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Black Adam General Discussion Thread


I played on Jer's stream instead of doing my phys lab lol. Don't really feel like posting so go look at Jer's archive to see my matches. They include electric ball setups, frame traps, anti wakeup traps, and psuedo option selects. Oh and my new optimized corner combo is somewhere in the matches too.

You can either start it with trait already active and do 22b1,nj.3~dk ,22b1~qfb1,b23 u1+2 54% I think
You can also start it without trait 22~trait 22b1,nj.3~dk ,22b1~qfb1,b23 u1+2 also does 54%


What are you guys using for blockstrings?
I've been using B2, 3 B1, 2 and D1xxlighting tickle thing


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey guys I had a very very productive day in the lab today, going to post all about it tomorrow and try and get some videos. I would now but I'm super sleepy at the moment and I found a few things. :)


Neutral Skipper
I didn't even want him in the game at first since we already had Shazam but Black Adam is fun as fuck. I might stick with him.


EX Ovi should launch
Can anyone who has the game make a post with the Frame Data in for his moves.

Just the one from his ingame move-list. I cant find any data here on the forum so it would be a good thing to have !


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Can anyone who has the game make a post with the Frame Data in for his moves.

Just the one from his ingame move-list. I cant find any data here on the forum so it would be a good thing to have !
If someone else doesn't post it all by the time I get home I will.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Ok so here is what I was messing with in the lab yesterday:​
1) I found a pretty good corner setup and the way I'm going to end strings into bombs last night. If you hit a Black Magic in a corner combo while the opponent is juggled, you can finish the combo with b2 into bomb, and then do a close dive kick as close to the ground as you can. It seems as if it's escapable but the window looks PRETTY DAMN SMALL. It will cause an unblockable juggle and give you at least a 36% juggle in the corner. I added up all my damage and got 58% meterless in the corner off of a very basic starting combo just to get into the setup.​
2) If you hit a full screen Black Magic in a juggle combo you can kind of really get in people's heads with some dive kick setups. I would first probably just let the dive kick hit a couple of times so that they might not expect what's next, because the thing is if you make the dive kick whiff you will land behind the opponent as they fall being place directly behind them for a cross over. This is where I just went in with b2 into orbs 11 and hit them with an overhead starter. I haven't got to test it in match yet, but will try to set it up today and see how it works.​
3) It was really late when I found it and my roommate was sleeping so he didn't get to help me test it. Therefore, I'm not sure if it's legit or not but I'm like 95% sure I found a fuzzy guard setup with him. If you jump in with a really deep 3, you can do an instant jump forward 1 and if it is a fuzzy setup, which like I said I'm very confident it is one, it will hit if the opponent does anything other than crouch. To add on to it, you can add another hit or even full combo by cancelling the 1 into dive kick/ex dive kick.​
That's about it. I thought I found a double cross up but it turned out to not be so. If you cancel cross ups into far dive kicks at the right time the dive kick will either go through your opponent and be blocked on the other side of him or it will go through and put Adam full screen. I thought that when it was blocked on the other side it might be a cross up, but it wasn't. ;__;​


TYM White Knight
I am messing around with 13. It's leading to much better lightning setups than 22b1.

I am labbing trying to cover his weaknesses. Blackadam has a hard time against people that poke him. His 6f starter is a high so it's no help and his other moves are too slow. I am trying to work on frametraps. B23 and 13 are good to be at advantage. If 13 hit, it leads to a really good lightning trap setup. I am going to flesh them out more when I get home, but I really want to iron out what he can and cannot do.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I am messing around with 13. It's leading to much better lightning setups than 22b1.

I am labbing trying to cover his weaknesses. Blackadam has a hard time against people that poke him. His 6f starter is a high so it's no help and his other moves are too slow. I am trying to work on frametraps. B23 and 13 are good to be at advantage. If 13 hit, it leads to a really good lightning trap setup. I am going to flesh them out more when I get home, but I really want to iron out what he can and cannot do.
He has a 6f d1 too doesn't he?


TYM White Knight
With no low starter he is going to have a hard time opening people up as well. Once people learn how to punish dive kick, he is going to have to rely on his frametraps...which exist, but need to be perfected.

Some simple little things I figured out in 15 minutes this morning before work.

13 on opponents wakeup is good. Whiff the one, and the 3 hits meaty. If it hits you can confirm it into a lightning trap that lands right underneath them if it's blocked you are at +5 and get at the very least a free d1. The opponent cannot press a button. B23 on block nets you a B1 which is +4 on block and puts you in range for a B2 again or a lightning.

Got to figure out how to punish people better for jumping tho because when you play adam, people are going to jump.


