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UMK3 Tournament Granada Hills, CA


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Here is the post from shoryuken.com



This is the first of a possible series of tournaments known as FLASHBACK.

FLASHBACK is a tournament of 5 fighting games. Each game is specifically chosen to be games that aren't normally played anymore. This means that they will all be "old school".

What Games Are Going to Be In It?

Street Fighter Alpha 3
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
Killer Instinct
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Samurai Shodown II

There could be some small changes made in this line-up, specifically at whether we'll do SFA2 or SFA3.

When is this event taking place?
Saturday, October 25th, 2008

Each game will have its own starting times, which have not been determined yet.

What do I have to do to get in?

Each event will have its own individual fee, which will go directly to the pot. Prices have not been determined, however, expect no more than $5 per game.

Here's the location:
Family Fun Arcade
10363 Balboa Blvd
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(818) 360-0419
Sol3, Milky Way Galaxy; Virgo Supercluster

What are the rules for each game?

Killer Instinct:
2/3 matches, double elimination
Eyedol Banned
Alternate Play Modes (i.e. combo breaker mode) Banned
Cinder Infinite Banned
Stage Selection Allowed

Samurai Shodown II:
2/3 matches, double elimination
Kuroko isn't playable in arcade mode, so we don't have to worry about banning him.
Time Speed: Normal
Blood Enabled
Controls will be as follows:

Vampire Savior:
2/3 matches, double elimination
Game Speed: Turbo 3
Lives: 2
Damage Level: Normal
Because of the nature of the game, Donovan, Phobos/Huitzil, and Pyron aren't playable.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3:
2/3 matches, double elimination
8 player tournament mode will not be used.
Ver 1.2
All characters allowed (Clasic Sub-Zero, Mileena, Ermac and Human Smoke).
Glitches allowed (i.e. Glitch Cancelling).
Versus Kodes that make the game play in an odd mode (i.e. Dark Kombat) are banned.
Level Selection Allowed.
Controls for UMK3 are as follows:

Street Fighter Alpha 3:
It's a Japanese Street Fighter Zero 3; I need to check which version.
Odd modes of the game (i.e. Saikyo mode, No Ism, Classic Mode, etc.) are banned.
Secret Characters (Boxer, Juli and Juni) are allowed.
Any infinites are allowed.
Glitches are allowed as long as they don't crash the game.
I don't know which turbo to set, yet. I need to talk to the community, and check the difference in Zero to Alpha settings.

Some rules are subject to change.

Because of the technical nature of some of these games, double blind character selection will be used upon request. Double Blind character selection ensures that neither player knows their opponent's character when selecting their own character.

Why isn't [insert game here] in the tournament?
There are a lot of games I would love to see in the tournament, however, there's only so many hours in the day, so I've limited it to 5 games.

When I take sign-ups for the tournament, I will be asking which game you like the least, and which game you would prefer in its place. If I can get a coherent answer, I'll gladly replace whichever game is kicked off.

Some games I would love to see in, but I haven't heard of excited people for are:
Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting
World Heroes Perfect
Fatal Fury Special

If you would love to see a game in here, post here and let me know what you're interested in. Things aren't final yet.

I haven't played X game in forever, I'm no good at it now.

We'll be having these games up in the arcade pretty soon so you can get plenty of practice.

Current Games at FFA:
Killer Instinct
Street Alpha 3/2 (In our combo machine)
Vampire Savior (In our combo machine)
Samurai Shodown (In our combo machine)

Notes: I'll have a flier up soon. Get your practice in!

Actually, I just moved to Northern CA, so i'd have to take another 8 hour drive (just came back from so-cal yesterday) and got a lovely ticket in the mojave desert.

I used to go to school in granada hills, and am familiar with the area...so i'd really like to go

anyone else from the site able to attend this one?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
you mean, I can use that Classic Sub Zero?!?!?!?

