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Question - Kung Jin This might be a no brainer

Which variation should I focus more on?

  • Ancestral

  • Shaolin

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PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
There's still time to become the best Ancestral player of all time. (Just place higher than ChrisG's 7th.)
There is no time left to become the best Shao Lin. There's dozens of us.


Blue Blurs for Life!

Between Ancestral and Shaolin, Kung Jin keeps a majority of the tools that make him an extreme pain in the ass to contend with (divekick, air control, mix-ups, footsies and safe frames). Obviously, the difference lies in how they both approach their offensive game.

To be honest, if you're looking to get serious about the game, I'd have to encourage that you choose Shaolin for the annoying drop-kick mind-games and the threat of the EX Chakram. Of course, you can always study Ancestral further down the road if you feel like getting a fresh perspective on match-ups, but if you play the variation, be ready to looks for lots of knockdowns so that you can safely load your arrows or else you'll die from recovery frames.


What's so good about Shaolin is that half of his blockstrings are specials, so he gains meter and does chip like the patches never happened. lol

Edit: There are a lot of other good points to be made obviously. I just don't see people mentioning that.


Όσα δε φτάνει η αλεπού. ........
These variations are so different I would say we are talking for separate chars.
Ancestral needs time.
Shaolin is brain-dead just like ninjitsu but is the strongest.
The funny part is that you didn't mention the variant I play lol.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Play takeda, filthy tier whore. :DOGE
Seriously: Shaolin is the best choice, if you want to suffer from pain and agony during matches. Ancestral's the best choice. Otherwise, shaolin is the best, shaolin builds alot of meter, does decent damage etc.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
But Which variation is best to put in my time?

Shaolin or Ancestral

and Why. Long answers appreciated.
You may not want to hear this answer but, either one.

If you want to pick KJ up and have him tournament ready in a couple weeks to a month then Shaolin is the way to go. Mostly because up kick/drop...but you have to know which hit boxes whiff in which ways. Shaolin isn't as braindead as people pretend. The up kick whiff problems, the gap in mb low chakram, the disjointed hit box issue with njp, super unsafe divekick...there is a lot more to Shaolin than people give him credit for, and they take away from Shaolin players at the same time. But Shaolin is still very good, between 8-12 on the tier list IMHO.

Ancestral, on the other hand, requires more dedication. There is no guarantee that your Ancestral KJ will be a viable killing machine in a month, two months, or ever. This doesn't mean he's a lost cause, he's just a bad version of MoS Ermac. And its not even because his load is unsafe, there are plenty of block strings in which he is safe on reload (will post thread link @Youphemism made), it's the fact his recovery on his arrows are impractical and there isn't a point in which he gains a real advantage. Sadly, I probably have one of the best Ancestral but I suck with dude lol

Now the end of the day, as we reach the ass end of MKX, there is no point in playing a character for absolute tournament viability if you are already dedicated to a main. Try both ShaoJin and Jincestral. Decide which of the two you enjoy playing the most. Dedicate yourself to that variation.

Youph's hard work should not go unnoticed:
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fear the moobs
shaolin if you want to win
ancestral if you want to give up your turn for the ability to combo then loose that ability while your actual main (shirai ryu) is pressuring you


honestly fluff- Shaolin is better for you.. With the way you play - shaolin wil suit you way more and keep up at your pace and style .
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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Keep the replies on topic or don't reply at all thanks.
You may not want to hear this answer but, either one.

If you want to pick KJ up and have him tournament ready in a couple weeks to a month then Shaolin is the way to go. Mostly because up kick/drop...but you have to know which hit boxes whiff in which ways. Shaolin isn't as braindead as people pretend. The up kick whiff problems, the gap in mb low chakram, the disjointed hit box issue with njp, super unsafe divekick...there is a lot more to Shaolin than people give him credit for, and they take away from Shaolin players at the same time. But Shaolin is still very good, between 8-12 on the tier list IMHO.

Ancestral, on the other hand, requires more dedication. There is no guarantee that your Ancestral KJ will be a viable killing machine in a month, two months, or ever. This doesn't mean he's a lost cause, he's just a bad version of MoS Ermac. And its not even because his load is unsafe, there are plenty of block strings in which he is safe on reload (will post thread link @Youphemism made), it's the fact his recovery on his arrows are impractical and there isn't a point in which he gains a real advantage. Sadly, I probably have one of the best Ancestral but I suck with dude lol

Now the end of the day, as we reach the ass end of MKX, there is no point in playing a character for absolute tournament viability if you are already dedicated to a main. Try both ShaoJin and Jincestral. Decide which of the two you enjoy playing the most. Dedicate yourself to that variation.

Youph's hard work should not go unnoticed:
Cheers man! Unfortunately, like Hat Trick, NRS clearly thinks even having one plus cancel on block would be super broke so testing it was partially in vain :( At least people who don't know the matchup (everyone) can make sure they don't let Ancestrals get away with gimmicky reloads.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Keep the replies on topic or don't reply at all thanks.

Cheers man! Unfortunately, like Hat Trick, NRS clearly thinks even having one plus cancel on block would be super broke so testing it was partially in vain :( At least people who don't know the matchup (everyone) can make sure they don't let Ancestrals get away with gimmicky reloads.
I think Ancestral can make a top 8 in a Major, I think most variations can...but it'll be very very hard. I've realized that blocked 50/50 into reload is best followed by ex flip kick cuz they will poke 95% of the time. Then oki your combo lol


I'm just looking to level up, ya feel?
Shaolin is definitely more rewarding in most aspects of play. I'm not a Kung Jin player but I can definitely tell you that Shaolin is way stronger in footsies and rushdown. Ancestral has long start up gimmicks that involve zoning and there are too many characters that can punish him.