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Jacqui Matchup Discussion


Administrator and Community Engineer
Let's it get started boyz!

I'm currently labbing some stuff for playing against Heart Pierce Skarlet, as this MU is giving me fits. If anyone has any info, let me know.


see you at the top.
I have yet to come across one matchup where I feel like it's a losing one for Jacqui. The only possible one is Geras, and that's simply because he out-damages her tremendously with every touch.


I've been playing lots of Jacqui Vs Jax. I'm unsure who's favour it's in - I feel as if Jax wins but I'm sure this is because I'm still falling for stupid things.

Also, the ability to enhance a throw escape is so huge. Now if only I could escape every throw...

I have plenty of matches saved and me and my brother stream our games everyday if anyone is interested.


Motor City Warrior
The following information courtesy of @SaltShaker this is copied+pasted from a DM he sent to me regarding the Cetrion match-up and is from the perspective of the Cetrion player.

Jacqui is hella strong in this game, but I think this MU is a bit uphill for her atm. Mainly because a lot of the bs Cetrion does at range is harder for her to check, so she has to take more risks closing in. Take a character like Sonya who is also very strong with rushdown, but has the best projectile in the game (12F startup, virtually no recovery) and the MU is night and day from Cetrion's perspective.

I also play Jacqui but not on any level like I do Cetrion/Skarlet. There are universal issues in the MU, and Jacqui issues.

-At 3/4 away, a blocked boulder frame traps into Geyser. So if you block a boulder that pushes you back 3/4 away or farther, if I do Water Geyser and you do anything else other than block you'll get hit by it. So you have to anticipate if I'll do Geyser and block it, and then dash in or dash punch on reversal to close distance. Or you'll have to read that I do boulder and jump over it. That far away that's your only options. If you read wrong you'll be hit by one, or block another boulder pushing you even farther away to full screen.

-Jumping when at 3/4 to 1/2 away is dangerous because if I mistime boulder toss, it can still hit you on the way down. Also, this is the range where Fire Beam is most effective, and hits all jumps safely. It's the worst range to be at. Worse than even full screen imo because all her options are available at their peak. If you find yourself in this range play chess, and try to bet on safer risks unless really down on life lead.

-When you block a regular Fire Beam non-AMP, you should be able to reversal punish with Dash Punch. Then do another Dash Punch to close distance while I'm getting up.

-Same with Geyser, reversal punish unless too far to hit.

-When up close, her buttons are trash. F23 is -10 on block, so if I don't cancel into Wall, you can S1 punish to full combo. If I do AMP Wall, you can reversal punish Dash Punch. Or FLB full combo. Regular Wall you can full combo any time I do it, just be weary of the AMP. Reversal Dash Punch is the safest punish to trade off risk on Wall. F23 is a fraudulent stagger though. 21 is a good stagger but starts high, so if you predict it low poke or uppercut.

-The feints work wonders on her since she can't get out or away as easy as someone like Erron can. The reads are hard reads for her to not get over pressured by them.


In Zoning We Trust
The following information courtesy of @SaltShaker this is copied+pasted from a DM he sent to me regarding the Cetrion match-up and is from the perspective of the Cetrion player.
Yep that's about right. One of my most played MUs. I'd easily throw Jacqui in the second half of my top 10 in the game, but Cetrion may be one of her worst MUs when this all shakes out. She has to play a lot more perfect to win compared to most of the cast in this MU.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Jax doesn’t feel too bad to me, but you definitely have to be on point timing-wise in that MU. If you’re not checking every poke and keeping him honest in all those little gaps, he’s going to make you pay for it. The projectile when he’s charged up is whatever.. You can just stay patient, walking in, and try to bait him into doing it in reversal dash punch distance.

It feels like Jax wants to do exactly what Jacqui wants to do, and that makes it a fun MU to play.


aka - RM_AtK !
i think she struggles a bit vs all the zoning mus for the most part.. like a good run away raiden. its more of like time out than anything. once she has ppl cornered the mu no matter who it is becomes good lol.


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
I play the Sonya matchup a lot and it doesn´t feel unfair. Maybe a little bit because of Sonyas damage output. One overhead-combo and there goes 36% of your life.

Against Skarlett…..a good zoning Skarlett……..I don´t know, it´s not unfair but it makes no fun.

So far I don´t think Jacqui has really bad matchups


Administrator and Community Engineer
Anyone have experience with the Liu Kang MU? Seems like his main guessing game is pretty risky for him, since you have time to full combo him in the gap between f43 and u3 with a hitconfirmable string.


