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Sektor Questions


Can someone tell me any good combos for sektor's 3 hit pop up? and also, what can i do after a jump kick to robo uppercut? usually i high punch to dumb missile, but is there anything else i can work on?
hahaha yeah for real, spam em haha

Anyway, my new technique when I random and get him is when I hit a JK or tele uppercut or punisher, I always hit them as high as possible with the uppercut, and then slowly walk in, and run burst LP, to JK sweep

The delay after the tele punch I THINK lets damage protection wear off, and this simple combo comes out to
a whopping 46%/48%

whole combo: teleport uppercut, run burst LP, JK, sweep

I'm not sure how it works, but I always delay after the tele punch, and it hurts.
deep jk, tele-uppercut, aaLP,HP, JK then wake up sweep

3 hit popup, aaLP,HP, JK then wake up sweep

instead of the sweep you can start spamming missiles

3 hit pop up walk forward roundhouse spam missiles

and mix up the smart with the dumb missiles, sektor is not too great, but still fun :p


thanks everyone, im not trying to main sektor just trying to learn how to use certain people effectively
hahaha yeah for real, spam em haha

Anyway, my new technique when I random and get him is when I hit a JK or tele uppercut or punisher, I always hit them as high as possible with the uppercut, and then slowly walk in, and run burst LP, to JK sweep

The delay after the tele punch I THINK lets damage protection wear off, and this simple combo comes out to
a whopping 46%/48%

whole combo: teleport uppercut, run burst LP, JK, sweep

I'm not sure how it works, but I always delay after the tele punch, and it hurts.

Contrary to what SkateBlind says, sektor is a pretty fun character. Lots of options, they're just risky and low in reward. aaHP's to teleport in corner are fun. With perfect positioning you can do a double jk, lp, missle. There are many circumstantial situations when a smart missle hits while you're in the middle of a punisher/pop up where you can do many creative things if you're quick enough. Spamming smart missles with the lead is good. Just shooting them off whenever you can't be punished for it (and sometimes when you can) in general is a good idea, and will get those creative combos coming.

Regardless, after the three hit pop up I always do what onewhite said. Run burst, lp, jk to sweep. The sweep in unblockable (on most characters) if you bursted correctly. You can also do deep jk to missle, relaunch. When goin for tactics do the burst, punch, jk, then do a smart missle (unpunishable in most cases) to set up more rush down (double rjs, random hks, far sweeps).


can someone explain the whole bursting thing to me? sorry, i don't exactly know many of them terms discussed here since im new


EFL Founder
Good lord, Skateblind.

Near: Start by tapping hp or lp in your own repetitive rhythm. Now when you're comfortable with the motion, add run right after (like doing an autocombo eg. HP, HP, D+HP) and if you look closely...the jab will cancel and the character's arm will go back to their side faster than normal. A burst is tapping run before and after the jab, which propels the character toward the opponent for the first part. After that, the second run cancels so you can recover a hair quicker and deal more damage while the player is juggled in midair. This shit is important, runjabs (bursting lp against blocking opponents) are a vital part of offense.


thanks dreamcatcher, my brother buttmanv3 run jabs me a lot when we play at home but i didnt know there was a whole process to cancelling the punches, this is very helpful

Tim Static

screwdriver doesn't run out of bullets though, you can't stab a gun and throwing it is not going to do much. Sextoy FTW! ;)
LOL, true, maybe if the holder of the gun is blind, but you could also side step a charging screwdrive user and pistol whip there shit REAL good ;););)
Um run bursting is not what dreamcatcher said. A run burst is litteraly waiting for the run meter to start filling up, and at the last possible second using the extra run to burst forward and hit your opponent, or in this case (for sektor) to be in closer for the sweep. The sweep is impossible if you don't do this (unless you're in the corner).

Skateblind, play me and I'll pick sektor every time and do some very creative things to you and your lil' midget nightwolf. :)
for example, with sindel. You do the pop up, right? You ever seen someone do two hp's and then the fireball? Well, they walk forward after the pop up, wait for the run bar to start regenerating, then use the run (by tapping the run button) to jolt/burst them forward to be close enough to do the two hps. With sektor you do his three hit pop up, walk forward right away, wait until the run bar starts to regenerate, tap run and hit them with the hp, jk, sweep.

It's simple after practice, just basically tap run at the last possible moment to burst forward. It's something that becomes extremely routine after time.


Near: Start by tapping hp or lp in your own repetitive rhythm. Now when you're comfortable with the motion, add run right after (like doing an autocombo eg. HP, HP, D+HP) and if you look closely...the jab will cancel and the character's arm will go back to their side faster than normal. A burst is tapping run before and after the jab, which propels the character toward the opponent for the first part. After that, the second run cancels so you can recover a hair quicker and deal more damage while the player is juggled in midair. This shit is important, runjabs (bursting lp against blocking opponents) are a vital part of offense.
This is not runbursting. This may partially describe run jabbing and canceling punches with run somewhere in there, otherwise I dont know what the hell this post is. But I dont see an accurate description of runbursting anywhere in this post.

Run bursts have nothing to do with run jabbing or canceling punches with run, at all.

Um run bursting is not what dreamcatcher said. A run burst is litteraly waiting for the run meter to start filling up, and at the last possible second using the extra run to burst forward and hit your opponent, or in this case (for sektor) to be in closer for the sweep. The sweep is impossible if you don't do this (unless you're in the corner).
This is a much better description of a run burst.