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UMK3 Vs Screen Stage Codes


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For those of you playing on XBLA, you might get bored seeing either the Lost Portal, Scorpion's Lair and the Kave all the time.

Here's a list of levels, just tell your opponent what to input:

The Pit 3: 820-028
Shao Kahn's Tower: 091-190
The Subway: 880-088
The Street: 079-035
The Graveyard: 666-333
The Temple: 600-040
The Bridge: 077-022
The Rooftop: 343-343
The Soul Chamber: 123-901
The Balcony: 880-220
Hell: 666-444
The Cavern: 004-700
The Desert: 330-033
The Waterfront: 002-003
Noob's Dorfen: 050-050
Portal Pit (SCISLAC BUSOREZ): 933-933
I read somewhere i think it was the xbox.com forums that they will be releasing a patch to fix this in the near future


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I'm not exactly sure how they can do it without harshly reprogramming the game, and if they DO that, that means they can do other things, like fix infinites, move properties etc.


There is a set of variables that resets before the match starts but there are also other variables that do not. I imagine cycling through the stages, button config, and the win counter could all be things that need to have a chunk of code that maintains its value despite the gameplay engine restarting. It doesn't seem like something that would be too difficult to do and whatever mechanism they put in to fix one of the problems could potentially be used to fix all of them.


Yeah it really seems like it has to happen. I wouldn't call the glitches necessarily game ruining, but they are definately inexcuseable.