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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!


Makes women fap
Lol admiral I gotta do it!! U kno me, im not some bs shit talker, I respect a good game.. Hus beat me in king of the hill while I was liu kang.. I want hus to play my ermac.


i dont know how you guys can manage lag on koth. Played twice and both my matches were ultra laggy. I m up for 1 vs 1 casuals through


Makes women fap
Joten was that you at Dromstruction? :O
yea it was. Thanks for the support guys!! FUCKED UP BAD! I was super exposed.. I gotta train more.. :( I think I got burnt out or sumthin. It was def fun playin wound tho. If I see him again ill show him what I know I can do.
thanks alot man.. I might have to take a rest from mk for a few days.. Im disappointed
Don't be, if u were to tell me that I almost got top 8 at devastation, and fourth place overall in dromstruction? And those are the first tournaments I ever played? I'd take that 10/10 times anyway of the week. You did well bro.


Sorry I split so fast a minute ago. One of my friends I haven't played with in months messaged me to play so I went to him


Plays too much Civ
Well school work is finally about to prevent me from playing regularly during the weekday. Opening the Wharf today around 3-4 P.M. EST to enjoy my last real weekday session.


Plays too much Civ
Well this sucks I won't get on until much later because of a last-minute group meeting. [MENTION=7790]FrozenEnemy[/MENTION] I think everyone knows you are the one who gives us free wins.


King of the Jobbers 2015
So Kamikaze's shadow's with Noob somehow turned into Smoke (for me atleast)...gonna post a vid soon
it's supposed to be like that.

Man what a bummer, I'm learning this hitbox thing and some random dudes join and lag. Great. Fun. -_-

Even that SangreGuanche dude kept trolling me afterwards :/