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Good reads for fighting philosophy

RANDOM KOMBAT!: Read on High Level Play, Tactics, and 'Randomness'

Surprised this isn't posted on the front page, this was an awesome and enjoyable read. It discusses subjects regarding randomness, FG knowledge, tactics when playing SF. I believe it can be applied to MK9 strategic play as well and should be discussed because it's an interesting topic to flesh out.

I say this because now that EVO2K is done, and MK has had it's debut, I remember a huge discussion regarding the top 8 matches and more notably the Grandfinals between vVv REO and MCZ/DMG Perfect Legend. The discussion criticized and defended REO and Perfect Legends 'randomness', people were baffled on the fact that REO took many risks, unnecessary rolls and teleports, or the fact that Perfect Legend was overly happy with KL's spin. Though people said it was the creative mind of REO which lead him to do what he did with Mileena.

I even remember a poster claming, that REO/PL weren't 'Pro' because they were too 'random'.

i tought for a cheap lao win but reo didn't even uppercut out of those random teleports
btw i really would like to see gameplay improvements from top tiers
too many errors from PL REO and the others
stuff that you barely see from sf tops ad example

PL threw out so many random spins and REO kept abusing teleports that are easily punished (spin) by lao
random spin?come on, i expect that to be done by online players forced on reading not in an offline tournament between the best players even online you get beasted after
I suggest giving this a read, I enjoyed it. Take it or leave it. It is a good skill to have, and sometimes you need randomness, so people who go strictly by the book, should think twice.

Haha, yeah glad you guys were intrigued about the topic as much as me. Made me think, and realize about MK as well. It has it's place, and what a coincidence because people were criticizing the MK finals to be to 'random' and not up to par to be considered 'High Level'. Variety is the spice of life my friends ;).


Focused Grace and Intensity
That guy bshura was a troll. It got so bad Ojuggernaut actually edited one of his last posts in the EVO stream thread and it just said "EDIT: Stop trolling" lmao. Yeah I dont think ppl realize that REO took his risks when he had meter to break. Its what you cant help but notice with those high level guys, they became outgoing when breaker is there and more tight and less risky when the meter isnt close there yet.

Ppl also seem to mistate the numbers when it comes to what did or didnt get punished, what was blocked/hit or what not. For example, contraty to pop belief REO's Mil started punishing most TP's after the first two games where REO was notably nervous. PL's KL punished almost all of Mil's TLKs with spin etc. Nothing was ever just thrown out either. This was a game of reads and attempts at psychic calculation, as well as footsies, baiting...etc your char cant just do safe shit to take a championship, even if its sum1 like hat tier KL.


got here by accident

since you quoted some of my statements
putting them completely out of their original context
you could at least have brought this thread to my attention

and no, i'm not a troll
maybe i misplaced those posts in a thread where everyone was repping those guys for their (awesome) placements

errors are still errors
and in those vids there is plenty

i just think you can't judge any top player's performance just because the bandwagon will eat you alive


Get staffed bro
An interesting read for sure.

After blocking Raidens b312 string and then eating a superman, am I fighting an idiot or a genius? I've said the words 'Why would you do that!?' many times to myself, but guess sometimes it pays off to be unpredictable and random.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
What books do you guys recommend on in improving your outook in a match?
some books i have read are art of war and 48 laws of power, playing mk after reading these really opened my mind to the posibilities in this game. also an article on randomness that was posted on this site was also most interesting.
has anything youve read or watched changed the way you see mk? lets hear it!!


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
thank you very much beef, looking at the table of contents it seem they have referenced art of war?


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
i'm reading the part of ryu's fireball trap, and i dont play SF , but i do very similiar tactics with ermac.
"fear aura" thats what its all about! its really cool seeing it put into words.


This shit should be front paged permanently. The analogy of fighting games and chess is great. Ive re-read it many times. Anything that facilitates a little self reflection is definitely value added.


Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


I'm doing an essay for english class on playing to win. I'm using David Sirlin's book as a source along with my insight as to how it relates to everyday life. My teacher likes the essay but requires more sources.

Anyone know any other books like "Playing to win: Becoming the Champion."?