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Guide Parry vs ...


Lasso parry - on hit negates all blockstun from the opponents attack, leaving the opponent in recovery frames and WW at plus frames. Thus, the more bluckstun an opponents attack has, the more time WW has to punish.
Generally parries high, mid and overhead attacks and projectiles, unless specified.
To gain the best advantage, parry has to be done as late as possible.
Lasso parry increases damage of iteractables and first hit of stage transitions by 30%
Shield parry - On hit deals 2 hits by default, can be added 2 more hits by pressing 2 and 3 right after. Default parry leaves WW at neutral. Parry+2 - at slight advantage. Parry+3 does a techable knockdown, which leaves WW at great advantage even on techroll. Generally parries high, mid and overhead attacks.

b3/MBb3/f3/MBf3 - are all parriable by poth parries.
Aerial jumping attacks can not be parried.
Supers can not be parried.
All grounded overhead attacks can be parried, unless specified. Lows can not, unless specified.
All strings that interrupt midstring on whiff will also interrupt if parried with lasso parry.
All normals and strings that cancel into specials will not cancel into specials if parried with lasso parry.

Character specific
P/LP/SP - both parries/only lasso/sword parry
np - non-parriable
Li - interruptable by lasso parry (if if this attack has been parried, the string will not continue and the opponent will remain in the recovery of the parried attack)
Lc - cancel interruptable by lasso parry (if this attack has been parried, it will not cancel into any special move, not even super)
L1/Ld1/Lb1/L3 - if lasso-parried this attack can be punished by 1/d1/b1/3 in lasso stance before the next attack of the string will come out (if only L1 is shown it means Ld1 is possible too, unless specified)
SDA/SDT - safe dash away/toward out of the string after LP
J/JA/JT - after a lasso parry it's possible to neutral jump/jump away/jump toward safely.

All options presented here are possible only if the first attack has been parried or parried after the previous attacks have whiffed.

Trident rush - P
MB Trident rush - P
From the deep - np
MB From the deep - np
Water shield - np
MB Water shield - np
Trident scoop - np
Trident toss - LP
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [P, L1, Lc, J] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 2 [P, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Li] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
f2 [np] 1+3 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Special shifter - n/a
MB Special shifter - n/a
God smack - np
MB God smack - np
Dark energy - LP
MB Dark energy - LP
Warp transmission front/behind - n/a
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d3 [np]
d1 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

4 [np]
4u [np]
4d [np]
b4 [np]
b4u [np]
b4d [np]
Body press - np
MB Body press - n/a
Raging charge - np
MB Raging charge - n/a
Double punch - P
MB Double punch - n/a
Venom uppercut - P
MB Venom uppercut - n/a
Ring slam - n/a
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 1 [np] 2 [P]
f1 [P]
d1 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 3 [P]
f2 [P, Lc]
f2d [P, Lc]
f2d [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
f2d [P, L1, Lc, SDT, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 1 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Smoke bomb - np
MB Smoke bomb - n/a
air Smoke bomb - np
MB air Smoke bomb - n/a
Batarang - LP
MB Batarang - LPx2
MB up Batarang - LPx2
Flying bat - P, Li
MB Flying bat - n/a
Redemption - P
MB Redemption - n/a
Bat evade - n/a
Bat evade 1 - n/a
Bat evade 2 - n/a
Bat evade 3 - np
MB Bat evade - np
Bat wheel - P
Bat wheel up - n/a
Bat wheel down - n/a
Bab's bola - LP
MB Bab's bola - LP
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc] u2 [P, Lc, Li, SDA] 3 [n/a]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc] u2 [P, Lc, Li, SDA] d1 [n/a]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc, SDA] b3 [P, Lc] (although b3 is a low, it can be parried)
b1 [np] 2 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, Lc, Li] 1 [n/a]
b2 [P, Lc, Li] u3 [n/a]
b2 [P, Lc, Li] d3 [n/a]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Straight grapple - LP
MB Straight grapple - n/a
Sky grapple - np
MB Sky grapple - np
Batarang - LP (done as close as possible to parry both hits)
MB Batarang - LP (explosion will hit)
Up batarang - np
MB Up batarang - np
Slide kick - np
MB Slide kick - np
Scatter bombs - np
Cape parry - n/a
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc] (3 can be P-ed if 11 is blocked)
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Li] 2 [n/a]
1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, Li] 3 [n/a]
d1 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 1 [P, Lc, L1, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 1 [P, Lc, L1, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [np]
f2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P]
d3 [np]

