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Video/Tutorial - Balanced Save Balanced Kenshi (with video)


Bug of tater's
His hit boxes suck so much because he can't see what he's doing

For real though balanced is my favorite variation. I wouldn't even care if he was great or not as long as he was decent I'd go back to him


Positive Poster!
He's paying for how utterly broken he was in mk9.
I hate to see characters underperforming as much as overperforming though.
I hope he'll get some fair fixes.


D1 mashing is the tactic when skill fails !
So, a lot already know that kenshi's worst variation is balanced, and with good reason. I have to say this character is flat out incredibly fun and stylish to play. But he really does "suffer" from his design alone. There are so many flaws that I discovered in just the small amount of time I've been playing him that I see why this character had thread after thread begging for help. So guys I took it upon myself to give it one more try for our beloved kenshi community and made this. I'm not asking for buffs, although competitively he could use some tweaking as well, but I just wanted to point out the flaws within the toolset he was given. I hope it helps and it's not to late for him to stil get treatment ;). Check it out below:

@Tim Static @Pig Of The Hut @coconutshrimp @ismael4790 @all other kenshi mains I might have missed....sorry.
Great video to show stupid ppl how lame kenshi is .