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General/Other - Liu Kang [Old] Liu Kang variation ideas. (Something NRS would do.)


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.

Universal moves:
-Flying Dragon kick (Can be MB'd for more damage and armor, unsafe on block).
-Bicycle kick (MB'd version launches the opponent for a followup. Similar to Nightwing's escrima fury from Injustice.)
-High fireball (MB'd version does more damage and hits overhead, can be performed in the air)
-Low fireball (MB'd version does more damage).

Variation 1 possible names: "Fire God," "Blazing," "Combustion."
Liu Kang hones his mastery of fire techniques and unleashes them at a higher level, granting him new abilities for a mix of zoning and pressure. This variation's visual change would be Liu Kang's fists on fire.

Varition specific specials:

-Dragon ascent: A teleport similar to Shazam's and Freddy's that allow Liu to advance forward and backward quickly.)

-Dragon Breath: Liu Kang's blasts the opponent with a barrage of flames similar to Sektor's flamethrower and Zatanna's 52 pickup. This move keeps the opponent standing and when MB'd becomes a advancing projectile with controllable speed, this move would be similar to Zatanna's MB fire kiss and Kung Lao's Buzz Saw variation)

-Dragon nest: Liu Kang blasts the chosen location with a beam of fire similar to Zod's ground blast but creates a flame carpet similar to Reptile's new "acid puddle." While the opponent is inside, they begin to receive up to 10% chip and while Liu is inside, health begins to slowly regenerate. MB version ignores the charge time.

Variation 2 possible names: Vengeful, Distinguished, Vindictive
Liu Kang's anger from the "betrayal" of lord Raiden has corrupted him and made him ruthless. This variation focuses more on Liu Kang's up close and personal rushdown. This variation visual change is indicated by Liu Kang not wearing a head band and letting his hair down.

Variation specific specials:

-Burning Parry: Liu Kang counters high, low, and jump attacks with a wall of fire that leaves the opponent in a hardknock down. MB version lights the enemy on fire for a followup combo. Similar to Killer Frost.

-Krushing Kombo: Every 10 hits, parry, or 20% he takes or lands begins making Liu Kang's eyes fill with raging flames of anger. a collection of tallies marked by his side of the EX bar indicates that Liu is fully charged. Similar to Catwoman's trait from injustice this would become a combo ender that would do more damage the more tallies it has. This would also be unbreakable by the opponent.
-1 Tally= a powerful fist on fire that would set the opponent midscreen with a soft down, Doing an unscaled 5%

-2 Tally= Another fist on fire thrown sending the opponent midscreen with a soft knockdown, doing an unscaled 7% damage.

-3 Tally= 2 more fire filled punches delivered sending the opponent midscreen with hard knockown, doing an unscaled 11% damage.

4 Tally= after the 4 punches a cartwheel that keeps the opponent right by you in a hard knockdown. doing an unscaled 15% damage

5 Tally= a giant kick to the jaw is delivered that launches the opponent (to Easter egg MK9's X-ray), and ends with a straight "falcon punch" that sends the opponent full-screen with a hard knockdown giving an unscaled 21% damage. Best used in the corner. ;)

Variation 3 possible names: "Shaolin Monk, Champion of Earthrealm, Protector, Guardian)
In this variation, Liu Kang remembers his Shaolin teachings and takes advantage of them by constantly keeping the opponent on their toes.

Variation specific specials:

-Dragon stance: Similar to Batgirl's flip or Hawkgirl's wing evade, this would allow Liu to evade danger or comeback with unique special moves. This can be aimed forward or backward.

-Special 1: Shaolin Surprise.
Liu comes down with a fake overhead dropkick into a sweep. Similar to Nightwing's U3D3

Special 2: Shaolin Step
Liu backflips or front flips away from the opponent and catches himself in a handstand that propels himself at the opponent with a double kick. Similar to Hawkgirl's Wing evade 3.

Special 3: Blazing blast
Liu Kang backflips into a fireball that can be aimed downward to hit overhead or high to catch jump ins.

Special 4: Shaolin Wrath
Similar to special 1 Liu commits to the overhead dropkick and ground bounces the opponent for a followup.

-Shaolin Spirit
Lui Kang begins charging a Fire Aura around him for 3 seconds that creates 3 orbs of fire around him similar to Black Adam's trait from Injustice. MB version ignores the charge time. These orbs will do 2% chip to the opponent and will do 5% each if the opponent is not blocking but cause no hitstun. These orbs can be launches off 1 by one by performing the motion for shaolin spirit once more and serve as a projectile barrier for Liu. They disappear after Liu is hit.

Please let me know what you guys think of this as I am very curious how you think he will play in MKX. :)


Hawk girls wing evade 3 doesn't belong in mk. But stances are cool. I don't like the parry but like the middle ones idea. I bet nrs decided to do different fireball for each of his variations


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
nice write up, can't wait to see how his variations end up, i'm so pumped, hopefully they show him off tomorrow!!


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
nice write up, can't wait to see how his variations end up, i'm so pumped, hopefully they show him off tomorrow!!
Well they did say that today's trailer was going to a "taste" of what will be shown so lets hope! :)