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A couple of cheap Steam games


Both seem like good deals. $4 for Ghostbusters, I may have to take up that offer.

I just finished the Butcher Bay section of Chronicles of Riddick and goddamn that alone was worth the $6.79 IMO. Can't believe there's a whole other game in there still.

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage is still downloading. Considering it costs the same as 1 or 2 rounds of an actual arcade racer, I am really psyched about that deal as well.

Tim Static

Ghostbusters, allbeit short, was awesome.

and Chronicles of Riddick was a GREAT package, 2 great games for such a low price (console version is $20 or less)


Still waiting to try out FlatOut. Sadly they ran out of CD keys. I didn't realize they would keep selling even when they didn't have keys for it. Hopefully they'll get more.

Finally got a support request in just to be thorough. Took forever because somehow they managed to send all correspondence to my old e-mail address instead of the current, verified, email address on the account. I thought the point of verifying your e-mail account was to prevent hijackers, so why would they send all their messages to an e-mail address they shouldn't even have on file anymore?

Ahh Steam. Great for the cheap stuff, still not worthy of being trusted.

Ha, one of their moderators was insulting customers that were experiencing the problem. Steam is just a world of fun.