TYM White Knight
As it stands, Black Adam has all the overheads in the world to punish crouch blockers, but when he is in their face, he is poke bait. That's why I am trying to work out some good pressure setups.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
He does, but it's -1 on block and hits mid not low :(

I was using it thinking it was positive on block. Last nights matches against Rip's Joker make so much more sense now lol
That's really good still though lol. The reason I brought it up is because if people are just low poking your 11 string you can counter that by starting with d1 as well just to keep them in check and continue pressure. I really agree with you on his AA's though, they leave a lot to be desired. From certain ranges b2 is pretty good, but it isn't really consistently reliable.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
As it stands, Black Adam has all the overheads in the world to punish crouch blockers, but when he is in their face, he is poke bait. That's why I am trying to work out some good pressure setups.
Its seems to me since he has so much that leaves him at advantage he doesn't have much of a need for lows. He just has so much to trap people and keep them in check. Add in his damage output and you really don't have a need for lows except for the pokes and projectiles (lol) given.


TYM White Knight
That's really good still though lol. The reason I brought it up is because if people are just low poking your 11 string you can counter that by starting with d1 as well just to keep them in check and continue pressure. I really agree with you on his AA's though, they leave a lot to be desired. From certain ranges b2 is pretty good, but it isn't really consistently reliable.
D1 wont jail them standing tho. So D1 even if it hits you wont be able to get your 6f 1 out without getting poked since it will whiff.


TYM White Knight
Its seems to me since he has so much that leaves him at advantage he doesn't have much of a need for lows. He just has so much to trap people and keep them in check. Add in his damage output and you really don't have a need for lows except for the pokes and projectiles (lol) given.
Yes and no. He has some nice traps, but the push back on them kills them. B23 and B1 work nice together, but after the B1 he can be poked out of another B2 and he is out of range to hit another b1. Basically, he needs a deterrent from constant d1 mashing.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
D1 wont jail them standing tho. So D1 even if it hits you wont be able to get your 6f one out without getting poked since it will whiff.
No that wasn't what I was saying lol. Use the d1 strictly to get advantage and keep the low pokes in check, and follow up with any string afterwards. Also, if they are crouching that much you should be hitting overheads lol.


TYM White Knight
No that wasn't what I was saying lol. Use the d1 strictly to get advantage and keep the low pokes in check, and follow up with any string afterwards. Also, if they are crouching that much you should be hitting overheads lol.
Oh I understand, it's just after a d1 is blocked, black adams pressure ends. Period. He can be counter poked. In theory yes, he should be blowing people up with overheads if they are crouching...makes sense right? But if they are crouch poking 1 whiffs (his fast starter) 2 gets beat by the poke, B2 gets beat by the poke. His overhead options are negated.

A setup I use to really fuck with people is land a blocked launcher, and then do b2...THAT works lol


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Yes and no. He has some nice traps, but the push back on them kills them. B23 and B1 work nice together, but after the B1 he can be poked out of another B2 and he is out of range to hit another b1. Basically, he needs a deterrent from constant d1 mashing.
No he doesn't NEED it haha. If people low poking are giving you that much trouble you need to start poking back, and using mixing up different strings as well as sometime cancelling them early into specials or even trait so you can get more going. Another option you have for low pokes if they are blowing you up that bad is to just dive kick that shit lol.


TYM White Knight
No he doesn't NEED it haha. If people low poking are giving you that much trouble you need to start poking back, and using mixing up different strings as well as sometime cancelling them early into specials or even trait so you can get more going. Another option you have for low pokes if they are blowing you up that bad is to just dive kick that shit lol.
Ah another good idea.

So lets look at some string mixups. 22 is negative on block 22b1 is negative on block B1 is positive, but there is no mixups it's either b1 or your negative. B23 is + on block and is good, B2 by itself is negative. 1 is good, but 90 percent of the time your opponent is going to crouch block (it's a back to block game). So it becomes almost usless.

I am not trying to be a negative nancy lol It's great having this convo and trying to flesh it out because when I get home that's exactly what I plan on doing.


No that wasn't what I was saying lol. Use the d1 strictly to get advantage and keep the low pokes in check, and follow up with any string afterwards. Also, if they are crouching that much you should be hitting overheads lol.
You could use d1 into that lighting storm to condition people to respect it. It combos on hit and is only -3 on block with some pushback.

Will you be on PSN today? I need to get more practice with BA since right now all I'm managing to land is random 20% combos, and 500 lighting/divekicks.


TYM White Knight
You could use d1 into that lighting storm to condition people to respect it. It combos on hit and is only -3 on block with some pushback.

Will you be on PSN today? I need to get more practice with BA since right now all I'm managing to land is random 20% combos, and 500 lighting/divekicks.
What do you combo with after lightning storm?