Mechanical bats - LPx3 (better duck them)
Bat swarm - np
Lightning storm - np
MB Lightning storm - np
Black magic - np
MB Black magic - np
Lightning cage - np
MB Lightning cage - np
Lightning strike - np
MB Lightning strike - np
Boot stomp - np
MB Boot stomp - np
Lightning bomb - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, J] 2 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b1 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u1/u2/u3/1+3 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: np
Cat claws - P
MB Cat claws - P
Cat dash - np
MB Cat dash - np
Straight whip - np
Up whip - n/a
Feline evade - n/a
CS Cartwheel - LP+SD, SP
CS Up whip - np
CS Pounce - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [SP]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, J] b3 [np]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] f2 [LP+SDA first hit, SP]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA] 1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA, JA] 2 [P, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 2 [P, Lc, SDA] d3
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] d2 [np] 1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] d2 [np] 3 [np]
b2 [P, Lb1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] u3 [P, L1, Li] 1 [n/a]
f2 [P, Lb1, Lc, SDA, J] d3 [np] 1 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [SP] 3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
3 [SP] 3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] b2
d3 [np]

Trait: parriable
Nova blaster - LP
MB Nova blaster - LP
Power fist - P
MB Power fist - n/a
Techno tackle - np
MB Techno tackle - n-a
Sonic disruptor - np
Up sonic disruptor - n/a
Target aquired/close/far - np
Forward/back grapple - n/a
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc] (you can parry 1, block second 1, then dash away and be safe)
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Ld1, Lc] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [np] b2 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Li] 3 [n/a]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 3 [np] 1 [np]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: n/a.
Quick fire - LPx1
MB Quick fire - LPx3 or LPx1+duck (will parry first shots and duck under MB)
Low shots - np
MB Low shots - np
Machine gun - LPx1+block
MB Machine gun - LPx1+block+LPx1 (will parry first shots, block last, then parry the grenade) or block shots and parry only grenade to gain frame advantage.
Upward machine gun - LPx2 or LPx1+block
Sword spin/ MB Sword spin - np
Sword flip - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [LP, L1, Lc, SDA, JA/T] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] u2 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] d3 [np]
d1 [np]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, JA] 3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 1 [LP]
f2 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J/JT] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [P, Li] f2 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 2 [Li] 3 [n/a] 1 [n/a]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Air snatch - n/a
Venom - P
MB Venom - P
Upward venom - np
MB Upward venom - np
Earth shake - np
Supernova - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 1+3 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [P, L1, Lc, JT] d1 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Speed dodge - SP
MB Speed dodge - np
Lightning charge - P
MB Lightning charge - P
Lightning kick - P
MB Lightning kick - P
Sonic pound - P
MB Sonic pound - P
Flying uppercut - P
RMS Lightning charge - P
RMS Sonic pound - P
RMS - Charging slide - np
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P] 2 [P, Lc] (all hits are duckable)
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P] 3 [np]
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [np] d2 [np] d3 [np]
2 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] f3 [SP]
f2 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P] 3 [P, Lc] (1 is duck-punishable if LP-ed)
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Sky alert - n/a
MB Sky alert - n/a
Dead on - np
MB Dead on - np
Savage blast - np
MB Savage blast - np
Stinger - np
MB Stinger - n/a
Up heaven blast - np
MB Up heaven blast - np
Hurricane blow - P
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] d1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc] (Although d1 is a low, it's parriable)
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 (1st hit [P, Ld1, SDA], 2nd hit [P, Lc])
d3 [np]

