Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
You can also reverse wake-ups by dash cancelling the db2(I haven't tried this on all wake-ups).
If this has been found already then I feel like a complete Dick and apologise for wasting your time =)
Yeah this setup is all about mind games. The reason I spark cancel is because the opponent will most likely know that the spark isn't an otg and try to wake-up out of it, then all of a sudden you dash cancel then they get punished for waking up. So you put them back into the vortex and they try to block low so you dash cancel then B2 to put them right back into the vortex. I didn't know that U3 crossed up in the corner aswell, that's pretty trickyGood stuff about the reverse wake-ups, not too sure about the vortex setup. They can block the projectile putting you at -4 while still avoiding the reverse wake-up thing.
I think it might be possible to reserve wake-ups just like that but without using the Spark cancel.
If you end the combo in the corner with 113 you can do 4 things:
- 113~4~Ground Pound MB
- 113, U3(cross-up)
- 113, B2
- 113, Flipkick MB(cross-up)
The difference between U3 and Flipkick MB is that U3 requires them to reverse the input on their wake-up, but their wake-up will hit you. With Flipkick MB it will make wake-ups whiff but they don't have to reverse the input. The usage of U3 isn't recommended against characters like Deathstroke who will get a wake-up either way(Sword Flip or Sword Spin).
That's what I've been doing in the corner.
Just got my midterm back. 95%. Two more weeks and I'll have day in day out Injustice practice. I'll be labbing this stuff up for sure. AssassiN This has the potential to be pretty big.
I'm really dying for some more midscreen vortex options. I've got a couple setups but I'm playing them out within my local scene. Anyone got some gimmicky midscreen stuff they can point me to?
Damn that's a lot of Dicks to tagI think I might have found something really solid, where the opponent cannot wake-up attack where it will whiff + ability to punish and if he blocks NW is at +10. Only works in the corner and it's a bit finicky right now, but I think we can find a way to ensure it.
This needs to be tested against every wake-up attack in the game and see if anything beats it out.
How to do it:
- Do the combo: F213~DF2, J3, 112, 113
- Follow it up with U3(not immediately, you got to find the sweet spot)
The timing of U3 matters a lot, because there are 3 things that can happen:
- Too soon: Reverse wake-up attack that will hit, U3 gets blocked or not depending on how soon => cross-over
- Sweet spot: When waking up they will put themselves out of the corner, but their wake-up will whiff. U3 gets blocked while their ass stays in the corner => doesn't cross-over
- Too late: Normal wake-up attack that will hit, U3 doesn't cross-over
The BnB in the corner gets cut short to 33% damage instead of 37%. If you would do the full BnB, they can reversal wake-up to counter it.
If they let U3 hit them, you can do U3 again. They have to block it or their wake-up will keep whiffing.
You can mix it up with U3D3 which will create the exact same situation but is a mix-up except NW will be at +9 instead of +10 if they block it.
Looks like I finally found a use for U3 and U3D3, this will make Escrima so much better in the corner.
I guess the opponent can use pushblock if he guesses correctly to avoid his mix-ups after that.
Johnny Kahl
AK partyeagle
Hahaha Yeah my little brotherIs that a screaming child I hear in the first vid? lol
Hello there fellow dicks, I found this vortex thingy in the corner while in the lab with Nightwing. Basically, after F213/113/11/b1 etc... xx df2, j3, 112, 112 xx df2, 113 xx db2 or B2, d1, 112,112 xx df2, 113 xx db2 You can do multiple things. For example you can Flipkick MB for a crossup overhead, then dash under 112,112 xx df2, 113 xx db2 to continue the vortex. Or you could go B2 xx 4 xx db2 MB xx 4 xx df2 xx df2, 113 xx db2 if you want to continue the vortex. You can even go 113 xx 4 xxDb2 MB for a full combo.
You can also reverse wake-ups by dash cancelling the db2(I haven't tried this on all wake-ups).
If this has been found already then I feel like a complete Dick and apologise for wasting your time =)