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[Mar 2, 2013] [EGP] Redemption IX (Azusa, CA)


Brian Compton

EGP is back with our 9th installment of our "Redemption" events. Either tune into the stream or join us in person as some of the best Mortal Kombat players in the world compete for fame and fortune. Due to logistical reasons our usual venue, The Legendary Lotus, is currently unable to accommodate a Saturday event. Fortunately the good people over at DIZeLAN Frag Center are giving us a spot.

Console: PS3
Price: $10 ($5 venue, $5 cash pot)
Casuals Only: $5 (all consoles will be available when not in tournament use)
Format: Double Elimination (we will probably do round robin pools with the winners moving into a new double elimination bracket)
Time: 7:00pm PST

Contact Info:
[email protected]
Site: http://www.EpicGamerProductions.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EGP_Compton
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EpicGamerProductions

Venue Info:
Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/dizelan-frag-center-azusa
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dizelan

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
excuse me sir I play on Xbox 360 will there be an Xbox 360 controller there available for my use thank you


Brian Compton

If you play on XBox you should have your own controller and that certainly explains your current performance rankings.

Yes, there is a stream. I didn't put the link in the body because it's already in the header.

You're a genius.


Brian Compton
This was planned very last minute due to the lack of venue so we are only featuring MK9. However I will bring a couple extra setups for UMvC3 and AE in case anyone wants to hang out and run some Evo training sessions (and probably PSASBR).


Brian Compton
Ill tune in for the Stream :D
I'll mod you so you can regulate dem stream monsters. For those that are unaware Mr. Dink has been added to the EGP family. Looking forward to his next major; STB l MKU l EGP Dark Shujinkydink. Shoutouts to your name being as long as the life bar.