9, even with it's flaws. None of the other broadly accepted FG are "perfect."

But acceptance into the broader FGC is not easy. That shit is super clique-y and if you're not from Japan, it seems no one is interested. I get that we're the odd-man out and the game needed to be better than MVC &SF to have instant recognition.

I want to have MK9 be a legit accepted competitive game as much as anyone else. I have no desire to play SF or MVC or Tekken or whatever. I wouldn't even if they were clearly much better than MK9 (which I don't think is the case). I hate anime style shit. I think it's goofy and seizure inducing, but that's just me.

Vulcan Hades

Exactly my thoughts lmao.

I don't get how some people can read a thread like this and go: "NO WAY, NOT NOW. IT'S WAY TOO SOON MAN. WE BETTER WAIT A YEAR AT LEAST.."

Like we're even discussing the possibility that UMK9 could come out next month lol.


Dojo Trainee
I'm all in favor, but let them take the time to do it right. Maybe some of the problems can be fixed through patches in the current version and see how things work out. A lot of things are things they are unlikely to find out by themselves. If they release an umk9, it better be good or people are gonna lose faith forever.

I would say they should add a lot of stuff, but everything that's added is prone to error, especially new characters that aren't in the current version. New stages are of course welcome. improved training mode and yeah, Brutalitys:)

I like the idea of a second x-ray attack but make it selectable like SSF4.

And, O yeah, get rid of that stupid krypt. How many time have we wasted watching bulging corpses explode to get some artwork we're not gonna look at ever again..?? Just unlock dat shit man!

after 9 months hell no. after 1 year and a half, 2 years yes.
You can always just wait half a year to buy it and play inferior stuff that's been long fixed and improved. I don't see how it would be okay after a longer time span...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
needs new Character Select Screen for a new version of the game.

Thinkin more like Killer Instinct 1 style.
On the fence but for now I think I'll live with it. If they did make a new one, I would want better graphics (yes, even though they're still good) just to convince me to spend 40-60 bucks on the same game with different mechanics. And that could take a while. Coming from someone who goes to college for modelling and texturing and shit. x.x.


I can't prove this, but I think there are WAY too many players agreeing and regurgitating points that they don't even fully understand or are even good enough for them to come in to play.


To all the people saying we should wait 1 year or so until UMK9 comes out I don't see how you can say that because all games this generation that have come out no matter how popular they appeared to be have had short lifespans. Name one game that has been out for longer than a year that has had no updates to it and still being played today.