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My UMK3 game dont start!

Well i will tell you guys this the most clear i can do:

Everything happen a day before Halo3, i was playing a demo and my brother was on the pc who its very close to my tv, so he turn off the pc to go to sleep, but the motherfu#$%r accidentally smash the Xbox and it fall to the ground like 3 feet, it was still working, only a msg appear saying "you are disconnecting from live" the demo was normal.

I turn off the xbox for security or something, so like in the mid day i turn on the xbox i was playing demos and others games everything was normal , only a download say that i cant download it so i deleted it.

Then i go to UMK3 and wtf it stops everytime on the Midway screen and all i can do is turn off the console from the xbox. ONLY HAPPEN IN THIS GAME

in addition at the night at my work i was analizing my signal receptors from cable who i fix everydays, and i take off of a IC a heatsink (i made this multiples times per day since like 2 years without gloves) and wtf multiples cuts in my fingers of my right hand and i touch something and it hurts

So i cant play UMK3 and Halo3 vey well.

Anyone know what i can do for recover UMK3 ??
that really sucks. My friend dropped his xbox off a 5ft tall tv stand, and got lucky that it landed in a pile of clothes, lol. Scratched the hell out of the GRAW2 disc but that was it. Xbox might repair it if it's considered a hardware failure as long as you don't say that it was dropped or fell. Best thing you can probably hope for, is talking your bro into going halfies on an Elite.

Yesterday I resolve the problem people, some guys from xbox.com told me to delete the game and download it again so i delete it and download it again and guess fkn what!!!!!????

It never finished :oops: yes never, i download it and delete it like 10 times and never finish, at 100% it says "CANT DOWNLOAD UMK3" i was :evil: , my xbox had like 2gb so i was "????",i download other things and they can finish the download only UMK3 dont!!.

So i dont know why i just delete like 4gb from videos and demos and I put UMK3 to download it yet again and WTF it works !!


Im back, what a weird week for me.