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What I Want To Happen In MK9... & (Traveling Circus' Intro)


Here is an official press release of "The Traveling Circus" signing, Gamerbee, a rising Street Fighter player:

TTC: Official Press Release THE TRAVELING CIRCUS
Release: 02:07:11:19:15

Monday February 7th 2011
The Traveling Circus (TTC) is committed to finding the absolute best players worldwide, to represent the brand. We are proud to announce the most recent addition to our competitive gaming team.
From Taiwan: Gamerbee
Contract term: 1 year

Gamerbee will be endorsing the brand with his signature series apparel, and will register under the TTC flag at all tournaments. (Joining his teammates: Tokido from Japan, and ToXY from Australia)
2010 marked Gamerbee’s first visit to the United States. There, he competed in one of the world’s largest and most reputable fighting game tournaments, and made a name for himself by eliminating one of the world’s best ‘Street Fighter’ players.
The crowd erupted in cheer, for the then unknown competitor, and popular gaming forums/websites literally crashed immediately following his breakout performance.
Gamerbee has tested his skills, and proven himself as one of the world’s very best. Having won and placed ‘top 8′ at international tournaments. Making himself a household name within the fighting game community, in only 6 short months.
Stay connected with ‘The Traveling Circus’, as we still have a few surprises up our sleeves. Big plans are ahead for 2011.
I am so tired of Street Fighter getting SO MUCH... in 2011 I want to see guys like Check, Tom Brady, Shock, Krayzie Bone, DanCock, Konqrr, Riu, Aldagod, etc GET SIGNED... as laughable as a subject like this could be... especially for MK... I truly hope that MK9 puts Mortal Kombat back on the map with the serious fighters.

Shit, I wouldn't mind getting signed either, but I would have to be signed for other reasons.

What do you guys think of this? A joke? A realistic possibility for MK in the future?

Press release taken from: www.iplaywinner.com

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Its all about money. SSF4 brings in lots of money in this scene. and it depends if MK can generate enough interest with a great game.


The only real factor preventing MK from getting sponsored players is tournament time and attendance. Being at Evo is a good start, but if both MvC3 and SSF4 get way more entrants, it won't help MK players get any closer to sponsorship. If MLG and/or WCG were to pick up MK as their sole fighter, that would certainly help as well. It would also help if MK tournaments start pulling in 100+ players at every major.

Fighting game players rarely get sponsored, even SF players. Compare them to the number of FPS players that are sponsored and have been getting sponsored for years. So for an MK player to get sponsored, MK would need to be outshining every other fighting game, and I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

Another big issue is the violence in MK. I'm sure that's a concern for big leagues like MLG and WCG. It's one thing to see people getting shot, but to see the gore of x-rays moves is far worse in most people's minds.

All that said...

I've been dealing with pro gaming teams for several years now and even have a couple of them calling me when they're looking to sign fighting game players. But I've never understood the relationship between the sponsor, the team and the player.

To my understanding, the sponsor pays the team. The team then uses that money to send most of their roster to tournaments, and in some cases pay their roster a monthly income. All the player has to do is wear the apparel of the team, which generally has sponsor logos on it.

Where is the benefit to the sponsor? A couple hundred people at tournaments see their small logo on a t-shirt? Even less people see the fuzzy logo on the low res stream? I know at one point EG was sponsored by Kensington (I believe), but you never heard Kensington Marn or Kensington Justin Wong. It was always EG Marn or EG Wong. Where's the benefit for Kensington?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
The only real factor preventing MK from getting sponsored players is tournament time and attendance. Being at Evo is a good start, but if both MvC3 and SSF4 get way more entrants, it won't help MK players get any closer to sponsorship. If MLG and/or WCG were to pick up MK as their sole fighter, that would certainly help as well. It would also help if MK tournaments start pulling in 100+ players at every major.

Fighting game players rarely get sponsored, even SF players. Compare them to the number of FPS players that are sponsored and have been getting sponsored for years. So for an MK player to get sponsored, MK would need to be outshining every other fighting game, and I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

Another big issue is the violence in MK. I'm sure that's a concern for big leagues like MLG and WCG. It's one thing to see people getting shot, but to see the gore of x-rays moves is far worse in most people's minds.

All that said...

I've been dealing with pro gaming teams for several years now and even have a couple of them calling me when they're looking to sign fighting game players. But I've never understood the relationship between the sponsor, the team and the player.