WHEW!!! What a relief.

end sarcam.

Sounds cool. I never played that Vampire Savior.


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Remember to check the calendar for tournaments near you. If you see a big tournament with lots of games, chances are you can try and get UMK3 as a side tournament there and round up a few people if you're in a good location.


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I don't know how many players the tournament has confirmed, but I assume if they are running it, the coordinator is aware of interesting.
WTF, why in Gaylifornia? jk, hopefully UMK3 tounries will move toward the South East.

All the Cali players need to goto that shit. Round up your friends too, or just anyone interested. Just get as many people as possible to go.
Why don't you run one?
I would love to, but I haven't a place to do it. I know there's alot of southeastern players, but I just can't run a tounry with no location. I have been looking though, and will continue to look. If I could get some help and a place, than yeah I would.


Dojo Trainee
Lets just keep stupid posts, like this:

WTF, why in Gaylifornia? jk, hopefully UMK3 tounries will move toward the South East where the good players are. haha again jk, but seriously.
Out of this thread.

I know that there are a lot of Cali MK players, and you guys should definitely be there.
WTF, why in Gaylifornia? jk, hopefully UMK3 tounries will move toward the South East where the good players are. haha again jk, but seriously.
Hey...... shut up.

it seems like onewhite and i are the only cali players but its still pretty far from us

RealT420 is from cali...I think "|3oxer" is from cali too, and he has an arcade stick.

GTO408 is from cali...I don't know exactly anyone else...

but hey....we're here too....And granada hills is like 10 mins from where I used to live =[. So i'll go visit my family on wednesday or thursday and then go find this place...

hope to see some people there, we'll kick back and smoke a fatty.


Dojo Trainee
REALT420 doesnt live in Cali, but |3oxer (Lubu LA) does love in Cali.

I messaged him on Xbox Live about it, I am pretty certain he will go.


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When a tournament comes around, the players who are interested in going in the area definitely have to let other players know. I understand Cali is a big state but there's gotta be at least a dozen players who'd be willing to show up. Again, I don't know if the coordinator has pre reg's for UMK3 but I would assume there are, and it's probably not going to be very good comp. It'd be nice for some UltimateMK players to show up and take charge.
Yeah, cali is big man...

If anyones serious about this anyone from the bay area to mexico should go lol

but....the california UMK community is rather small here, so hopefully i'll be at an advantage at this tourney....

People should say if they're going to go to this thing or not...i'll try pretty hard...my GF is finding every excuse not to go, but i'll find a way ...

So, Shock, it's on a cab? I'm scared of that button layout lol.


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The guy running it said he's planning on adding the proper run button location at the very least. Having block in the bottom middle isn't hard to deal with as I suggested they put it there if they do add a run button location.

I would love to, but I haven't a place to do it. I know there's alot of southeastern players, but I just can't run a tounry with no location. I have been looking though, and will continue to look. If I could get some help and a place, than yeah I would.
Why look for a place on your own to just bring in some UMK3 players? There are always tournaments going on in Florida with multiple games that anyone could ask to run a tournament for UMK3 on the side. This is a message I've been trying to convey to many players. You don't have to run a tournament at your house, or rent a hall because chances are if you live in a populated area, someone else is running a tournament at some point. Piggy back off a big tournament in your area. Generally the people who run tournaments are always happy to have more games going on. If you supply the TV, the console, controllers, what have you, the worst response you'll hear is, "How many players can you bring out?" On top of that, having other games going on makes things more interesting and worth the trip for some players who won't want to just come out for UMK3, the possibility of a location that already has food etc, maybe even near a hotel or at one. A lot of you guys who have never been to a tournament probably don't quite understand the atmosphere.
Why look for a place on your own to just bring in some UMK3 players? There are always tournaments going on in Florida with multiple games that anyone could ask to run a tournament for UMK3 on the side. This is a message I've been trying to convey to many players. You don't have to run a tournament at your house, or rent a hall because chances are if you live in a populated area, someone else is running a tournament at some point. Piggy back off a big tournament in your area. Generally the people who run tournaments are always happy to have more games going on. If you supply the TV, the console, controllers, what have you, the worst response you'll hear is, "How many players can you bring out?" On top of that, having other games going on makes things more interesting and worth the trip for some players who won't want to just come out for UMK3, the possibility of a location that already has food etc, maybe even near a hotel or at one. A lot of you guys who have never been to a tournament probably don't quite understand the atmosphere.
Yeah thats sounds like a good idea. I will look into some of the scenes in my area, I don't know about Florida though. You're right, it really does boil down to how many people will show up for UMK3.

