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What's the verdict on MK Unchained?


I got it and I think it's alright. I like how the new characters have endings. In the 32 bit days we would've gotten gipped on that. However, I'm not a HARDCORE player, so I'm not sure about infinites and fixed moves or anything like that, apart from that Jax seems to have a mega huge delay between doing the machine gun move. Anyone else care to share their thoughts on MK Unchained?
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask if it had infrastructure mode, and how is the netplay overall? I just want to know exactly what I'm getting before I get it.


Yeah it has netplay, but I haven't been able to test it out yet. I'm assuming it has standard vs options for the netplay, and if it's anything like Tekken Dark Resurrection's adhoc, then that'd be sweet. The graphics look scaled down, but only the new characters really look ass. Everyone's unlocked from the outset too.