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What is a BETA and why should I not be wanting a key?


Positive Poster!

There has been a crazy lot of grief over who got a key and who didn't, and then a bunch of silly posts about "balance", wanting props in the BETA for some reason, and other nonsense that the cute little brains of our fellow TYM posters have cooked up in their New Game Craze. (Yes, that's a thing.)

I'm here to explain a few things. Those of you who already know these things, just bear with me. Those that don't, try to keep up.


1. What is a BETA version?
It's for testing. In the current age of high-speed internet and rapid information technology evolution, creators of these products want to test the game in its actual, future environment. These test phases, also known as BETA phases, are intended to run a series of diagnostics on how the game will perform once it's released.

Sad thing about this, is that many companies simply release their BETA-Product without actually putting that Early Access label on it. It sucks and players get mad, but they still buy. Because New Game Craze is a thing, remember?

But I digress. A BETA phase, such as game Beta version 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc. is with the intention of looking at the numbers and it was not supposed to be fun. Yet. Beta testers of large game development companies are actually employees and they sit over an imbalanced, unpolished version of the game in their own time, a bit like pest control dudes on all their fours in your basement looking for roaches. The roaches, or bugs in this case, are better at hiding than their real life cousins and often some of them slip right through this.
Because the Beta testers are only human, too. (in the case of EA games some in the industry speculate that they in fact use bugspray on their harddrives, that's why all their games suck)

There are two types of BETA: Closed Beta Testing and Open Beta Testing. CBT are where the employees themselves do the work, and OBT is obviously where a limited amount of keys are handed out to unlucky players. Most of this is done either based on community merit or just randomly.

Randomness is done when they don't need professionals, just a lot of players. This is when they test statistics, connection and other stuff you need a crowd for.

2. Who should be getting a BETA code?
Good, patient, skilled players with a lot of time and a very straightforward attitude. If that one character being brorked in your Beta game pisses you off, chances are you aren't the beta tester type. Especially when they explicitly told you that they want to test the network, NOT character balance.

3. Should I be getting "props" for playing in the BETA?
If you are an employee, you will. Your name will be there in spades with the rest of the dev team right under the Credits button. If you are in an OBT though, no. You should not. You're statistics then. Sorry.

4. What is the New Game Craze?
Sillyness. A new game comes out and impatient kids can't wait for the release, but they'll complain that the game is unfinished if they do in fact get into an Open Beta. It's pretty hypocritical and paradox in a funny way.
The game is not finished.
The game is not balanced.
It is being tested so that it will be at least remotely so.
Then comes the Patching.

Oh, the horror.

@STORMS Good for a frontpage? #propsfishing


Not Good Enough
Sorry for being a person who wants to participate in a beta where people constantly decline matches and how dare people TYMers make the occasional #TeamNoCode meme hashtag about it! I'm sorry not everyone is as "woke" as you are while you speak from some high horse.

People arent stupid and know what a beta is and what's it's for. Condescending threads like this are buns.


As someone who doesn't really care about the beta but occasionally still finds themselves caught up in the hype I approve of threads like these. They're a good reality check.