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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I'm a PC gamer who got a PS3 for MK9 and you call me a Xbox fanboy? The more you reply to my posts the less sense you make.

So because you got a PS3 just for MK9.

And you are getting a Xbox One just for Killer Instinct.

And you are actually defending the Xbox One JUST FOR THIS REASON.

This doesn't make you a fanboy?


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
There is no piracy in consoles, or well there is but its negligible.
It's not negligible, it's just not as pervasive as it is on PC.

This is about used games, not about piracy. And sony offer the same digital content if you want it... if you want it. ITs just that microsoft are forcing you because they hate used games.
Incorrect. Microsoft doesn't directly care about used games. Publishers care about used games, and Microsoft is trying to appeal to publishers. It's working.

Turning consoles, into a glorified steambox you can't upgrade would make consoles fucking pointless. Might as well buy a PC if all xbone has done is turned their console into a PC without upgrades or mods...
That has been Microsoft's stated goal since they first entered the console business. They want to make an easy-to-use system that is integrated with all forms of home digital entertainment. As I said many times before, they're kinda competing with Sony, but their real competition is with Apple, who is currently completely dominating the only substantial growth market in electronic entertainment.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
So all of you people that are die-hard Sony users want to call people fanboys because they support the company they prefer? Please, get out of here.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Get the Xbox One and Killer Instinct, and enjoy it.

But DONT go around preaching to everyone that Xbox and Microsoft are doing something that is justified here.

They are being dictators and are trying to shape the world into something that will make them more money in the future despite the consumer losing basic rights that they've had since gaming began.

So all of you people that are die-hard Sony users want to call people fanboys because they support the company they prefer? Please, get out of here.
I own a Xbox360.

I'm not a fanboy of anything.

I'm here to remind people that they have rights as a consumer and that they should think twice about supporting a company that is willingly and openly wanting to take away those rights to make a future where they profit more.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Incorrect. Microsoft doesn't directly care about used games. Publishers care about used games, and Microsoft is trying to appeal to publishers. It's working.

That has been Microsoft's stated goal since they first entered the console business. They want to make an easy-to-use system that is integrated with all forms of home digital entertainment. As I said many times before, they're kinda competing with Sony, but their real competition is with Apple, who is currently completely dominating the only substantial growth market in electronic entertainment.

You're happy about them pandering to publishers? Rather than consumers?

As for microsoft... I don't buy it. People don't buy 'entertainment' boxes for 'entertainment'. If I want to watch tv, I use sky. If I want to use skype, I use skype. No one is wanting for this.

People cared about xbox for GAMING. And if you are fucking over your customers, I don't care how good your intentions are about the future or whatever bullshit they try to spew, I care about gaming and xbone fucks over gamers.
There is no piracy in consoles, or well there is but its negligible.

This is about used games, not about piracy. And sony offer the same digital content if you want it... if you want it. ITs just that microsoft are forcing you because they hate used games.

Turning consoles, into a glorified steambox you can't upgrade would make consoles fucking pointless. Might as well buy a PC if all xbone has done is turned their console into a PC without upgrades or mods...

I would do that in a heartbeat if KI makes it to PC. Steam The Big Picture IMO is a fantastic alternative to both PS4 and X1, putting exclusives aside.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Get the Xbox One and Killer Instinct, and enjoy it.

But DONT go around preaching to everyone that Xbox and Microsoft are doing something that is justified here.

They are being dictators and are trying to shape the world into something that will make them more money in the future despite the consumer losing basic rights that they've had since gaming began.

I own a Xbox360.

I'm not a fanboy of anything. I'm here to remind people that they have rights as a consumer and that they should think twice about supporting a company that is willingly and openly wanting to take away those rights to make a future where they profit more.
But you can preach that they are doing something unjustified? :confused:

All this thread comes down to is this: get the console you want. Shut up about your opinions on how one company is unjust or "tyrants." Go play the console you think you will enjoy the most and hope you don't regret the purchase.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
You misinterpret everything I say.

I say that MS policies do not affect me. Go re-read starting from post #1 and maybe, just maybe, you will get off my back because quite frankly you've been nothing but a pest to me lately and I don't take to kindly to this kind of harassment. Following me in every thread trying to paint me into something I'm not.

Further arguments from you will be dealt with via PM because all you try to do is derail threads.
They might not affect you but you could at least condemn them.
They might not affect you but you could at least condemn them.

I already said I personally don't find their policies necessary. Ultimately, since they don't affect me I won't go and bitch about it because that would be a waste of my time.

