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[Matchup Discussion] Cyborg vs. Hellboy (Last edit: 6/6/2018)

[Matchup Discussion] Cyborg vs. Hellboy(Last edit: 6/6/2018)

The goal of this thread is to not just discuss the matchup, but to go highly in detail of nearly all possible scenarios when going against Hellboy and all the options against each. This thread is meant so that any Cyborg player will have a general gameplan to go through the match, so that making the right decisions whether in neutral, or under pressure, can be made. I hope that matchup threads like these will be used in other character forums to provide better detail for future matchup discussion.

Keep in mind, this is not set and stone. With patches, and further reevalutation from other Cyborg players and Hellboy players, this will be updated. I plan to do this for every character in the game for Cyborg, and we as a Cyborg community should go in depth for all options to have the best chance at winning. #TEAMBOOYAH

1 = square,


Range 0: (point blank range)
Range 1: (area from one backdash away)
Range 2: (area from two backdashes way)
Range 3: (area from three backdashes away)
Range 4: (area from four backdashes away)
Range 5: (area from five backdashes away)
Range 6: (Full screen, will be regarded as such)

The range system is essential to know what you as a Cyborg player should be doing or to look out for at each range of the matchup. This is to break down the matchup easier and to evaluate each option.

Although Cyborg’s Nova Blast is a mid and does high damage compared to most zoners, he is outzoned by characers with projectiles with quick start-up, travel speed, and recovery. Unfortunatley, hellboy’s projectile Devil’s Revolver fit’s this category, allowing him to zone Cyborg out effectively. This allows Hellboy to open up his leap game considering once conditioned it’s difficult to react to leap with jump attacks. Hellboys f23 also has amazing range, along with his b3, making this matchup, in my opinion difficult. The best range to stay is is outside range 2-3 as Cyborg will be able to effectively trade and whiff punish his normals. Too close leaves Cyborg vulnerable to leap pressure, and too far away leads to Hellboy zoning and building meter. Having an understanding of footsies, and how to effectively whiff punish is a go to in this matchup.

NORMALS (All notes consist at range 0)
Standing 1 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Standing 2 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Standing 3 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

D1 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

D2 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

D3 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

F1 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

F2 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

F3 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

B1 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

B2 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

B3 [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Video Reference:

11 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

11b2 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

113 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

B12 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

B123 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

F12 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

22 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

22d3 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

22u3[X on hit/X on block/ X]

B22 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

B223 [X on hit/X on block/ X]

F23 [launches on hit/X-3 on block/ mid]
  • RANGE: This move hit's 3 Cyborg backlashes away, which is even FURTHER than superman's f23. This is why you should stay at range three in this matchup to effectively whiff punish.
Devil’s Revolver [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Up Devil’s Revolver [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Devil’s Shoulder [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Hand of God [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Fist of Doom [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

Doom Fury [X frame startup/X on block/X on hit/X]

TRAIT: Anung Un Rama
This trait allows hellboy to choose from several powers. Each are describes below:

Broom’s Rosary
Hellboy receives armour. This is the most problematic as hellboy can do unsafe attacks without repercussion. For example, if you were to try to punish Fist of Doom with d1 PF, Cyborg would be punish as the armour would eat the hit.

Grapple away. Waste the time out on the trait to avoid oki shinnenegans. It’s better to eat damage from Hellboy’s zoning that to get combo’d and looped to death.

Agrippa’s Charm
Hellboy receives a damage buff.

Again best to be patient and attempt to wait the trait out. Avoid getting combo’d considering this will lead to a massive life deficit. Cyborg struggles to get the lifelead back, and Hellboy’s zoning allows him to build meter much fater than Cyborg

Whittier’s Amulet
Hellboy takes less damage. You’ll notice this trait is active when you see hellboy’s horns on his head (and the gold coin icon for his trait). If this trait is used, rejoice because the damage buff and armour options are X10 worse.

Mohlomi’s Bell
Hellboy can be resurrected back to life once his second health bar is depleted. You’ll notice Hellboy will have a gold aurora with a bell icon as his trait. DO NOT HIT HIM NEAR THE END OF THE ROUND WITH THIS ACTIVE if you have a minimal life lead. Instead, wait it out with grapple, then attack.


Standing 1

SUPERMOVE: FINAL RESTING PLACE [23 frmaes of startup/-23 on block]
A mid attack where Hellboy leaps into the air and smashes down. It looks very similar to fist of doom but it’s not a low attack.

Despite the pushback, it can be punished with reversal powerfist from range 0. At max range, PF will whiff so a guaranteed punish would be reversal techno tackle
Last edited:

Devil’s Revolver Damage:
Devil’s Revolver Damage with trait buff:
MB Devil’s Revolver Damage:
MB Devil’s Revolver Damage with trait buff:

Up Devil’s Revolver Damage:
Up Devil’s Revolver Damage with trait buff:
MB Up Devil’s Revolver Damage:
MB Up Devil’s Revolver Damage with trait buff:

Devil’s Revolver chip:
Devil’s Revolver chip with trait buff:
MB Devil’s Revolver chip
MB Devil’s Revolver chip with trait buff:

Up Devil’s Revolver chip:
Up Devil’s Revolver chip with trait buff:
MB Up Devil’s Revolver chip:
MB Up Devil’s Revolver chip with trait buff:

Nova Blast damage:
Target acquired damage:
Sonic disrupter Damage:
Kamakazie drone damage:
Ground drone damage:

Nova Blast chip:
Target Acquired chip:
Sonic Disruptor chip:
Cyborg Kamikaze chip:
Updated 6/8/2018
-I added two oki setups for hellboy (regular knockdown) vs. Devil's shoulder. One of them is from @Carl (Saggat83) when we were working on different setups in the matchup.
-Tick throws included


Updated 6/8/2018
-I added two oki setups for hellboy (regular knockdown) vs. Devil's shoulder. One of them is from @Carl (Saggat83) when we were working on different setups in the matchup.
-Tick throws included
I want to lab that mu abit more actually.
We tried somethings yesterday me and boiled walnut.