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Tech - Konjurer Stage specific Konjurer tech


Day 1 grill
First video is proof of concept showing that you can't trigger the egg unless you use the interaction, and some of the possibilities off of it.
EDIT: Worth noting that this interaction in the first video usually breaks and disappears after the first use, but will not disappear with this tech.

Second; a 50% one bar off an interaction:

I'm sure there is some more dirt to be found with this concept.
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Day 1 grill
The face hugger won't come out if your near an intractable so you won't get you combo
Ohhhh. Yeah you can actually set an egg pretty far off screen. I've triggered the radius before off screen, but I'm not 100% sure how I did it. I'm looking into it though. This variation still has more dirt to be found.


Day 1 grill
You can use Kautan jungles vines too. skip to 11:05 (for some reason the time stamped link won't work)
Yessir, it should work with all interactions if timed correctly. The reason I used the interactions in my video is because the latest patch made them into unblockable throws instead of mids, so you're getting an unblockable set up that has more range than a grab. It also makes it where that interaction doesn't break after the first use like its intended to.


Your hole is mine!
People need to look into this more, on a lot of stages he'd be able to get full combos off stage interable command grabs resulting in ridiculous OH, Low, Throw, Command Throw mixups if you're positioned properly.
This inspired me to make a short CMV about the interactable-into-egg setup.
There's still lots of room for optimization, but it's just to give an idea of what COULD be done from different interactables.
What's cool is that on the Jinsei stage, the face hugger prevents you from breaking the interactable, which means you could use it again later in the match.
Hope you guys enjoy :D