It's bitching about rain. I used to call that Infantry Sunshine :p


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
I already said I personally don't find their policies necessary. Ultimately, since they don't affect me I won't go and bitch about it because that would be a waste of my time.

It's bitching about rain. I used to call that Infantry Sunshine :p
I understand exactly what you're saying. Everyone that complains about X1's policies probably fear that they will impact them due to poor internet connection, etc.

I'm with you though. Microsoft's next gen policies don't have any bearing on my decision as they don't affect me. Let's all keep in mind that this is June. A lot will change with both of these by November.
They might not affect you but you could at least condemn them.

Why would you want me to run around condemning Microsoft? Just because I disagree with one of their policies doesn't mean I have to go full EMO and start shitstorms all over the internet. Just because the rest of the internet is doing so doesn't mean I have to.. you know, the whole jumping off a bridge story and what not.

I feel like a boss, this gen is aligned with where I stand as a gamer. No complaints here I just can't wait to dive in =)


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Microsoft wants to take away consumer rights that consumers have had since gaming even started; the ability to share their games, the choice to not be monitored online, and to play offline.

Just because these things don't affect some, they'll go along with it. Just losing their rights.

This is how dictators end up getting into office in smaller countries. Because of people who won't be affected from the get go about the loss of their rights just because they get something they want in return. In this case it's a handful of games they want from the system.

In my line of work we call this by what we see it. Thanks though, at least now I know the mindset of the people who are actually going with Microsoft on this one. "Doesn't affect me! So why not support them?". The big picture doesn't mean much as long as you could play the games you want.

I don't agree at all, but in the end, yea, it's your opinions. Have fun.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
You're happy about them pandering to publishers? Rather than consumers?
I don't recall stating that I was happy about it or not happy about it. I stated that as their intention.

If you're asking if it makes sense to me, it absolutely does. You need publishers to make games, and in the past, the console with the strongest games dominates the cycle. Even with the internet explosion over E3, XB1 exclusives are still getting more attention than Sony exclusives. Take a look at the front page and you'll see that I mean. ;-)

As for microsoft... I don't buy it. People don't buy 'entertainment' boxes for 'entertainment'. If I want to watch tv, I use sky. If I want to use skype, I use skype. No one is wanting for this.
You are not correct. In 2011, 40% of xbox use was not gaming-related (mostly Netflix), and that number has increased.

As far as "no one" wanting this, that's a pretty amazing statement. The market is showing they want unified entertainment devices, and they don't want a phone, a portable gaming device (Vita or DS), a laptop, a desktop, a proprietary home console, a cable box, a DVD player, a desktop computer, and a stereo system. They want a versatile smart phone that plays games. They want a tablet. They want to stream movies to their TV from their console. The market wants an all-in-one solution, and that's what MS is trying to provide... and Sony is too, but they're being coy about it at the moment.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Microsoft wants to take away consumer rights that consumers have had since gaming even started; the ability to share their games, the choice to not be monitored online, and to play offline.

Just because these things don't affect some, they'll go along with it. Just losing their rights.

This is how dictators end up getting into office in smaller countries. Because of people who won't be affected from the get go about the loss of their rights just because they get something they want in return. In this case it's a handful of games they want from the system.

In my line of work we call this by what we see it. Thanks though, at least now I know the mindset of the people who are actually going with Microsoft on this one. "Doesn't affect me! So why not support them?". The big picture doesn't mean much as long as you could play the games you want.

I don't agree at all, but in the end, yea, it's your opinions.
So, you know for a fact that Microsoft has a secret agenda to take away consumer rights? My oh my, what the scandal.
The way I see it is this. As of right now, the only reason to get the Xbox 1 is due to the exclusives (which is completely respectable), or because you are a fan of Microsoft due to consumer trust due to their past consoles. But as it stands now, the PS4 is better than the Xbox 1 in every way. It is cheaper, has better hardware, has less restrictive ideology when it comes to games sharing and always having the Kinect on, and is offline functional regardless of if you care or not. I see a lot of people arguing that the offline functionality does not matter to them but they refuse to give reasons of why the Xbox 1 is better than the PS4 otherwise. If you feel that an Xbox 1 suits you better than by all means go ahead and get one but don't argue that the Xbox 1 is in anyway superior to the PS4 with the information currently available or that people should get one as that is frankly untrue.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
So, you know for a fact that Microsoft has a secret agenda to take away consumer rights? My oh my, what the scandal.

They're pretty open about their sharing policies.

They're pretty open about their online policies and 24hour check ins online.

It's not a secret. Even if it doesn't affect you. Don't think for a second you aren't losing the ability to do things that you were able to with Xbox360/PS4/SNES/and any system from the beginning of console gaming.