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Combo List - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui 'Bae' Briggs Combo Science Thread


I might have found a block loop in HT you can only armor out of. ill be right back to post results

Edit: a 6 frame d3 will not even start. does not use stamina either. so far so good


Ok here it goes. F12 xx DF(2) hold to first charge is possible on block. DF2 charged 1 level beats 7 frame reversals and normals so far and so long as they dont armor through or backdash. in the corner they cant backdash and on a good read you can punish the backdash with your own run cancel starter. pretty decent pressure at most. cant convert off it just stack up the chip on opponents that chose to sit there.


Just for you. i havn't really dabbled with max damage. i actually only play full auto haha but ht is fun so far
Ah I got it. Perhaps I didn't read clearly from the earlier descriptions, but I completely forgot you can hold Quick Burst and that you are run canceling off that. Jax has a command to cancel his rocket launcher, I wonder why the command to cancel QB isn't here.


Miley Cyrax®
In HT, Gauntlet Spark level 2 Air Ground Smash does 13% damage OTG. Will be a great way to add damage to combos with a hard knock down.

Enhanced version does 15% OTG.
You can land the level 2 OTG ground smash after 212 hard knockdown from a juggle.
So I do whatever xx bf2 f2u22+4 212 jdd4. Can get over 50%, depending on starter.

I also use the same string to get guaranteed level 2 charge in corner. grounded string xx bf2 4 bf2 212 ex db2. From overhead b2, just do one bf2. Safe from all wakeups. This only works from juggles I notice, the knockdown from 212 seems to not last as long if performed on a standing opponent.
You can land the level 2 OTG ground smash after 212 hard knockdown from a juggle.
So I do whatever xx bf2 f2u22+4 212 jdd4. Can get over 50%, depending on starter.

I also use the same string to get guaranteed level 2 charge in corner. grounded string xx bf2 4 bf2 212 ex db2. From overhead b2, just do one bf2. Safe from all wakeups. This only works from juggles I notice, the knockdown from 212 seems to not last as long if performed on a standing opponent.
Awesome, I've been looking for a long enough knockdown to actually get some setups. I think this character is starting to look really good now.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Level 1 and above you can land the ground smash from a blocked jump-in 'cause you know ayyyy cancels. I know this is the combo thread but I figured that free damage is always welcome.

Honestly thought the character would remain solid. She doesn't have a ton of janky stuff, just a solid core.
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The rose that grew from concrete
How do you get punished when they are safe on block?

SG is phenomenal for footsies. You're wrong, point blank.
The number one weakness to SG footsies is jumpers...which would be amazing if Jacqui had solid anti-airs, but anti-airing with her is one of the most difficult concepts I've ever had to get to grips with. The issue is that several characters can beat her B1/F2/D2 at most ranges with a single normal (Sub Zero's JI2 is a good example).

On CONVERSIONS, she is incredible and has an array of high damage punishes, and it can't be jumped on reaction so it needs to be respected sometimes, but...she literally has nothing suitable for beating out a number of things and blocking a lot of jump-ins in this game can get you killed quite quickly.

Instead of having a go-to 2/3 options, I find myself using 1, D1, exBF1, Run, D2, Backdash, B1, exBF4 and all sorts of stuff, none of it consistent.

I love footsies so I'm currently still maining SG, but I end up mixing in exDB2 a lot now to keep people honest. How are you anti-airing right now??

HT train seems to have officially started! My apologies for not updating the OP with certain notations lol I wasn't sure people would be happy with QBRC or Dust! Will get them sorted today.

I'm currently following up QB on blockers with a combination of 4~QB and D3~QB which work wonders. On hit, you get a free high low, but I'm using a lot of throws to set up ji1/2/3/4 DD4 - not always legit, but always dangerous! 4 knocks up slightly so it'll knockdown if you cancel quickly, or you can hold the charge instead. Also, QBRC instant block is totally legit against mashers.

Loving the ability to deal with so much across her variations! Also, BF1 has some amazing uses for going through armor and landing safely on the other side with no or minimal damage - anyone else using it?

