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Grundy's 1.06 Patch Changes


Aspiring Fighter
Went into the lab to test the numbers on Grave Rot. My results:

Grave Rot: 1% per tick. Will hit up to 9 times (tested by walking straight into opponent)
MB Grave Rot: 2.5% per tick. Will hit up to 9 times (tested the same way)

Old BnB (1,1,2,MB SH, j2, b1,Trait)
28% + Normal Trait (25% or 31% or 21%)
Max Damage: 59% for 1 Bar

New BnB with Grave Rot instead of j2
23% + GR Trait (33% or 35% or 27%)
Max Damage: 58% for 1 Bar

If you're going for the Power or Chip Traits and only want to spend one bar, replace the j2 with Grave Rot for slightly more damage.

Background Interactible BnB (1,1,2,IO,b3,j2,1,MB SH,j2,b1,Trait)
40% + Normal Trait (25% or 31% or 21%)
Max Damage: 71% for 1 Bar

Background Interactible BnB with Grave Rot instead of j2
37% + GR Trait (33% or 35% or 27%)
Max Damage: 72% for 1 Bar

Go for the Grave Rot no matter which chain you're going for, it does more damage.

2-Bar MB GR (1,1,2,MB SH,MB GR,j2,b1,Trait)
30% or 32% + Trait (41% or 41% or 32%)
Max Damage: 73% for 2 Bars

This is slightly improved damage over the current 2-Bar combo (1,1,2,MB Dead Air, b1,MB SH,j2,b1,Trait) and it doesn't switch sides with the opponent.

If any of my numbers are off, or the pre-patch combos without Grave Rot were more damaging please correct me.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta

can you try 112 MB SH GR b1~MBGR 112 trait

I know it isn't a full combo, but i'm pretty sure b1~MB GR leaves enough room for a 112 to "combo", but if you're late, then you get a tick throw mixup as well as the stacked GR's


Aspiring Fighter
112->Trait doesn't combo but I'll check the damage on a successful tick throw and 113->1->Trait for you. I'll edit my results into this post.


Aspiring Fighter
Found a setup that lets you get double GR stacks. Works anywhere on the screen.
MB WC -> Dash -> MB GR -> GR -> Trait
The Trait grab can't be jumped out of or backdashed if you do the GRs as quickly as possible. The damage is actually pretty good for 2 bars. 19% from the MB WC and then the Trait + both GRs. This is ~52%/~44%/~43%
The exact damage of the Trait grab will vary slightly because of the two Grave Rots.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Found a setup that lets you get double GR stacks. Works anywhere on the screen.
MB WC -> Dash -> MB GR -> GR -> Trait
The Trait grab can't be jumped out of or backdashed if you do the GRs as quickly as possible. The damage is actually pretty good for 2 bars. 19% from the MB WC and then the Trait + both GRs. This is ~52%/~44%/~43%
The exact damage of the Trait grab will vary slightly because of the two Grave Rots.
This is the only way i've found to stack them as well

I'm still searching in my heart.
Hell, you might be able to get away with b1~MB GR GR ARMOR BITCHES.

i'll try and see.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
For anyone who cares
they basically gave the normal versions of both GR's the damage that the power trait gave them.

The power trait then gives both about .5 pts of damage.

Doing the Power Chain also increases the damage of the GR ticks when done. So you always get more damage using the Power Chain when you have grave rot.


RIP Grundy
Ok so, some preliminary findings post patch from me....

1) MB F3/B3 is now much more useful. For those of you in the second round looking for a 'unwagerable' combo, the F3/F3 is now stronger if you meter burn them. The MB version now hits for 16%... which is interesting as it adds significant damage - so long as it's not being scaled mid combo.

2)The reset is still working of course, but interestingly. Now this one requires a bit of testing, but from what i could work out without looking at frame data, - after the reset i believe it's now possible to do a MBF3 to for example lead into j2 11 4 which actually gives insane damage, you're looking at above 70% and with damage trait on i think it comes in at 84% if memory serves. *Someone may want to check it's inescapable though.

