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Who knows their main(s) already?

kung lao and raiden maybe rain, its going to be one of those. My main is going to be the best out of those three and kung lao is going to be my secondary even if he is not that good just because I like him that much.
I am interested to see what new characters get introduced. Assuming there are some new characters in the cast, it might be fun to give one of them a whirl.

Also, I am curious to see which Injustice character gets put as DLC. NRS/WB likes to cross-promote. If there was an MK character in Injustice, then I expect an Injustice character in MK10. Particularly since the MK series has already had guest characters like Kratos and Freddy, a dark Injustice character would probably fit in the DLC mix. My early bet is on Joker. Yeah, Joker for MK10 DLC, let's see if it happens.


My blades will find your heart
Hehe, when we did this for Injustice -- about 90% of people changed their assumed mains sometime between Week 1 and the end of the first month :)

Frame data has a way of affecting character loyalty, haha

I dont know how they could make Baraka any worse than he already was. Lol


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Ashrah & Jade :) If Jade is not in then Nitara, Sareena, Kitana or Sonya
I completely forgot about Nitara. I always loved her...I found her very unique yet not too cliche. Obviously I like characters with a pair of wings, lol. Can you imagine...? It'd be awesome if she played like HawkGirl....flying around the screen spitting blood. Awesome.