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Vote-Ins are over!

With that, the vote-in stage for Summit of Time is over. The final spot goes to Kitana Prime! The 4 vote-ins are Wazminator, Tweedy, Gross, and KP. 2 more spots to be decided at LCQs before summit.

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Tweedy actually got in, huh? With how he's been behaving, I can't help but wonder how that happened.

Well, grats to them all.
Cool stuff.... glad KP got in but sad that Dink and Bio didn't.. plus the others all deserved it really. The entire "race" was stacked.. everyone should have got a shot in a perfect world.

That being said I hated the entire process for this vote... having voting is cool and fun but linking voting into merchandise purchasing is just all levels of horrible. This entire thing was just a massive con to sell junk, I'd be super curious to know how much people spent.. I know Dink raised a lot and that was one player that didn't get to round 3. It was open to abuse, some say it was abused, and all in all it was just horrible.

I like MK getting coverage, but this entire system is fucking stooooopid as fuck.