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Question about Triborg?


I do not get if NRS has given him the story of getting the conciouses of Lin Kuei Data and CSZ included why is he card Triborg? And not something like Quatborg?

The other question is... How is he able to split himself in 3 when doing his fatality? And why not 4 with CSZ?

Lord Snotty

Lord of the Bletherrealm.
I have a theory based on NOTHING that Triborg is from an alternate timeline. Kronika's handiwork, of course.


Tired, But Strong
In his bio, nothing is said of CSZ's consciousness being part of what makes him him. You could say that this means that either the CSZ variation simply doesn't exist in his story or that Triborg uses CSZ's kombat data without actually integrating SZ's mind into his consciousness.

As for how he "splits", it's more that it seems like he is simply able to control multiple bodies at once. Definitely not unheard of for AI-based characters in fiction.

But really, details on Triborg's nature are generally pretty sparse. This is all speculation.


bye felicia
Things that happen in dlc (like arcade mode or any other mode that isn't story) are never canon even if canon characters do them.

The same thing happened to Scarlet and Kenshi when they were adjusted to join the cast