Also, I edited my first post to make it more clear. Obviously some people can't take a freeking joke. onewhite, get all the people you can dood.


You're right, it really does boil down to how many people will show up for UMK3.
Sometimes you'll even be surprised. Joe is a 3s player(actually he plays EVERYTHING competitively), and when he saw UMK3 there he immediately joined and played in the first CG I ran UMK3 at.

Shock's right though. Even if you can only bring 4-6 UMK3 players, its enough for a mini tourney and a lot of casuals, even casuals for people who see it and are like, "Wow, people actually still play Mortal Kombat!?!" You'll be surprised as to how many people will want to play just for nostalgia and some will even be somewhat decent.

The best advice I can give is to just do it, bring who you can, play hard in front people watching, and by all means, support the other games there. The best thing that has been said about the CG UMK3 tournaments to date came from the SRK community actually. UMK3 has been a headline tournament now in the CG tourneys now since the second one it was at. The CG8 had a different format, with tournaments starting at staggered times. UMK3 was among the "late" games along with 3s. Here's what was said:

"what's with Smash/MK over ST? :/"

and the response:

"UMK3 is there because the UMK3 guys are serious business who really go out of their way to support their scene and be nice and helpful for everyone. The free tournament to win a stick was pretty sweet."

That statement says a lot about us.
Me and Phil are srs when running the tournamnets at CG. A few smash players are thinking about playing MK for some support on the 1st :D


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Not to mention, I've been to several tournaments where UMK3 wasn't the lowest player count as well, over games like DOA and GG. Also, sometimes you have to even look at a neighboring state and make a bit of a trip. I have run or participated in UMK3 tournaments at 6 tournaments in Philly alone since 2001.
Hey guys, Family Fun Arcade just got ukm. I haven't played on the cab yet, but from what I read: It's currently set as:

Once we drill holes it will be set up as:
__LP BL LK <--- wtf? I guess that's the closest it's getting to arcade setup?

Would you guys be fine with the button layout?


Hey guys, Family Fun Arcade just got ukm. I haven't played on the cab yet, but from what I read: It's currently set as:

Once we drill holes it will be set up as:
__LP BL LK <--- wtf? I guess that's the closest it's getting to arcade setup?

Would you guys be fine with the button layout?
Most UMK3 players should be able to adapt to that. It's not too much of a change(about 1/2 inch for the block button). I personally have a custom stick that uses that config b/c I don't want to spend the money for 2 custom sticks...one for SF and one for MK. You should be fine, but if you want to make it right for the UMK3 purists, just get a used control panel from an existing MK4 or MK3 machine and use that.


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I'm not entirely sure anyone's going to come out, seemed like a couple guys were interested at first mention but it's all about getting there. It does look like you have some players interested posting on SRK. Can you post this new UMK3 location in our thread for it Mr Pasadena?
Yeah, no problem. I'll also post this information in the ukm machine location thread =D.
I'm probably gonna go there either tonight or tomorrow night to check out the cab and competition.

Family Fun Arcade
10363 Balboa Blvd
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(818) 360-0419

Sun-Thu: 10am - 2am
Fri-Sat: 10am - 4am
I think Mondays they open at 12 instead of 10.