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Who do you think are the 5 most "OP" fighters in MKXL?

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Ferra Tour has bad .match ups sir

I know they're not top 5 probably, but no one even considering ferra torr hurts my head. That character is very stupid.

Anyways my top 5 are (in no order)- Alien (both variations), Sonya, mileena, Takeda (even lasher needs some nerfs IMO), and a toss up with Kano and Dvorah

But this discussion is pointless since more than these 5 have something to be needed about them. We don't want tier shifting again.
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It's not that Jason isn't potent

(6 frame d1 that's -2 on block. 6 frame d2? Great mid string with b12 that covers long range. Unstoppable being fairly ridiculous in the corner)

Or even that Mystic Ermac isn't strong (he isn't Top 5. Top 10 absolutely but not 5)

It's looking at which 5 characters have tools that completely out class most of the roster.


Piercing Mileena (Ravenous & Ethereal are good too)

Demolition/Special Forces. Demo getting nerfed is just going to lead go S.F doing relatively the same thing on a smaller scale.

Cut Throat - S.E

A List- Unfortunately the army of cage Downplayers will never convince me this character is fine.

It should be a top 10 list since there are a lot of ridiculous characters in this game.

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
I refuse to believe he's serious. Just don't respond to him anymore please. Let the cancer die and just wait for the inevitable Sonya and Kano nerfs
Im serious alright! All these other characters in the game have 50/50 and good tools also, but everyone deem Sonya and Kano OP? Yet, I haven't seen a Sonya or Kano player win a Major, if they so OP. Mileena more OP then both of them combine.


The downplaying in this thread. Holy hell.

Man it's how it always is here when a patch is about to drop. Gotta defend your broken shit before it gets taken out cause NRS surely listens to bums who don't place right.



happens every fucking patch, it is seriously old now. If my character gets hit, fuck it. I deal with it or drop the character for the next one. Predator has been nerfed ~30 times and I never made a post saying he shouldn't be nerfed cause of "x". If NRS thinks they deserve nerfs they deserve nerfs, that's how it is. Cyrax got rekt too. In like a month. BLEH.

So many tears will be shed when this patch drops. Can't wait lul


MK1 is the best MK period.
If you really think Sonya isn't gonna get nerfed you're delusional. Just like I was when I thought Pre XL Lao wouldnt get nerfed. Sorry but when you have the entire community complaining about this broken character. They'll get nerfed
Poor tempest. Wasn't even the best in the game at +12

Diego de Souza Costa

***The Soul Consuming Darkness***
Im serious alright! All these other characters in the game have 50/50 and good tools also, but everyone deem Sonya and Kano OP? Yet, I haven't seen a Sonya or Kano player win a Major, if they so OP. Mileena more OP then both of them combine.
Did Vanilla Sagat ever won a major ?!... that's a weak argument m8...


The Power of Lame Compels You
So Erron Black is the best character in the game considering he's won more majors than any other character.
This. This is why the whole "They haven't won majors" logic is just dumb. As many people have said, Cyrax didn't win THAT many majors in MK9 and he was easily top 5. Stop using only tournament results to determine character's strengths.


AUS FGC represent!
Characters that require a nerf:
Alien (all)
Mileena (Piercing)
Sonya (Demo)
Takeda (All)
Kano (Cutthroat)
Johnny (A-List, Stunt Double)
D'Vorah (Swarm Queen)
Jason (unstoppable)
Ermac (Mystic, Spectral)
Jacqui (Shotgun)

Honestly if they only nerfed these characters, even if tiers were shifted, the new top tiers would be much more manageable. Hopefully they're smart with adjustments and don't over nerf but we'll see.
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Sonya Demolition may be OP, but Covert Ops isn't, so NRS please be careful when nerfing universal moves.

Mileena isn't top 5 for me, she's very good but I don't think she deserve to be in the "top 5 OP fighters". I don't say she's perfectly balanced, she needs little nerfs, but she's not top 5 imo;
[QUOTE="Pan1cMode, post: 2160177, member:

Even if tiers were shifted, the new top tiers would be much more manageable. Hopefully they're smart with adjustments and don't over nerf but we'll see.[/QUOTE]

This makes no sense to be honest. Lmao


Motor City Warrior
A couple of caveats: I'm not a tournament level player, just an online kasual, so this is just what I think and nothing more. (I voted with ya'lls just incase Boon takes this particular poll seriously). So don't get all uppity, I'm just talking about the shit that effects people at my level and it might contrast with ya'll that are at the top.

Mileena's whole design feels like "You hold block and try to punish her, she chooses how, when, and where she wants to pressure you. Also she can zone you at will and lol telekick if you try to move forward." A character that you can not pressure is really lame.

Jason does fucking retarded damage way too easily in Slasher. It's not that he's super great it just bothers me on principal that a 5year old can deal 35-40% meterless.

Either Kenshi's overhead teleport in Possessed is really stupid or I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I can uppercut it, sometimes I cant. If I block it, it feels like he gets to follow up with anything, or just backdash and keep zoning. You guys say he's actually a shit character, but damned if I can take advantage of whatever his supposed drawback is.

Jacqui's Machine gun could stand a gentle nerf. I like the character, but even I think that move is too good. I'd go for something like a damage buff at the cost of more recovery. I also think it's pretty lame that it breaks armor. I mean that's a meterless projectile breaking armor. O and give a bitch some reach please.

Ermac and Inferno Scorpion do really stupid damage off of easy to connect specials.

That's what it looks like down here guys.
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AUS FGC represent!
This makes no sense to be honest. Lmao

I'm saying that if those characters are nerfed, the bullshit that the characters have beneath is definitely manageable. Even if the characters just beneath rise up to become the new top tier, we won't be dealing with 3 50/50s in a row from demo or insane meter building and space control from piercing or ridiculous pressure and footsies of A-List and D'Vorah. If the worst character we have to deal with is Kotal Khan, I can live with that.
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I'm saying that if those characters are nerfed, the bullshit that the characters have beneath is definitely manageable. Even if those characters rise up to become the new top tier, we won't be dealing with 3 50/50s in a row from demo or insane meter build building and space control from piercing or ridiculous pressure and footsies of A-List and D'Vorah. If the worst character we have to deal with is Kotal Khan, I can live with that.
Outside of the 5-7 "dumb" variations/characters is there anyone in the game that overwhelm players with their tools?
Previous to takeda, sonya, kano etc etc you would of been saying the same thing these characters will not be a problem. You will not know that untill you see how NRS buffs them, reptile could end up being S you never know. Every top tier is annoying in there own respect you just dont know who could end up where, I'm sure you never thought low tier badness takeda, kano etc would become super problematic. So the saying the next top tiers will not be as problematic is silly. Kanos air ball was changed to an overhead from a mid. These low tiers very well could receive over heads or lows. So next patch around you might be dealing with a 50/50 all day beast mode Kenshi. You don't know, you can't say the next top tiers will be any less trouble then these. Even balanced might all off a sudden become "extremely unbalanced" and very problematic! Lol