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General/Other - Pyromancer Tanya Pyromancer Discussion Thread


It's not about Projectile zoning in the classic NRS sense since the recovery on ground and air fire ball are not too great,

It really is about tagging em with the Dark Shroud move and then hitting a 17 percent fire ball on that ass.

The real juice to me seems to be the Armor on the Dark Shroud move and hit advantage affter since almost all her strings start with Highs.
Only tested on a few strings but it's pretty easy to blow things up like Sonyas B14 and what not.

Or since the move is only -4, I was trying stuff like this when I new they were going to block, Jump in punch 34~Dark Shroud, then do EX dark shroud if you know they like to hit buttons, you could do the same with say EX Cannon Drill for a combo, as long as they arent Lao or something and spin you. It beats alot of things though.

The other Juice I like is the Speed and properties on the EX Fire Ball. It's insanely fast, hits mid and doesn't arc, if you have shroud on them, they have to respect this move.

Character is alotta fun.
Damn. Grandpa @Jimmypotato with the science. What you doing in the Tanya forums? You lost?

I guess I'll mess around with Pyro after I've had my fun with the Rolento variation. That was the plan anyways.


Someone test how all that jumping around and teleporting holds up against Shirai Ryu's air teleport. Also scorpions air teleport. I get the feeling they'll body her on a read..


Someone test how all that jumping around and teleporting holds up against Shirai Ryu's air teleport. Also scorpions air teleport. I get the feeling they'll body her on a read..
I can honestly only imagine Playing that staff version with another teleport character. Jesus those will be some sloppy matches first couple weeks. Lol!


I played pryo vs pryo we both did ex fireball on a wakeup from fullscreen and it was like so coordinated and they disappeared in the middle i was like what the heck that didn't happen in the iron man scene


With the DF2 buff, I think its useless to finish a 1 meter combo with B312 because its only 4 or 5% more damage than other finishers.
And if you use this buff with a simple fireball or with a B312 alone it´s 10% more damage than without the buff


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I can honestly only imagine Playing that staff version with another teleport character. Jesus those will be some sloppy matches first couple weeks. Lol!
You just quote yourself..? Lol
And you forget she can also drill or low slam out of the teleport and also punch. Im also curious how this fares with opposing teleports.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
In Pyro im just edicationally guessing every combo technically does 6 to 17% more damage simy because of dust enders

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
To an extent, I think if you're playing pyro right that's probably true. Such a fun variaton. On that b312 string I know there's a gap between the 1 and 2, would special canceling into a high fireball up close make it so you couldn't armor out?

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
In Pyro im just edicationally guessing every combo technically does 6 to 17% more damage simy because of dust enders
You at least usually end combos with at least the threat of 6-17%. That Pop Pop brutality is really bad ass and easy to pull off haha


You think you bad? You aint bad.
To an extent, I think if you're playing pyro right that's probably true. Such a fun variaton. On that b312 string I know there's a gap between the 1 and 2, would special canceling into a high fireball up close make it so you couldn't armor out?
Currently at work for now, gonna check. Im using Kobu so Pyro isnt really my place to say. I have however caught people trying to attempt armor between the gap with a special cancel.
That being said that F3 move into the low for some reason is very iffy.
I tried it against Reptile on reversal slippery slide..
And 2 things happened.
1. It would randomly beat the armored slide
2. Tanya got hit or hit the armor and still got hit.


You just quote yourself..? Lol
And you forget she can also drill or low slam out of the teleport and also punch. Im also curious how this fares with opposing teleports.
Is there ever a more magnanimous person to quote than oneself?? Lmao!

I just wanted to say more. But yeah I didn't forget. Honestly just going off first impressions. Haven't tested anything just speculating. I was actually wondering if someone would let me know who's teleport takes priority. I just feel like since his is an attack through and through it might beat hers which doesn't have a hit box. The air drill kick may beat it out but that's something I want to know. I don't see the low being an issue after an air teleport.. He'd probably wiff and come down out of range of the low if they teleport at the same time.. So many questions!


What's up with f4 having 34 cancel adv and only going into 3.. Think of the mix ups if f4 went into flip kick.. As I typed that I realized that that is probably why that doesn't work.. My 9am-5pm jail time (work) musings..


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I know this is a Pyromancer thread, but the Naginata variation seems to me to be the best one hands down for her.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Is there ever a more magnanimous person to quote than oneself?? Lmao!

I just wanted to say more. But yeah I didn't forget. Honestly just going off first impressions. Haven't tested anything just speculating. I was actually wondering if someone would let me know who's teleport takes priority. I just feel like since his is an attack through and through it might beat hers which doesn't have a hit box. The air drill kick may beat it out but that's something I want to know. I don't see the low being an issue after an air teleport.. He'd probably wiff and come down out of range of the low if they teleport at the same time.. So many questions!
Well heres my thoughts.
If you can neutral jump punch Scorpion and Takesa out of the second movement od the teleport then im going to say any input out of her teleport is gonna hit them out.
Unless they time it when youre on the way down. Ive fought Jacquis that air Rocket me clean out od it. Some even comboed me after the rocket. Jacqui is still tough business.