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Jade was in mk 1

nooooooo Jade was in mk 1..........I remember I fought her on sega....... 4 real..........no bull.........I was trying 2 get 2 reptile but I did it in the Endurance Round at the Pit stage..................I beat reptile and then a greenish looking sonya came out she had crazy moves......Some1 try this I honestly did this ..................


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The first time I saw that glitch was with my friend Steve. He was big on fighting Reptile and learned the strats to beat the computer. In order to fight what we use to call "The Retarded People" you had to set certain flags and get Double Flawless, Fatality on the Pit on I think the second Endurance. I'm not sure if it's exactly that specific, but that's how he use to do it.


I like to refer to them as the "-tiles". When defeating an endurane on the pit stage and applying all the other necessities to fight Reptile, you will battle a Reptile/ "-tile" endurance. Whoever the second character was, will become the "-tile". You had probably seen "Sontile". Usually there way too fast, have in battle fatality animation and a fatality animation is that characters special move.


I remember a guide which referred to those glitch characters as:

Reptilian Raiden
Cold Blooded Cage
Scaly Sonya

Man, gaming magazines were so much better back then.