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Question Will 50/50's be gone?


Soul Caliber, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, and SF.
Hi, i do think 50/50 will be toned down. Quan Chi b2 is one of Quan Chi's main tools to open up the opponent but now it will be a mid in the new patch. I am wondering how this affects the game itself. <3
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Low tier button masher.
I think 50/50's will be toned down a bit. If you watch the Kitana buff gif it seems Ermac gets hit while trying to crouch block her overhead so they'll still be around. But hopefully a lot less.


Sonya still has her B1. It's just that you have to delay her B3 if you want it to hit at the same time a B1 would now.
Stop reminding me of sonyas AIDS design all 50/50s main stings? Overhead low into more guessing oh what I can't run in bc of zoning and I have no patience? Ex arc kick since I don't spend bar at all for combos or anything else I'll always have that available. Oh what I have no neutral hold this godlike jump in into mix oh what have no patience for zoning dive kick full combo. Oh what I have no spacing whiff dive kick that leads into a full combo and almost safe on block eh I whiffed it so what D3. Oh what u wanna block the d3 after I dive kick and full combo my poke because I have no reactions and I press buttons on a blocked poke? Pff lemme do an overhead after I whiff my hard to punish on block dive kick.... CONDITIONONG BOIIIII HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO GOOD I PLAY SONYA HAHA OH WAIT IBJUSTICE 2 no 50/50s uhhhh FK IBJUSTICE 2 it looks gei superheros n stuff I'm not getting it totally because of the superheros not because I have no 50/50s now pff. Oh wait Harley might have 50/50s eh I GUESSS I'll get it just because I like Harley, oh wat they changed it so she has no 50/50s eh I'll sell ThE game who wants to play that game because of one stupid char? The life of a Sonya player
Stop reminding me of sonyas AIDS design all 50/50s main stings? Overhead low into more guessing oh what I can't run in bc of zoning and I have no patience? Ex arc kick since I don't spend bar at all for combos or anything else I'll always have that available. Oh what I have no neutral hold this godlike jump in into mix oh what have no patience for zoning dive kick full combo. Oh what I have no spacing whiff dive kick that leads into a full combo and almost safe on block eh I whiffed it so what D3. Oh what u wanna block the d3 after I dive kick and full combo my poke because I have no reactions and I press buttons on a blocked poke? Pff lemme do an overhead after I whiff my hard to punish on block dive kick.... CONDITIONONG BOIIIII HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO GOOD I PLAY SONYA HAHA OH WAIT IBJUSTICE 2 no 50/50s uhhhh FK IBJUSTICE 2 it looks gei superheros n stuff I'm not getting it totally because of the superheros not because I have no 50/50s now pff. Oh wait Harley might have 50/50s eh I GUESSS I'll get it just because I like Harley, oh wat they changed it so she has no 50/50s eh I'll sell ThE game who wants to play that game because of one stupid char? The life of a Sonya player
Inj2 will have no 50/50's?
If you luv fight games then you should know that all fighting games have 50/50s.
I only play mk and sf, I feel mk's 50/50's lead to way too much damage. I've seen good players having better fundamentals getting beat by other not so good players because they guessed wrong on a 50/50. Unfortunately guys like me who play Kitana only get a knock down. But honestly I'd like this to be universal.


Bonafide Jax scrub
It'll still be around. Just more toned down imo. I'm imagining that the 50/50's will be similar to what ninjutsu has with the f2 mixup. One is safe while the other can be blown up if read right. one option is a full combo launcher while the other doesn't lead to much damage and mainly use to condition but highly punishable. It can possibly go in thay direction for some characters.


Fighting games in essence are basically overly complicated rock-paper-scissors. Tokido doesn't get thrown 3-4 times in a row by Infiltration because he's a bum that can't react.

Strike/throw is a 50/50, strike/delayed strike is a 50/50. The neutral game has tons of guess work, in any game.

The difference between players will always be knowledge, experience, reactions, etc. There's enough depth in fighting games, that the amount of guessing will not always matter. The better player will typically win. Foxy for example will often throw people after he blocks one of their pokes. Most players are not deep enough into the counterpoke meta to consider that as often as he does. When there are so many options to make reads/guesses with, players can pull ahead, despite a lot of it being just guessing.

I don't understand the notion that strike/throw is so much better than overhead/low. Maybe it's because throws are stronger on SFV, but I just don't see it.


Positive Poster!
Hi, a little less than two days before the big patch and I'd like to hear what you guys think about 50/50's in the new patch? Will they still exist? Will they get toned down? Are non existing 50/50's gonna change the game to be the best Mk yet? (If they remove them ofcourse).
We don't know. Stream is tonight. Wait and see.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
We won't know till we see tonight stream. They just shared an ounce of this upcoming patch, and everybody started speculating. I'm not going to base on such speculations till I see it with my own eyes.


The Power of Lame Compels You
Toned down, not removed completely. This is MKX, 50/50's while they'll be hit significantly, some characters will still have them because that's their game plan. For example, I don't see Butcher, CT Kano, Sonya, Erron Black, and a bunch of others just straight up losing them. I think the characters that don't need them will lose them (Mileena I'm looking at you)