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Match Footage - Ermac Ermac to Black (Secret/Glitched) Beta Brutality?!


Soul Ascended
Ok so it has happened again! This time, on the Beta and with my main, Ermac! After the Brutality starts, the screen fades to black making it look oh so sweet and sexy but I still have no idea if its a secret or a happy accident! The way it fades gives a feel of the old 'cut to black' style fatals like it was back int' day so I wanna lean more towards this is a secret but again, I don't know. Here it is here when I was having a ton of fun with the new and improved, SPECTRAL!

As I mentioned this has happened before. The first time this happened was with Erron Black. I made a thread about it back in October as well.

Has anyone seen or had this happened apart from myself? Both of these 'blackscreen brutals' have happened on the first Brutality in the characters respective lists. Aside from that, there where no other similar factors. I don't think I was holding any specific combination of inputs either but I am not sure. (I was far far too happy at the time I was playing Spectral on the beta. He is honestly the mutts nuts!)

I hope its a secret we can figure out! NRS has confirmed that there are still brutals we are unaware of. Could this be one of many?

P.S - :u:d+:blk is a godsend. :cool:

EDIT - It is a consistent thing apparently which has only recently been discovered by @ETC Mcfly so credit to him for grinding out the requirements!

- Can only be done on Quan Chi Fortress, Dead Woods, Emperors Courtyard & Destroyed City
- The last hit before the Brutality has to be the level interaction that changes the camera (Usually found on the left hand side corner but in the case of Destroyed City, it's on the right)
- Perform Brutality!

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Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I wish we had the option to make it fade to black if we want to - like hold down a couple of buttons or something. Maybe that's what it is! Did you hold any buttons down or anything? Probably a glitch or something though :p


Soul Ascended
I wish we had the option to make it fade to black if we want to - like hold down a couple of buttons or something. Maybe that's what it is! Did you hold any buttons down or anything? Probably a glitch or something though :p
I hope it is. Once I can understand but twice?! Its gotta be a secret! :p

I can't remember what I was holding in at the time apart from tears of joy!


I think there are many threads on this now. AFAIK the last hit before the brutality has to be an interactable with special animation (the ones where the camera closes in to show the hit, not sure if it works with others). Was the previous hit in your match the branch on the left side?

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
nausea this is unrelated but how the fuck do u do spectrals brutal ive tried it so many times , hover into soul charge does nothing !!! also how is the new ermac ??? i dont have the beta myself :)


Soul Ascended
I think there are many threads on this now. AFAIK the last hit before the brutality has to be an interactable with special animation (the ones where the camera closes in to show the hit, not sure if it works with others). Was the previous hit in your match the branch on the left side?
Ahhh I've not seen any threads and I checked Youtube for content but couldn't find anything! The player I was fighting used that interactable before he got brutal'd which is also the case with the previous Erron Black one so we are onto something! (If its not already been confirmed how to lol ) Thanks for the info man! :D

nausea this is unrelated but how the fuck do u do spectrals brutal ive tried it so many times , hover into soul charge does nothing !!! also how is the new ermac ??? i dont have the beta myself :)
They must be standing and you can't remain in hover once the opponent has 0 life so it has to be your final hit! And he is ammmmmmmazing! :D
I'm surprised it still went to black after you levitating for that long. From ETC_McFly's vid's, it seemed like the Bru had to happend RIGHT after the interactable


Soul Ascended
I'm surprised it still went to black after you levitating for that long. From ETC_McFly's vid's, it seemed like the Bru had to happend RIGHT after the interactable
I think it must just have to be the last hit before the brutal itself. I will do some proper testing asap :)


Soul Ascended
Edited with how to! :D
Should have had this figured out back in July but that's what I get for being a lazy mf ;)