Low Take aim - np
High Take aim - LP
Air Take aim - LP
Low Frozen arrow - np
High Frozen arrow - LP
Air Frozen arrow - LP
Low Electric arrow - np
High Electric arrow - LP
Air Electric arrow - LP
Low Burning arrow - np
High Burning arrow - LP
Air Burning arrow - LP
Oa's rocket - LP
MB Oa's rocket - LP (the explosion will hit)
Rocket power - LP
MB Rocket power - LPx2
Lantern's might - np
MB Lantern's might - np
Minigun - np
MB Minigun - np
Turbine smash - P
MB Turbine smash - P
air Oa's rocket - LP
MB air Oa's rocket - LP (the explosion will hit)
air Turbine smash - P
MB air Turbine smash - P
1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, duckable]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, 1/d12] 2 [P]
b1 [SP] 3 [P]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P]
f2 [P, L1, Lc] d1 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P]
b2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, L1, Lc] 3
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Pop pop - LP
Pop pop (full charge) - LP
MB Pop pop - LP
Line of fire - LP
MB Line of fire - LP
Heads up - n/a
MB Heads up - n/a
air Oopsy daisy - LP
MB air Oopsy daisy - LP
Cupcake bomb - LP
MB Cupcake bomb - LP
Play doctor - np
MB Play doctor - np
Silly slide - n/a
Tantrum stance - np
TS Forward cartwheel - SP after a blocked TS
Hand stand - np
Bullet frenzy - LP
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Li] 2 [LP first hit, block second]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA] 2 [P, L1, Li] 3 [n/a]
b1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Li,] 1 [n/a]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Lc, SDA, J] b3 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d3 [np]
2 [P, Lb1/d1, Lc, SDA, J] u3 [P, Lc]
b2 [LP, Li] 2 [n/a] (although b2 is low, it is LP-ed)
f2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 2 [LP first hit, block second]
f2 [P, Ld1, Lc, J] 3 [LP]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [LP first hit, block second]
d3 [np]

TNT - np
Mace charge - np
MB Mace charge - np
air Mace charge - np
MB air Mace charge - np
Mace toss - LP
MB Mace toss - LP first hit, np second hit
air Mace toss - LP
MB air Mace toss - LP
air Downward mace - LP
MB air Downward mace - LP both hits
Heavenward stomp - np
Wing evade 1 - n/a
Wing evade 2/3 - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 (1st hit [P, SDA], 2nd hit [P, Lc])
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, JT] 2 [P, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [np] b3 [np]
b2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] 3 (1st hit [P, SDA], 2nd hit [P, Lc])
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] b1 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: 1/2/3 - np
Crowbar - P
MB Crowbar - np
Laughing gas - LP
MB Laughing gas - np
Rolling laughing gas - np
MB Rolling laughing gas - np
Chattering teeth close/mid/far - np
Acid blossom - np
1 [P, L1] 1 [Ld1] 2 [P]
1 [P, L1] 1 [L1] 3 [P]
b1 [np] 3 [np, evaded by both dashes in SS]
d1 [P, Lc, SD]
2 [P, L1] 1 [L1] 2 [P]
2 [P, L1] 1 [L1] 3 [P]
f2 [P, L1] 3 [P]
f2 [P, L1] 3 [L1] 2 [P]
f2 [P, Ld1] 1 [P]
b2 [P]
d2 [P]
3 [P, L1] 2 [P]
3 [P, L1] 2 [L1] 3 [P]
3 [P, L1] 3 [P]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Frostbite - n/a (SP hits for 8% though)
MB Frostbite - n/a
Iceberg - np
MB Iceberg - np
Flash freeze - np
MB Flash freeze - n/a
Black ice - np
Frozen daggers - LP
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b2 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc] 3 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
f1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P]
f1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
b1 [np] u3 [np]
d1 [P, Lc, SDA]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
f2 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
d2 [P, Lc, SDA]
3 [P, Lc, SDA]
u3 [np]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Gravity pull - np
MB Gravity pull - n/a
Gravity mine - np
MB Gravity mine - n/a
Orbital strike -
MB Orbital strike -
Lex probe - LP (back parying also works)
MB Lex probe - LP
Lance blast - LP
Up Lance blast - LP (close)
Corp charge - np
Air Corp charge - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 3 [np]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] b3 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d1 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u3 [np] d3 [np]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
u3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Spin cycle - n/a
MB Spin cycle - n/a
MB reverse Spin cycle - n/a
Pump shot - np
MB Pump shot - np
Mid pump shot - np
MB Mid pump shot - np
Low pump shot - np
MB Low pump shot - np
Czarnian toss - np
MB Czarnian toss - np
Space hook - np
MB Space hook - np
MB reverse Space hook - np
Low space hook - np
MB Low space hook - np
Hook charge - SP, LPx2
MB Hook charge - LPx2
1 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, Lc, Li] 1+3 [n/a]
b1 [np] 2 [P, Lc, Li] 1+3
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Lc, Li] 3
b2 [P, Lc, Li] u1 [n/a]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 1 [np] 3 [np]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [np]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: np
Martian grab - np
MB Martian grab - np
Close/Mid/Far Psyche orb - LP
MB Psyche orb - LP
Close/Far/Full Alien pillar - np
MB Alien pillar - np
Close/Far Telekinetic strike - LP
MB Telekinetic strike - LP
Psionic push - np
MB Psionic push - np
Phase charge - np
MB Phase charge - np
Phase assault - np
Air Phase assault - np
Downward Phase assault - np
Air Downward Phase assault - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 3 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P] 3 [P] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] u1 [P, Lc, Li] 1+3 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: the same as normal.
WingDing - LP (done as close as possible to parry all hits at once)
MB WingDing - LPx2
Ground spark - np
MB Ground spark - np
Escrima fury - P
MB Escrima fury - P
Flip kick - np
MB Flip kick - np
Scatter bomb - np
MB Scatter bomb - np
1 [P, Lc] 1 [P, Lc] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Lc] 1 [P, Lc] 3 [P]
b1 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P]
b1 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P] (although 3 is a low, it can be parried)
d1 [P, Ld1, Lc] 2 [P]
2 [P, Lc] 2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P]
b2 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, Ld1, Lc] 1 [P, Lc] 3 [P]
d2 [P]
3 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P]
u3 [P] d3
u3, d3 [P] (although d3 is a low, it can be parried)
d3 [np]