"Knowledge" - Taio Cruz
There's already been some discussion on more difficult MUs, so on the other side of things, who is everyone feeling Jacqui does the best against rn?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Anybody got a game plan for Kabal? I’m coming up empty.
If he's throwing saws out and not being extremely careful, bait him into a saw or air saw in Dash Punch range and punish.

His strings are death on whiff and most of them don't travel all that far. Baiting him into swinging when he's just out of range is a big part of the MU.

Be aware of his staggers, but if he combos into the low hook, that's the end of the combo -- so if you're lower on life, it's better to take a low hook on a read than to eat a full combo while crouch blocking trying to bait and catch a low hook. If plenty of life though, the hook is death for him on block, so learn where he's likely to do it, and crouch block/punish him for it on a read.

Figure out when he likes to walk in and check him with d4.

He's actually a fairly simple character meta-wise imo, it's just about understanding what he like to do with his buttons and using fundamentals to deal with it.
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AUS FGC represent!
Anyone have tips for any of the following matchups? Skarlet, Cetrion, Cassie
Sometimes it’s better to just block one of the projectiles rather than trying to avoid them all by neutral ducking. If you block at half screen or closer, the opponent has the threat of dash punch against them so you can advance more slowly.
Flawless block and punish is a must. You have to make them scared to complete their strings.
Full screen, you kinda have to walk your way in and deal with her bullshit. Db4 can be jumped on a read and the whiff recovery lets you get in a substantial amount.
On wakeup, skarlet’s u3 reaches really far but a well spaced ji3 will beat it out. You can do this to prevent her from waking up for free.
44 can be a problem. Gotta make the read and neutral duck it which sucks. Midscreen the worst you’re gonna get is f43 into trance so it’s a risk you’ll have to take.
b2 has great range, you’ll have to use this along with dash punch to keep them neutral ducking/blocking.

Low gun is punishable by reversal dash punch from about half screen.
b2 outrantes almost everything cassie has.
Cassie’s b243 finishes in a high and you should make her afraid to finish this string. d2 KB as necessary.
She shouldn’t be able to zone you since her main tool is punishable.
In the corner you’ll have to read what she’s going to do off f4. At least she won’t get a full combo off it, but it’s annoying to deal with.


Anyone have experience with the Liu Kang MU? Seems like his main guessing game is pretty risky for him, since you have time to full combo him in the gap between f43 and u3 with a hitconfirmable string.
Can you tell me what string? 112 in to grease kick??? Have you had success with it online at all?
- When I played noob I would use his s1 string to interrupt in that gap but it was really dependent on the connection.
Guys what are your predictions of the future Jacqui and Shang Tsung MU? Shang looks like he might give her some issues, especially since return her cancel pressure back to her if he changes into her. No only that he looks like he has some decent keep away tools to zone her out. This MU looks interesting.
Skarlet, Jade, Cassie, are pretty rough.

I find Subzero Thin Ice specially problematic. Between axes, overhead and slide it's extremely difficult to close the gap. Jacqui neutral is pretty much non existent, but this MU is even worst. Kabal MU is similar but at least he doesn't have a slide that forces you block low like 99% of the game and eat random overheads.


Guys what are your predictions of the future Jacqui and Shang Tsung MU? Shang looks like he might give her some issues, especially since return her cancel pressure back to her if he changes into her. No only that he looks like he has some decent keep away tools to zone her out. This MU looks interesting.
IVe played a lot of Jacqui mirrors since combo breaker and the reason I picked her up to begin with was to learn how to beat her so its not too concerning. Especially since he can really only stay as a certain character for 10 seconds or so.
IVe played a lot of Jacqui mirrors since combo breaker and the reason I picked her up to begin with was to learn how to beat her so its not too concerning. Especially since he can really only stay as a certain character for 10 seconds or so.
Yep you’re probably right, Jacqui can still hold her own against the ST MU.
Here’s an early glimps of the MU online ft. Waz who’s using ST. Video below Shang vs Jacqui online gameplay starts 0:46-6:30


Yep you’re probably right, Jacqui can still hold her own against the ST MU.
Here’s an early glimps of the MU online ft. Waz who’s using ST. Video below Shang vs Jacqui online gameplay starts 0:46-6:30
Awesome is the other guy good? It looks like aside from the zoning he won’t be all that tough.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Skarlet and Cetrion are the ones I find most difficult, which makes sense since you need to get in. That teleport of Cetrion's is really annoying.
Agreed .... Jacqui is a monster at close range , pure pressure machine, and at the corner, she can destroy everyone, but, at long range and against good keepway/zoners, is tough as nails ....