To my understanding, the sponsor pays the team. The team then uses that money to send most of their roster to tournaments, and in some cases pay their roster a monthly income. All the player has to do is wear the apparel of the team, which generally has sponsor logos on it.

Where is the benefit to the sponsor? A couple hundred people at tournaments see their small logo on a t-shirt? Even less people see the fuzzy logo on the low res stream? I know at one point EG was sponsored by Kensington (I believe), but you never heard Kensington Marn or Kensington Justin Wong. It was always EG Marn or EG Wong. Where's the benefit for Kensington?
So is that like your job? You're a professional tournament organizer or player or something else? You sound very familiar with this stuff.


So is that like your job? You're a professional tournament organizer or player or something else? You sound very familiar with this stuff.
I'm a consultant to some extent, I also help run DEVASTATION as Director of Programming. But when it comes to pro teams, I worked for the Championship Gaming Series for the two years it was around. I was lead writer for the site, did some consulting on their fighting games, some web broadcasting fun stuff, but most importantly, I spent a considerable amount of time with many of the FPS pro teams (for example, I met both owners of Team EG).

Since none of these teams are very familiar with the fighting game scene, it's not uncommon for them to ask me for some advice on who they select. I don't have huge influence, but I usually point them in the right direction.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Being sponsored by the traveling circus... hmmmm


It would be great to see guys like Tom Brady and Reo get sponsored by the likes of the Traveling circus. These guys are as high level at MK as any player can be. Im not sure whats involved or how likely it is but it would be great to see and it would be great for MK in general.


I honestly love the name... "The Traveling Circus". I want in. lmao

I'm not even kidding. That name owns.


traveling circus is a cool name tho. i agree with that. but i think what storm is asking is can be achieved. i think if the game gets a great response and a lot of fans who demanded it to be at tournaments, it can happen. but the game needs to get love by many in order to catch a sponsor's eye. but hey, you never know maybe this is the year.
Good evening everyone.

Thanks to Storms for posting the news, and thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about the company, and our name.

We haven't been in the MK scene for awhile, but we enjoyed the franchise in it's early years (strayed away when MK4 came out, came back for 'deception') and give our support to the MK community.

Things are still in the early stages but there are some 'MK' plans for 2011. :)

-The Traveling Circus


Good evening everyone.

Thanks to Storms for posting the news, and thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about the company, and our name.

We haven't been in the MK scene for awhile, but we enjoyed the franchise in it's early years (strayed away when MK4 came out, came back for 'deception') and give our support to the MK community.

Things are still in the early stages but there are some 'MK' plans for 2011. :)

-The Traveling Circus
Welcome to Testyourmight Traveling Circus! That is great news indeed to hear that you have plans for MK in 2011. For the past year we at TYM have been working hard to bring MK to tournaments, which culiminated in having MKDC and UMK3 at West Coast Warzone 3 and at NECXI we had MK2,MKD,MKA,MKDC and the biggest UMK3 tournament weve had to date. We have hopefully laid a good foundation for MK9 to be the biggest tournament MK game to date. And we will continue to work hard to make sure that happens.
And with EVO announcing that MK9 will be there the future has never looked brighter for MK.

Welcome again Traveling Circus.


Good evening everyone.

Thanks to Storms for posting the news, and thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about the company, and our name.

We haven't been in the MK scene for awhile, but we enjoyed the franchise in it's early years (strayed away when MK4 came out, came back for 'deception') and give our support to the MK community.

Things are still in the early stages but there are some 'MK' plans for 2011. :)

-The Traveling Circus
Welcome, I look forward to seeing you around the community some more.

The future looks bright. Cheers!


Welcome Traveling Circus. I was checking the site and it looks good. I see you guys also have, aside from Gamerbee and Toxy, the one and only Tokido on your roster. nice!


Good evening everyone.

Thanks to Storms for posting the news, and thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about the company, and our name.

We haven't been in the MK scene for awhile, but we enjoyed the franchise in it's early years (strayed away when MK4 came out, came back for 'deception') and give our support to the MK community.

Things are still in the early stages but there are some 'MK' plans for 2011. :)

-The Traveling Circus

Damn.... Welcome! :)

I'll keep this short and leave the longer reply for email, but know that if you guys need ANYTHING from us, do NOT hesitate to ask. Shit, I'll even be more than happy to give you guys my cell and I've been known for my communication in the community. ;)

Anyway, it's an honor and a pleasure to have you here! :top: