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Sub-Zero Speculation

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
So I think we will get all of the versions of the MKX S1 strings. 1, 111, 123 and 112. Inputs probably the same too.

I didn't see B12

The F4 grab string is back, different inputs though obviously.

I don't care if the command grab stays a grab, just hope it's 2 in 1 cancellable.

D2 looks like the Cryo one, but hopefully it is fast enough to use on reaction though. It looks fast, maybe ditching Aquaman won't make me so emo if I have a solid D2 still.

I agree that the mb slide is the side switch.

Ice burst and frost bomb appear to be back. It would be nice if ice burst is still safe in case we don't have a klone available frost bomb doesn't look like it launches for a combo.

B3 is the same animation as the MK9 B2, I appreciate that shit.

F1 string is back but it's the Cryomancer version, so think we will lose the great F12 knockdown. Another reason I hope the command grab is cancellable so we can cancel into klone.

Air mb hammer launchers, perhaps it is still an overhead and perhaps the instant air version is unreactable. I think I'm just being greedy though.

I hope regular ice ball combos meterlessly, like Lokheit said it will probably be slow and scale badly. Mb ice ball looks pretty visually similar to MKX mb ice ball, so maybe it eats projectiles still.

Hopefully standing 2 and the 242 string is gone, shit would be near usesless without run especially since we have Cryo's F122, it would be totally redundant.

S3 better be replaced with something useful, garbage ass normal.

I'd be surprised if his D1 was changed significantly other than the fact it combos now.

I bet he will have a good long range low profiling sweep. A good low poke seems to be a staple of Sub-Zero in both modern NRS games.

B3 string is back, new command obviously.

That's all I got for now, I'm sure more will come to me at 3 AM when I'm trying to sleep. Can't wait to play the character again and talk with you guys about him more again.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah I think that makes sense, giving Sub some of his old moves from previous games as gear abilities. Personally I would like to see the Ice Skate from MKDA come back.
Yeah exactly, some of his oldschool moves from the past would be cool. I just realized something they could do for future NRS games, with the gear system they could still keep it competitive if they create an option/mode where you literally don't gain health, damage, defense etc however have an option to just trade new moves you unlock which do the same damage as default moves. Example, say standard sub has a new move for I2 that's normal with the ice dive kick clone, now say you unlock say his MKvs DC falling ice cube move. That would be cool if they let us replace one move for another yet could be used for competitive play as well. I doubt they'll do that because then the FGC would have to approve, would be more red tape for organizers etc but would be a neat option.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
We won't know till we try him in July. I want to lab him and see if the MKX combos will work here as well, but only if they have improved the corner game.

I hope that D1 (which would be similar to either D1 or D4) is canceable. Will need it for the poke game to bring the Ice Klone out. I hope that the Ice Shatter comes back. Will need it for the corner game as well.

I hope that the Polar Puncture gets cancelled into any special move. In MKX it worked only for the Ice Hammer, but not for the rest of the normal ones (Slide and Iceball). I only hope that the Polar Puncture doesn't get the same difficult input like in MKX, otherwise we'll have a problem inputting this in ours combos. I noticed in the video that Sub DIDN'T duck, so I think that the D is gone. I think it's BF3 (or 1 or 2). We used to do DBF3 to do this PP.

Judging by the MB Frost Bomb, I noticed that this one is a completely new. The new one is the Rugby bashing there. So the MKX version is no longer coming back.

The MB Slide is from the normal Slide. So it's back. Will definitely use it after 123.

B33 is back, so Sub will definitely have 50/50.

F33 is back, but where would it be its input? I hope it gets canceable with Slide or Frost Bomb.

Guys, what I noticed as new is this... What's this new kicking combo BEFORE the Super Move?


So I think we will get all of the versions of the MKX S1 strings. 1, 111, 123 and 112. Inputs probably the same too.

I didn't see B12

The F4 grab string is back, different inputs though obviously.

I don't care if the command grab stays a grab, just hope it's 2 in 1 cancellable.

D2 looks like the Cryo one, but hopefully it is fast enough to use on reaction though. It looks fast, maybe ditching Aquaman won't make me so emo if I have a solid D2 still.

I agree that the mb slide is the side switch.

Ice burst and frost bomb appear to be back. It would be nice if ice burst is still safe in case we don't have a klone available frost bomb doesn't look like it launches for a combo.

B3 is the same animation as the MK9 B2, I appreciate that shit.

F1 string is back but it's the Cryomancer version, so think we will lose the great F12 knockdown. Another reason I hope the command grab is cancellable so we can cancel into klone.

