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Breakthrough - Tarkatan Is Tweedy better than YOMI and cR (except fox) combined?

Is tweedy daddy?

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Administrator and Community Engineer
LOL I just read the SRK rankings for myself.

Justin Wong > Ominous and Semiiij CONFIRMED

Lol you cannot use these rankings to judge current events. Just no lol wtf.
You're pumping guys up after 1 top 8 or no top 8s.

Rankings aren't based on perceived skill levels -- they are based on results. You play who you play in the Superbowl not because of who the perceived best team in the NFL was, but because of who put up the results to be there.

Until people put up consistent results, you can say "I think player X is just as good as Y" and it doesn't matter as far as sports statistics are concerned. That's just how competitive sports work.


You're pumping guys up after 1 top 8 or no top 8s.

Rankings aren't based on perceived skill levels -- they are based on results. You play who you play in the Superbowl not because of who the perceived best team in the NFL was, but because of who put up the results to be there.

Until people put up consistent results, you can say "I think player X is just as good as Y" and it doesn't matter as far as sports statistics are concerned. That's just how competitive sports work.
Semiiij and Ominous are super top players and could beat anyone on any given day, and they've also gotten major top 8s despite not traveling much, this year.

Either way, when we break it down, whether you want to discredit whoever or say that they need more top 8s, there's no argument for Justing Wong being better than Ominous or Semiiij currently.

SRK needs a yearly ranking, or one that resets every 6 months. That or people who don't play the game need to not take it seriously when judging current events.


Lets be real here, use some common sense, etc.

If Justin Wong picked up the game for the first time in a year + and entered SCR, would you be more afraid of Kevo, who just beat Scar/Dragon, or him?

There's no grasping at straws on my part. You just need to use common sense/have a player's perspective.


Alternative-Fact Checker
It's hard to argue when you keep bringing up the disingenuous point of people trying to pump up old hats like Alucard, Dizzy and Jwong when no one ever said that. The point in using the SRK rankings was just to show the disparity between players that went to Combo Breaker and TCW, not pump up dudes who don't play.

The main point is, one event does not a "super top player" make, it takes consistent placings over months of time. You are arguing with older guys who have a much more strict definition of "top player" that doesn't include one time placings and online rankings. That's always how it is going to be. Hayatei didn't become a top player by winning Canada Cup, he did so by placing very highly at multiple events over the course of the year. We all know this, we're not idiots who only watched when the game came out.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Semiiij and Ominous are super top players and could beat anyone on any given day, and they've also gotten major top 8s despite not traveling much, this year.
How many combined major top 8s do Semij and Ominous have this year? 2?

You can't just declare someone a 'super top player' because they're good. You need a bunch of results from a few of the biggest majors in the game.

It seems like you're confused about majors/regionals. 'Regional' is not a dirty word. For example, we've had Frosty Faustings with multiple EVO finalists there, among other top players. That did not, however, make that small Frosty Faustings tournament a major and everyone was cool with that.
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Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
I understand the overall placings point but at the same time 2015 MKX is completely different from 2016 MKX. You brought up sports? Okay same logic there. If you put up idk. I'll give an easy example. LeBron against MJ rn who do you honestly think would win? Probably LeBron. Does that take away from what MJ has done over his whole career? Hell no. Does it tell you who currently is better at this point in time? Obviously. That's it.


It's hard to argue when you keep bringing up the disingenuous point of people trying to pump up old hats like Alucard, Dizzy and Jwong when no one ever said that. The point in using the SRK rankings was just to show the disparity between players that went to Combo Breaker and TCW, not pump up dudes who don't play.

The main point is, one event does not a "super top player" make, it takes consistent placings over months of time. You are arguing with older guys who have a much more strict definition of "top player" that doesn't include one time placings and online rankings. That's always how it is going to be. Hayatei didn't become a top player by winning Canada Cup, he did so by placing very highly at multiple events over the course of the year. We all know this, we're not idiots who only watched when the game came out.
Ding ding ding ding


Its not 100% true. Not all the best players are doing great online.A good amount are yes. But some of them are running into issues that are mentioned over and over again. Yes the Netcode has improved a good amount. But you still have to deal with people with garbage internet. The netcode could be the best in the world. But if the opponetn has 20 Up and 3 down then it doesn't actually matter. If the opponent is 16 and you don't find out after the fact you are going to be pissed off. If the opponent reports the score wrong and you both get DQ'd how is that fair.
Uh doesn't work like that.

You would see no difference fighting someone with a 5/1 vs 20/3

MKX doesn't use that much bandwidth...


It was a Rhetorical Upload/Download speed.
The up/down is irrelevant. It's about your latency with that person. It's not necessarily that person or yourself having a bad Internet connection, but you have a bad connection with that person. People need to understand that and stop saying it's always another person's fault. They nor yourself can help it if your connection with someone is poor. It's not a direct reflection of your connection's capabilities.