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The MMH community could use an apology after all this mess

Should the "REO effect" on characters be lifted?

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I think it is completely unfair that certain players in this community receive a ton of flack and get judged just because they happen to play a certain character. I've seen this happen many times before and I think it needs to finally stop. At NEC HazeJupiter gets scoffed at and tossed left and right for both directions on the basis of whether MMH is broken or not. How is this fair to him as a player to be put in such taut situations by default? He does good with MMH: "See look, the character is broken and needs to be nerfed" He does bad with the character: "What happened to MMH being top tier?" "HazeJupiter isn't that good of player, duh."

Just stop already. Get off of these players and leave them be. I feel like this does nothing but make players either annoyed / angry, or give them the idea that maybe they should stop competing and traveling since they're being treated as labrats for jerk offs to rub around in their pissy contests that they had absolutely NO part of. I have seen this happen to players in the past for other characters. It's gotten to the point where I am sincerely sorry that players get thrown into these messes.

Now some of you may be a tad bit confused as to what the poll is about. Allow me to clarify and further explain. Over the years of being a part of the MK community, I've been noticing a reoccurring trend that I will label as the "REO effect" (I will call it this until we come up with something better) What is this "REO effect", you ask? The REO effect is basically when a certain character gets designated as automatic "top tier" or "best in the game" for the sole purpose that "REO" is choosing to main the character, or currently playing the character.

Now I will admit, I often do overhype and exaggerate how good the character I am currently playing is, so to say I have absolutely no part in swaying opinions is ludicrous. I am guilty of up playing whatever character I am using to no end. However, I have recently given up that charade for good. More details of that can be read here. "But where's your evidence, bro." "Show us how characters you're using get talked about as top tier or best in the game.". OK, next paragraph.

Let's talk about the beginning of Injustice when I was maining Batman (until Scorpion came out) and many top players would murmur Batman was probably the best in the game. How Batman was being labeled as "the best in the game" before Black Adam or Superman was beyond me, but whatever. How about the second Scorpion came out and many top players all of a sudden stated he is a problem and has to be nerfed "cause play REO bro"? MMH comes out and now it's all of a sudden the same problem. MMH is apparently the "best character" in the game just because... yeah... *tumbleweed* Props to the GGA team for being the only group of players who don't fall victim to the hot moment of whatever character REO is playing.

Now I'm not trying to sound like this happened out of the blue. It also happened in MK9 with Mileena being called "top three, probably no losing match ups", "d4 is too good of a tool and breaks the game", "she 7-3s pre patch Lao". etc. etc. The association with certain characters would even go as far as degrading amazing players like GGA Soonk and Lulzlou getting called "bad" players by some because they didn't live to the standard that Kabal must win a major or make it to grand finals. Who was this standard placed by? Where did the idea come from that Kabal is this incredibly broken S+ tier character that is now all of a sudden slowly being placed over MMH, too? Hmm...

Have any of you took a step back and perhaps thought maybe the character I'm playing could not be top tier? Maybe the character I'm using isn't as good as many would have you believe? I think you guys need to all stop with this premature nonsense. Enough harassing or judging a player's skill due to what certain people will have you believe on characters. I have done my part and have stopped engaging in the character puppetry. Now it is your turn as a community to just stop focusing on characters alone, and to just play the game.

After all, is it the players who matter the most? Or is it the characters? Some food for thought.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Would you just participate in a tournament man?! We want to see your green stretching man in action!


I have no idea whether you're trolling or not any more.
Read status update from few days ago. I'm done trolling and pulling strings on gameplay / tier list talk just for my amusement. I will no longer be over hyping characters or giving influence on any gameplay for the sole purpose of stirring something up.

I'm not even gonna bother reading the 1st post. TLDR suckadick.

Deal with it.
TLDR - You were right about Mileena being ridiculously overrated in MK9 and that she was just another good character. More people need to take notes and think for theirselves without the influence of players.

This can apply to a ton of characters from the past and other players.
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GGA Wafflez

the kid
Props to the GGA team for being the only group of players who don't fall victim to the hot moment of whatever character REO is playing.

After all, is it the players who matter the most? Or is it the characters? Some food for thought.
veerrrrrry interesting....
seriously sometimes when you post and you want people to believe you and they dont. Its because you will write a whole essay and be 80% serious about it and 20% is little trolls you just threw in there for fun....very misleading young man.


Scrub God Lord
People need to understand that mhh could easily be the best character in the game, but he doesn't win free.
remember when zod came out? everyone claimed him to destroy everyone and that he was going to invade top 8.
The best zod couldn't make it through the dark knight, people need to stop with the up-playing.
People tend to label the character as "kabal" simply because their main losses to it, or because they choose to not adapt.
Just look at m2dave, he refuses to walk forward to punish the mhh teleport even when pig and many others keep telling that walking forward is a more than viable choice.
Exactly right. The time to be vocal about characters was early in the game when patches were still coming out. That way we had influence on the balance and characters of the game because NRS listens. Now that most likely the final patch is out, let the players play who they want.

So basically it is up to NRS to balance the game and up to the players to play.

Reo for president.