Wouldn't she have to dash cancel with reptile as well?
No such thing. lol
Though, a good mind game setup is (after you land an elbow dash, or an AA acid spit) three elbow dashes in a row, as fast as possible...it's an ambiguous cross up.
Then, either block their wakeup attack, start a FP, BP, BP combo, do a tick throw with D+FKxxThrow, or D+BKxxAcid Hand into more elbow dash mind games.
I mean, look at Chris G...he just does all the basic good stuff. There's no reason to do his hardish elbow dash into NJP combos. Just do this Chris G combo for your counter combo or jump in combo.
(Jump in Punch if you like) FP, BP, BP, Fast Force Ball, FK, BP, Slow Force Ball, FK, BP, FPxxSlow Force Ball mind game setup.
But since Elbow Dash comes out so fast it can punish many things that other characters cant, it's a great tool for beginners, and since Reptile has many awesome mind games thanks to his slow force balls, and his D+BK/FKxxZangief Ball (Acid Hand) he's perfect for the intermediate/advanced player as well.
Nothing hard to pull off, just takes a good mind to utilize.
Corner combo is the easiest...
FK, BP, FP, Acid Hand, FK, BP, FP, Force Ball, FK, BP, FP, Slide
Spam random force balls (always alternate in succession though, otherwise they won't come out)
Get a random hit with an AA force ball, and free combo plus mind game followup.
Reptile is perfect for her.
Classic costume only though TBH...Reptile (or Yoshi as we call him, he's from the Mushroom Realm) is ugly otherwise.