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Today @ 3P CST patch stream w/ NRS, Tomorrow go live, tomorrow night w/ Perfect Legend & Tom Brady


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With the newest MKXL patch about to hit our systems, perhaps a schedule to hype it all up is in order? Below are times, links of some of the exciting and MUST BE THERE events happening within the next 36 hrs.

TODAY @ 3PM CST - www.twitch.tv/netherrealm (NRS discusses the new patch)
TOMORROW @ ??? - Newest MKXL Patch Goes "LIVE"!
TOMORROW NIGHT @ 9PM EST - Perfect Legend along w/ UA|Tom Brady will be discussing the patch on PL's stream via www.twitch.tv/perfectlegend

How will this affect the tiers of MKXL? If you're not a member here yet, you have issues... because it's FREE and we want to hear from you, so sign up!

