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Sektor corner reset

you can do 12b1 12 122 homing missle(an easy combo for starters in the corner). Since the 122 slows them down as they fall it gives the homing missle just the right time to punish them when they get up . If done right the homing missle should track them after they fall. They are then forced to wake up and get hit by the missle for a combo starter, turtle after the homing missle and get lead into a possible u3 4 b34 TU combo (guessing game) or they are forced to jump out which will be caused getting hit by the missle and possible combo..tricky part is getting your opponent in the corner as sektor, Best advice to get the opponent in the corner i can give you is to apply homing/upmissle pressure and use yours leg lift after the missle pressure (til they respect the leg lift) and just when they think they can block your stance you can throw them towards the corner. In the very worst scenario it will give you garaunteed chip damage from a combo of your choice and if the opponent tries to wake up attack it will hit them and interupt their wake up attack

pretty much you should do an upmissle after the 122 (midscreen too) to apply pressure even if the 122 string is blocked it will make the opponent turtle which is what a sektor player wants
That's not a reset, it's a 50/50. You can actually do it without homing missile in the corner. After any normal combo, you can drop the flamethrower ender and do up missile instead. Usually your opponent can roll backwards to avoid the block stun (at which point you tech chase), but in the corner they have to take the blockstun. No need to blow meter on it.
Yeah just trying to put the thinking cap on and be creative. I put a homing missle at the end so if they do a wake up (slide type wakeup) it will track them. I usually end my combos in missles/homing missles to start the pressure again and am just trying to find out how to utilize sektors corner game better. I also put the homing missle at the end instead of a regular up missle incase they somehow reverse me in the corner or get out of it so i can insure garaunteed damage preferably at the end of a match. I am aware of shooting regular up missles as combo enders but i want to insure a hit in a hairy situatio if i have lets say 2 meters and we both have 1/4 health left then it would be more viable.
Well, you posed it as something you had to do for it. It's not any more special than a regular up missile.

Homing missile is only decent to guarantee blockstun outside of the corner where the opponent can just roll backwards to avoid up-missile enders. Even at that though, they'll be too far away to follow up with much.

I know people like to discover things and add to the knowledge base, and I say this as nicely as I can, but make sure it's something actually useful, or at the very least phrase the title as a question because this is pretty misleading. It isn't a reset and deals less damage than a full combo that provides the same damage with the same advantage after.

If you want to work on Sektor's corner game, he has two major advantages that I can see:

- Flamethrower must be blocked at all times from the right distance away, meaning the opponent really can't move or do much other than block.
- You can't roll backwards from an up missile ender, giving you extra free pressure.