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Loving the ability to deal with so much across her variations! Also, BF1 has some amazing uses for going through armor and landing safely on the other side with no or minimal damage - anyone else using it?
Yup - in certain matchups you can use it for HT to get one level free of any harassment. Mileena is one since you knock her full screen and have enough time to do DB2 to charge, then low profile her telekick or forward jump low sai if versus PI Mileena (neutral jump actually has the sai hit you, which makes zero sense).


Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Damn, as you guys can tell from the flair and profile pic, I'm a subzero main. Always have been, always will be. But anyone with eyes can see what's going on around here, so I've been using Jacqui while waiting for the subzero hate train to de-rail.

I was interested in Jacqui for a while, and I even posted some early midscreen HT combos that I use here a bit ago, but I think it's time to start looking into her more seriously. The only question now is do I prefer HT or SG :eek:


The number one weakness to SG footsies is jumpers...which would be amazing if Jacqui had solid anti-airs, but anti-airing with her is one of the most difficult concepts I've ever had to get to grips with. The issue is that several characters can beat her B1/F2/D2 at most ranges with a single normal (Sub Zero's JI2 is a good example).

On CONVERSIONS, she is incredible and has an array of high damage punishes, and it can't be jumped on reaction so it needs to be respected sometimes, but...she literally has nothing suitable for beating out a number of things and blocking a lot of jump-ins in this game can get you killed quite quickly.

Instead of having a go-to 2/3 options, I find myself using 1, D1, exBF1, Run, D2, Backdash, B1, exBF4 and all sorts of stuff, none of it consistent.

I love footsies so I'm currently still maining SG, but I end up mixing in exDB2 a lot now to keep people honest. How are you anti-airing right now??

HT train seems to have officially started! My apologies for not updating the OP with certain notations lol I wasn't sure people would be happy with QBRC or Dust! Will get them sorted today.

I'm currently following up QB on blockers with a combination of 4~QB and D3~QB which work wonders. On hit, you get a free high low, but I'm using a lot of throws to set up ji1/2/3/4 DD4 - not always legit, but always dangerous! 4 knocks up slightly so it'll knockdown if you cancel quickly, or you can hold the charge instead. Also, QBRC instant block is totally legit against mashers.

Loving the ability to deal with so much across her variations! Also, BF1 has some amazing uses for going through armor and landing safely on the other side with no or minimal damage - anyone else using it?
My only problem with HT is that everything must be done at range zero. Like not a single projectile and all her far reaching specials are death on block. It's cool to have kabal pressure strings but without an ex dash or a projectile, HT is just way to one dimensional for me. SG is a great middle ground.
My only problem with HT is that everything must be done at range zero. Like not a single projectile and all her far reaching specials are death on block. It's cool to have kabal pressure strings but without an ex dash or a projectile, HT is just way to one dimensional for me. SG is a great middle ground.
My issue with SG is that there isn't enough pressure potential ....HT has some issues too do to b33 and b2 only being cancelable on hit wish they would change that at least for the QB :3


Miley Cyrax®
Loving the ability to deal with so much across her variations! Also, BF1 has some amazing uses for going through armor and landing safely on the other side with no or minimal damage - anyone else using it?
I like running in from a far distance and then doing bf1. Many people don't expect it.

Rip Torn

Good news for Shotgun variation:

It was posted earlier in the thread that 4~DF2 and 3~DF2 both force the opponent to stand and block the df2, making it a true blockstring and completely safe.

Well, guess what else works?


While this might not extend her pressure, it does give her safe footsie tools that can't be punished or armored through.

F12~DF2 and B14~DF2 are really good in footsie range. You can mix up F122+4 with F12~DF2.

Each shotgun blast does 2% on block. EX shotty does 4.25%. Good for chipping out their life bar.
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Miley Cyrax®
Good news for Shotgun variation:

It was posted earlier in the thread that 4~DF2 and 3~DF2 both force the opponent to stand and block the df2, making it a true blockstring and completely safe.

Well, guess what else works?


While this might not extend her pressure, it does give her safe footsie tools that can't be punished or armored through.

F12~DF2 and B14~DF2 are really good in footsie range. You can mix up F122+4 with F12~DF2.

Each shotgun blast does 2% on block. EX shotty does 4.25%. Good for chipping out their life bar.
Ya I've been messing with 233 lately. BTW, if you do 2334 in the corner, you have enough time to throw in d1 and cancel into df2.