3)Grave Rot, I'm now using a lot more, it hits for another 0.5% per tick without damage trait. i haven't found a good use for it yet but if you find yourself stationary or happen to have a few frames to spare, throwing it on is always a good scare tactic.

Personally the biggest change to Grundy's game (imo) - is the increased damage from the MB f3/b3, it essentially gives us higher damage output. The second biggest is the changes to projectiles and throwing. WC is obviously the most noticeable.

Character MUs.I played for around two hours last night and these are the things that stuck out to me whilst playing ranked... obiovusly i didn't play the entire cast and of those i played not many were great. However these are my inital findings regardless.

Ares: Could be one of Grundy's worst MU's . His teleports are an absolute nightmare now . MB4 is your friend.. I haven't checked if the timing of d2 still works (provided he is right next to you)

Superman: Changes are barely noticeable. The MU hasn't really changed significantly. The damage scaling is far from significant and the extra recover frames don't seem to make a huge deal since he'll be miles away from you most of the time throwing eye beams in the air/land.

Black Adam: couldn't put my finger on it exactly but generally, the MU seems improved. I played a good few last night and the players seem a lot more hesitant to do their bnb dive kicks now. This could just be them adapting to the nerfs on BA (deserved imho) though. Now then, has anyone worked out the best move to punish dive kicks? i didn't get a chance to try but i think his is still considered air bourne therefore, i'm wondering if perhaps f1 3 is quick enough to catch him?

Bane - hmm the changes to his damage taken whilst using venom are significant. I have been using damage to trait to try and counter this..

Mr preferred stage - Arkham Asylum, now has more damage on stage transition provided you haven't initiated it from a frozen state of the pipe freeze which is a welcome change. particularly as when you get down you get to play the mind games with the interactable right next to you..

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The biggest change i've noticed, is that if I find myself with 2 bars... I use them both now. One for the SH reset. The other to cancel b1 into MB GR.
GR is still good on the WC MB toss, because you can stack 2 of them. Stacking 2 with the power trait does a shit ton of damage. I did notice that the "ticks" scale when they "hit" and someone is already in hit stun. But it isn't really alot.

I also use the chip trait way more often...... as GR now ups the damage it does to the normal reset damage.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
I did power chain offline against BlackBryan

I did the following combo (with power active)...

Ex WC -> into corner 11 trait power chain

It did 57% I don't remember it ever doing that much damage...

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I did power chain offline against BlackBryan

I did the following combo (with power active)...

Ex WC -> into corner 11 trait power chain

It did 57% I don't remember it ever doing that much damage...

Power chain makes his exWC retarded.

it does something like 29% and doesn't really scale combo's off the wall.
Imagine if you'd of landed the reset.


B*tch Distributor
I did power chain offline against BlackBryan

I did the following combo (with power active)...

Ex WC -> into corner 11 trait power chain

It did 57% I don't remember it ever doing that much damage...

Speaking of, this inspired me to take Grundy into the lab for a few hours last night and I came out with a few things i'd never seen. Forgive me if they are not viable, as i do not play Grundy often..

1- Any of your launching strings; weather it be 113,b13, or 31, can be followed up with D2 MBGR to a standing 2 trait, or dead air, or however you like to swag your combos. ie...B13,D2xxMBGR,2,DA,b1,trait/GR.

2- Mike brought this to my attention, if you want unclashable damage, and you intended to use 2 bars anyway, MBb3,MBWC. Does like 40% with power chain on, for no effing reason. Your character is broken, btw.

3- If you land swamp hands in the corner, and you have meter, and you do not close out the round (assuming clash has happened, or first round) you're doing it wrong. Grundy literally has like 5 80+ combos in the corner, most for as little as 2 bars sometimes, but up to 4 if you want that swag.

4- Speaking of swag, stage with transition; MBGR,GR,j2,b1MBSH,crossoverj2,b1MBWC,d2xxFBC,b3 for the stage transition.

OK, i'll stop filling your thread up with uselessness now, bye :)