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Sonic Fox departs from team cR - Another big announcement later?

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Sonic Fox has just announced that he has left team Critical Reaction via his twitter page

Thankfully though, it was a clean breakup and there nothing but love being spread between Fox and cR Mindset.

Sonic also said that there may be an even BIGGER announcement sometime later in the week. Will this be his new sponsor announcement? Most likely. Only time will tell.

This was certainly out of the blue, but I'm excited to see what Sonic has in store for the future! It's unlikely that he would do such a thing without a good reason.

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I honestly dont know much of anything except what he's not doing. Idk that even Mindset knows where he's going but I'll tell you this: cR and Sonicfox are still tight af. So before people go nuts, it's nothing like that. Theyre still family. I think we are all in for a huge surprise whenever he makes the announcement though.
Agreed. No one should even think they're not still close. I can't wait to see what the news is. Hollywood status incoming?


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
It would be really smart to start his own. If he has saved, he can do it. He has a dynamic way of seeing the game in a way that allows him to simplify his reads and just let his hands go. If he can impart this on others, he could create a team drawing from mostly unknown players and underachievers that is a real player on the competitive scene.