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Should horizontal aerial projectiles have a place in MKX?


Official Master of Salt
Fairly self-explanatory title. Do you think moves like instant air gas blast should exist in MKX?

A few points to consider:
  • Dash-blocking has been removed, at least partially, because the developers didn't like how the game looked with that mechanic. If you watch Evo 2013 GF you'll see REO IAGBing all day while DJT chases him down. Does this look good?
  • It has been shown that perfect instant air projectiles can make a match completely unwinnable in at least one matchup in NRS games.
  • It takes a lot of skill and practice to be able to pull of perfect instant air projectiles consistently, not everyone can do it.
  • Are angled projectiles like Quan Chi's aerial skull or akuma's fireball's fairer/less dominant/less ridiculous looking?
What are your thoughts on them? I'm really undecided.

DuBBer Kiir

If instant air projectiles are in the game, I feel like they should be more balanced. But kabal was really the main culprit in this context. Sure Liu kang, skarlet, mileena, and Kitana also had instant air fireballs, but for the most part they were more manageable. So long story short, if they must be in the game, don't make them overly powerful. And idk if I'm remembering right but doesn't Cassie cage have aerial gunshots that are horizontal? I vaguely remember the clip so I might be wrong too.


Anything can be in a game as long as it's balanced.

Instant horizontal air fireballs are not broken just for being instant horizontal air fireballs.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
IAFB are good unless thats the only tool that character has (looks at Cyborg) if Cyborg had anything else he could have been a good character. i don't think its broken and i expect at least one character to have them.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Kabal's IAGBs were the absolute extreme. They were way too fast on startup for how quick they recovered. That was the main issue.

Everyone else had way more manageable air projectiles.

I suspect run's animation, though, will play a huge factor in MKX's horizontal air projectiles, considering the characters are hunched while running, which means a lower hurtbox overall.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Kabal's IAGBs were the absolute extreme. They were way too fast on startup for how quick they recovered. That was the main issue.

Everyone else had way more manageable air projectiles.

I suspect run's animation, though, will play a huge factor in MKX's horizontal air projectiles, considering the characters are hunched while running, which means a lower hurtbox overall.
This is pretty much what I was thinking. It kinda leads me to believe that angled or vertical projectiles will be the best kind.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
IAP are in no way "bullshit"

People need to stop always thinking IGB when they hear air projectiles. Kabal's were insane yes, but most are very managable for the opponents standpoint.
lol not really

Kitana's had the same giant hitbox that Kabals had. Pretty sure Mileenas were also fairly large.

the reason wasn't how fast. it was the risk reward to doing them.

All three of those characters could gain a full combo off one landing from just about anywhere on the screen as long as the opponent was caught in the air.
And, please correct me if i'm wrong here, they were all safe on block when not done point blank.

When I hear any type of IaP i immediately go to Khaotic vs that one dude where he lands one air fan on a gas blast and just hangs him out to dry.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
The problem is not IA Horizontal projectiles, the problem is that NRS tend to make them recover really quickly and in some cases, combo-able. Diagonal IA projectiles could be just as overpowering as some IA Horizontal projectiles if NRS wanted them to be.

GOTS Cyborg

TEAM GOTS will RISE!!! Boyahh!!!
IAFB are good unless thats the only tool that character has (looks at Cyborg) if Cyborg had anything else he could have been a good character. i don't think its broken and i expect at least one character to have them.
Cyborg is a good character.. Just gotta know how to use him.. Hes a character that takes mastering and percise timing plus mund games and cancles


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
Horizontal air projectiles are one thing. They can compliment a ground projectile, sure. Control the ground with one, the air with another.

But instant-air projectiles that connect with grounded and airborne opponents simultaneously cover all bases. And on top of that, if you recover instantly when you hit the ground... you're now 100% safe and also able to fire them off at a higher rate. Now you have a one-size-fits-all tactic. Dumb.


I really like iAFB but NRS seems to either make them too good (kabal) or basically worthless (deathstroke). Although they said in the stream that subzero can basically anti-air someone at range on reaction with a EX iceball, maybe there are mechanics in this game more adept at countering hardcore zoneing.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I should probably not talk about it, but the only IAFBs that cause problems are the ones that cause the user to move backwards, because that makes them almost impossible to catch up to.
That's the problem. Not the fireballs, but the mixture of fireballs and a character's mobility.

Look at Zod. What makes Zod unwinnable for character isn't that he has an IAFB, after all Cyborg does as well.
Its the fact that he has better mobility options while also having that fireball. Kabal had the ability to scoot while firing, making any approach even longer.
Once they got in, he had the option to overwhelm them with his mobility or pressure options.

If you want to have a character who has a well-balanced IAFB, you need to ensure they aren't completely dominant in any other fields.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
IMO it's not about the properties of an IAFB, it's the collective threats a character can entertain in conjunction with them. Jade and Stryker are not going to start shooting up the tier list if you gave them Kitana's air fan and Kabal's gas blast respectively.

As for the Lex vs Zod example, ehhh... you kinda have to chalk that up to Lex being a badly designed character to begin with. Don't be fooled by his loophole shenanigans against Aquaman. I'm not saying nobody else has trouble with them, but I doubt the meta in the SF alpha games was shaped upon trying to avoid a repeat of the O.Sagat/Cammy matchup in Super Turbo.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
You'd be surprised. Zod has the advantage of having a bunch of them on screen at once, but imagine how much worse Cyborg would be if he didn't have any scoot on his projectiles.

As I said though, its not the iafb, its the combination of that and some other dominant factor that renders some characters useless. On that, we agree.

Tony at Home

The problem with IAFBs is they are so difficult to execute and so few players can do them, that NRS seems to forget they are a thing that needs to be balanced in the first place.