Zoning Master
Since Injustice has limited to no zoning (and will even have less in the coming patch on the first of October), I have decided to surrender the title of Zoning Master to the players listed in the poll below. The title holds no value and prestige as it once did in Mortal Kombat 9 because Injustice: GAU revolves around rush down and 50/50 mix ups, mistakenly referred to as "vortex" by the uneducated masses of this community.
However, I shall now be known as the Interactables Master, so please refer to me as such in the future for as long as I play Injustice.
Thank you, and vote below for the new (and irrelevant) Zoning Master of Injustice.
However, I shall now be known as the Interactables Master, so please refer to me as such in the future for as long as I play Injustice.
Thank you, and vote below for the new (and irrelevant) Zoning Master of Injustice.