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Video/Tutorial Trick and Treat! General Zod Video Tribute by SimSim


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
SimSim has generated a video tribute that revolves entirely around combos, glitches, and tech of all varieties used with General Zod, subtitled as a "Trick and Treat" video. ;) Credit is given to all those who assisted in the discovery of Zod's abilities. Supporters and haters of Zod alike may find great enjoyment from this tribute, so check it out and let us know what you think!

Article edited by GamerBlake90



This video is a compilation of a lot of the tech, combos and glitches found by various users on this forum and on youtube. Special thanks to important contributors have been given in the credits of the video.

I took Pig's advice and re-posted this video-thread with a new title.
And How the hell do you do that throw Glitch?????????


God's only man, spared by the Butcher.
I wonder if Zod will go untouched come patch time... He is probably one of my favorite characters to play. I'm not sure if I've seen this in any of the videos for him but if you trait grab from full screen you dd in charge midscreen db2 into a b3. Also while being pressured you can d12 in db2mid into a 38% 1 bar, pretty useful. I'm sure you can get more out of it but he isn't my main so I haven't messed with him TOO much. Great video, I learned a lot.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
First of all, SICK VIDEO man! Good job!

I noticed a typo though :) Around 1:04, It should be 213

And around the 3:44 mark, is that blockable since its a reset?

Awesome work SimSim !!


Finally a GOOD front page! Sick tech mixed with awesome metal instrumentals? Twisted Metal theme? Doom theme? I think this might be the best Injustice video ever.
wow.... lmao at the ground kryp rifle lol wow id like to see that done in a tourney and I love the infinite wow thank you @wonderchef and thank you @pig

Groove Heaven

This video is godlike, taught me so much. Thank you for making this! Also the glitches are hilarious. I need to learn how to turn someone into a surf board.