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Movement and Cancels Oddities and Tricks?


Kinda a grief and overcome thread. I like this game and it fixes a lot of MKs issues, but it still has the same mix of bad movement options and cancel systems. So I'm looking for tips and tricks on mastering the games movement/cancel mechanics to make everything not feel so stiff.

Playing GL versus Deathstroke, I feel limited in advancing forward. I must slowly (very slowly...painfully slowly) walk forward and attempt to jump over machine guns and duck pistols. But due to his MB extensions and unblockable trait this becomes a losing war and every successful hit resets the distance. I can't attack and advance either since OA ties and successful turbine/air OA both push me or the opponent back (sub zero EX slide all over again...get in then push yourself out again FML). You also can't dash forward. I know you can back dash to avoid getting hit...but how the hell do I move forward??? It also doesn't help that backward movement seems MUUUCH better than forward movement, allowing run away to persist.

As for cancels, the system is REALLY inconsistent, and I'm not just talking general execution. I mean that alternate input methods have COMPLETELY different timings. EX: MB button versus 1+2+3. Both do MB, but 1+2+3 must be timed at certain points in the animation to work, it is much stricter. MB can be almost instantly buffered at the start of most specials and almost always work without a need for timing. I'm also starting to believe dbMB/dfMB is superior to bbMB/ffMB in terms of leniency. I have yet to test if SF controls also create difference (if i could get GL to properly cancel b13, T, db1 in an online match, that'd be great...but I guess watch T go off an do a show and dance instead of lift is cool too I guess.)

So please post any tactics or finds relating to cancels and movement to help over come these issues. Even a simple analysis of how the system works would be nice.