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Tiger Kneeing


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Maybe I'm doing thing wrongs and NRS has a different method of using instant air projectiles and moves but the only aerial attack that I can effectively "tiger knee" is Wonder Woman's aerial shield toss. It's a great overhead and I do it so low that it clips through the floor and goes underground. I can't seem to do this with other aerial specials even though they share the same input. I often have to jump and then immediately do some lightning fast (exaggeration) thumb movements (I play pad) in order to do other aerial attacks as close to the ground as possible. Can anyone explain this or am I just crazy?


Goro Lives 
Nope, it's meant to be that way. Doing instant air attacks is nowhere like Capcom games.

From what I tested the game only starts executing your airborne inputs until a certain number of frames have passed. In other words: you jump, brief no-inputs window, inputs are accepted.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I can add that tiger knee didn't work for skarlet instant air daggers in mk. Made it harder, more rewarding for those that can do it, harder for people to pick up and do all the time accurately. Shit, I practiced everyday and still couldnt do them consistently. I keep trying though.

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