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5 year old Hacks XBOX ONE by accident...


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Well this is awkward...Source Yahoo games has reported that 5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel from San Diego hacked the xbox one gaming console...

The 5 year olds father works in computer securtiy after asking his son how he did it he "entering the wrong password on his father's account, the Xbox defaulted to a password verification screen. Kristoffer simply typed in a bunch of space keys and hit ‘enter’, unwittingly opening up a back door that Microsoft had previously been unaware existed."

Turns out the 5 year old has a history of finding back doors to certain electronics such as his fathers cell phone. For the child's troubles looks like microsoft is giving the kid $50 cash and a year long subscription for HACKING AN XBOX ONE ACCOUNT...

Apparently Microsoft has since patched the issue..but its something to think about..so many questions....

So..should they have hired the kid onto the Microsoft team? Is it ok to reward hackers with $ for breaching security? Should they have giving this family a free copy of Killer Instinct..? Is your account safe...?

What do you think TYM? Discuss..

Source: https://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/5-old-exposes-xbox-one-security-flaw-164940605.html


TYM White Knight
Well this is awkward...Source Yahoo games has reported that 5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel from San Diego hacked the xbox one gaming console...

The 5 year olds father works in computer securtiy after asking his son how he did it he "entering the wrong password on his father's account, the Xbox defaulted to a password verification screen. Kristoffer simply typed in a bunch of space keys and hit ‘enter’, unwittingly opening up a back door that Microsoft had previously been unaware existed."

Turns out the 5 year old has a history of finding back doors to certain electronics such as his fathers cell phone. For the child's troubles looks like microsoft is giving the kid $50 cash and a year long subscription for HACKING AN XBOX ONE ACCOUNT...

Apparently Microsoft has since patched the issue..but its something to think about..so many questions....

So..should they have hired the kid onto the Microsoft team? Is it ok to reward hackers with $ for breaching security? Should they have giving this family a free copy of Killer Instinct..? Is your account safe...?

What do you think TYM? Discuss..

Source: https://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/5-old-exposes-xbox-one-security-flaw-164940605.html

A lot of companies pay people for finding exploits. Google is one of them.


"On your Knees!"
The kid can Hack and fuck around on Xbox Live for all I care, but he better not get it twisted with PSN.