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Boon tweets image of Kano being "FINISHED" with Kitana's arm & fan?


Scrub God Lord
god damn
NRS is god at marketing, no other company makes me crave their products so fucking bad
still waiting for a rush down character with cold/ice based powers.


I feel like Goro might just walk in at the end of the trailer and it'll say Pre Order to Play as Goro. Kind of like Harley in those arkham knight trailers
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Plus on block.
looks more like Laos hat than a fan...
How does this clearly blue, fan shaped, flat surfaced object look at all like a hat?

I mean, look at the yellow bindings between the blade and the blue obviously fan part? And the second metal blade coming out of the middle of it.

Seriously, what the fuck are you people talking about, looks nothing like Kung's hat.
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