Air mb hammer launchers, perhaps it is still an overhead and perhaps the instant air version is unreactable. I think I'm just being greedy though.

I hope regular ice ball combos meterlessly, like Lokheit said it will probably be slow and scale badly. Mb ice ball looks pretty visually similar to MKX mb ice ball, so maybe it eats projectiles still.

Hopefully standing 2 and the 242 string is gone, shit would be near usesless without run especially since we have Cryo's F122, it would be totally redundant.

S3 better be replaced with something useful, garbage ass normal.

I'd be surprised if his D1 was changed significantly other than the fact it combos now.

I bet he will have a good long range low profiling sweep. A good low poke seems to be a staple of Sub-Zero in both modern NRS games.

B3 string is back, new command obviously.

That's all I got for now, I'm sure more will come to me at 3 AM when I'm trying to sleep. Can't wait to play the character again and talk with you guys about him more again.
Yeah, some of his old strings are gone (B12 with its huge hit advantage, regular F12 knock down or B2 are apparently gone, 242 too but that was forgetable in Cryo's arsenal and F122 from Cryo is there).

We know 6 different string starters covered except for one, so there is only one left to asign out of s1, b1, s2, b2, f2 or s3 and not all characters have all of them asigned so it could be it:

- The old s1 with its 111 (for special cancels), 123 (for low on second hit and screen carry) and 112 (for knock down and hopefully this time around safe option as it was a bad string before) is back (probably 114 for the low kd too but that string was a joke so it won't be missed unless enhanced). This is probably s1.

- Cryo's F122 is back with disjointed hitboxes after the first hit and launching properties.

- B33D4 is back for low starting combos.

- F42Throw is back as your advancing string (and I hope F4 is still the normal god of cancel advantage lol).

- F33 is back too.

- We got a new string (right before his Supermove in the trailer) with 2 kicks.

Note that only one of those strings used to be High, so either Subbie only has 1 of them and the others are Mids and Lows or one is changed into a High (looking at the trailer, I think F33 could be hitting higher than it used too and maybe it will be the new s2 High... but then it would be almost the same as 123).

We're missing an OH string unless 111 third hit is now OH (some players wanted Cryo's 111 third hit to be an OH back in the day, I wasn't one of them but maybe that would be a good thing in this game if Subbie can't get other OHs). Another OH option could be a ramification of the new kicks string that we haven't seen, but so far the only real 50/50 would come from a jump attack into MB Air Hammer or B33.

We know the animations for his B3 (MK9 B2), F3 (Cryo's Hammer), D2 (Cryo's uppercut), J2 (sword spin) and J3 (MKX J3, btw the air klone animation is his J4 from MKX). We don't know how J1 and D1 look but I'm not expecting anything unexpected (his MKX Ji1 won't be as useful as I2 jump attacks complete the whole jump even if they hit unlike MKX where you could instant jump punch or full combo which made J1 really strong).

I also hope his Slide still goes under Mids, it's what made it shine and in this game having that maneuverability is even more important.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I also hope his Slide still goes under Mids, it's what made it shine and in this game having that maneuverability is even more important.
I already mentioned the aboves that are returning. I'm, also, wondering about the new string before the SM.

I, also, wish that the Slide still goes under Mids. We'll have a serious problem against GA, Darkseid, ST and the rest, who do low-zoning. We won't have a problem against the rest, because they keep zoning high.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
yea im a bit iffy on if normal ice ball will freeze for a combo or what they done to it, just going off what they did to scorps spear in inj1, hoping like someone said eariler in thread even if normal ice ball doesnt link from string and just froze for combo by itself.

was hoping his noob style clones where part of his trait, so looked so awesome in trailer.maybe its a gear trait that switches out like black adam has shazams trait, guess have to wait on see. hope also his trait does function in a supergirl style bar like mentioned

want to see a watchtower for him ASAP!


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Since NRS is trying to avoid 50/50s I bet his B2 is gone and his new overhead is probably the air hammer and F3. B2 might be a new normal or used to cover for a returning string.

Mykal NS

Demolition Sonya Main / Downplayer
I thought the same when we first knew that SZ would be in the game, but the game has plenty of meterless launchers (like Ivy's Datura2 for an example of a character we both know well). Regular iceball if it's similar to MKX is a slow move with 0 damage and heavy damage scaling so I think it could still freeze and not be OP in the I2 context.
This. Black Adam Black Magic launches and scales heavily. Ice ball will do the same.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
i wonder that his trait his clone will he get a tic of meter or not for canceling into it from strings/pokes, i think most (if not all) traits dont give meter for pure activation just when they blocked etc