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Video/Tutorial Somecubanguy's Korner Reset


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
*this is a repost as the original thread was lost in the server issuses*

This is a b4 corner only reset,
credit goes to SomeCubanGuy

ps.you can switch the d4 with 4 if you wish or even f4 for a swag b4 to f4 reset.
a raw slices also can reset opponent

***UPDATE 27th jan 2013***
Taken from post #6



Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
just to put it here people knowledge & for those who may of not seen the stream that it was talked about in,

SomeCubanGuy has added a new mixup for after the sweep, f44,
if hits you get 44,4~spin,spin or 44,spin,d1,spin,spin, this gives your opponent only one chance to block instead of 2 with d4/4~(ex)/slices, also u dont have to use a 2nd meter to bump up your damage which another plus, if blocked your only at -2 so its a very good option.

also that the reset itself is easiest to do off a ex slices but possible off other combos ive found that off only off the ex slices combos its actually possible to use b3 strings (b31,b32~) after the sweep! :eek:
its tight but that be 70%+ with 1 meter if that lands. handy to know

EVB SomeCubanGuy

Sooooo after 1man3letters told me that B31/B32 both work after the corner sweep reset, I can confirm that they indeed do work. They work with the standard Baraka meterless BnBs though the timing is more strict. ON TOP OF THAT, F2 also resets them after the sweep. So not even blocking is safe. Boom.

Im gonna hit the lab more and practice the shit out of this. I WILL pull it off on stream.

EVB SomeCubanGuy


I forgot to add that the only downside to this is if you drop it it's possible you're eating a wakeup AND stuck in the corner now, but that's only with the B3, the F2 I believe Baraka is able to recover in time. Also the F2 reset is only possible with meter as far as I know, since the move is 2 frames slower than B3. The timing is much stricter. The B3 can absolutely be used without any meter at all, which can basically lead to 80%+ METERLESS if your opponent isn't blocking low.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.

I forgot to add that the only downside to this is if you drop it it's possible you're eating a wakeup AND stuck in the corner now, but that's only with the B3, the F2 I believe Baraka is able to recover in time. Also the F2 reset is only possible with meter as far as I know, since the move is 2 frames slower than B3. The timing is much stricter. The B3 can absolutely be used without any meter at all, which can basically lead to 80%+ METERLESS if your opponent isn't blocking low.
LOL. " Yup...top five...top five." Nice shit.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
awesome stuff on doing the video SomeCubanGuy i'll edit it into the OP now.
thanks for the shoutout 2 :D
like i said we should test to see what frame the wakeup has to be to catch raka before he can block if the b3/f2 whiffs.
tarkatans be popping out that cyrax reset damage now lol

EVB SomeCubanGuy

awesome stuff on doing the video SomeCubanGuy i'll edit it into the OP now.
thanks for the shoutout 2 :D
like i said we should test to see what frame the wakeup has to be to catch raka before he can block if the b3/f2 whiffs.
tarkatans be popping out that cyrax reset damage now lol
Even still from what Ive seen with both, Baraka ends up on the opposite side, so the opponent would have to do the input in the opposite direction. On top of that the whole purpose of that Reset is to get the opponent afraid of trying a wakeup attack against you after the sweep so the likelyhood of them trying for a wakeup isn't good, especially if you hit them with the reset once before.


A lot of people be hating on Baraka though lol..

This right here is revolutionary. They cant tell yall nothing