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Match-Up Discussion - Balanced Why is Balanced still so bad?

Nooooooo, Bullshit, What fucking game where you playing, Kabal was braindead, Sonya Was braindead, Jax Armor was braindead. But Kenshi in MK9 was not, how about Liu Kang wah wah wah...wah wah wah... wah wah wah. that was braindead, or Johnny's kicks of furry all day long?
BF2 7/3 ed and 8/2 ed more than half of the cast... STAPH! S T A P H! Kabal requiered mad skills to master. So did Sonya.


yeah kenshi in mk9 was incredibly braindead. no questions there.

however sonya was braindead as shit too lol.


Filthy Casual
Basically he's a zoner that's not even very good at zoning. Compare him to any other zoner. Even some variations which don't focus on zoning are better at zoning than Balanced. Just no reason to play Balanced right now unless you just think telekinesis is cool and for some reason aren't already playing Ermac.

I don't think he's unplayable garbage, he's just a clear step behind the rest of the cast. If you main him and learn his shit, you'll still beat weaker players consistently.

There is an upcoming balance patch. I'm sure he'll get help.