Staff spin - P (LP only once than you have to block)
MB Staff spin - P (LP only once than you have to block)
Ground blast - np
MB Ground blast - np
Flying Grayson - np
1 [P, L1, Lc] b1 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc] f1 [np]
1 [P, Lb1, Lc] d3 [np] (Lb1 is used due to NW ducking and evading 1, also d1 works)
1 [P, L1, Lc] f2 [P]
b1 [P]
d1 [P]
2 [P]
d2 [P]
3 [P]
d3 [np]
Empty void - n/a
MB Empty void - n/a
Soul crush - np
MB Soul crush - np
Singularity - np
MB Singularity - np
Shadow raven - LP
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] f2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] b2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P] 2 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P] 3 [n/a]
f2 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P] u1 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Event horizon - np
MB Event horizon - np
Negative mass - np
MB Negative mass - np
Dark transmission - n/a
air Dark transmission - n/a
Bloody spear - LP
MB Bloody spear - n/a
Hell fire - LP
MB Hell fire - LP
Teleport punch - P
MB Teleport punch - LPx2, SP, Ld1 (can be parried back to back)
air Teleport punch - P
MB air Teleport punch - LPx2, SP, Ld1 (can be parried back to back)
Leg takedown - np
Flip kick - P
Air throw - n/a
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA/T] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA/T] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA] 3 [P, Lc]
f1 [P, Ld2/d3, SDA, JA] 1 [P, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 2 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
df1 [np]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA] d3 [np]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, JT] u3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: Parriable
Atlas torpedo - np
MB Atlas torpedo - np
Bolt of zeus - LP
MB Bolt of zeus - LP
Herculean might - np
MB Herculean might - np
Achiles' clutch - np
MB Achiles' clutch - np
Advancing/Eluding Mercury storm - n/a
1 [P, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JA/T] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc] b3 [P]
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc] f3 [P]
f1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Fear blast - LP
MB Fear blast - LP
Impact event - np
MB Impact event - n/a
Arachnid sting - P
MB Arachnid sting - np
Final shackles - np
air Axe of terror - np
1 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc] b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
b1 [P, L1, Lc] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc] d2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc] 1 [np] 3 [np]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] d1 [np] 3 [P]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Trait: LP
Cleaver spin - P
MB Cleaver spin - P
Walking corpse - np
MB Walking corpse - n/a
Grave rot - n/a
MB Grave rot - n/a
Dead air - np
MB Dead air - n/a
Swamp hands - np
MB Swamp hands - np
To the grave - n/a
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b2 [P]
b1 [P, Li] 3 [n/a]
f1 [np] 2 [n/a] 2 [P]
f1 [np] 3 [P]
d1 [P, Lb1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
2 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 3 [P]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
d2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P]
3 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3
d3 [np]

Trait: Parriable
Super breath - LP
MB Super breath - LP
Heat vision - LP
MB Heat vision - LPx2
air Heat vision - LP
MB air Heat vision - LPx2
Rising grab - np
MB Rising grab - np
Flying punch - P
MB Flying punch - LPx3, SP
Flying ground smash - np
MB Flying ground smash - np
Heat zap - LP
Low scoop - np
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
b1 [np]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d1 [LP, Li] 3 [P, Lc] (although d1 is a low, it can be LPed)
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
df3 [np]
d3 [np]

Trait: same properties apply when trait is active.
Straight tiara - np
MB Straight tiara - np
Amazonian uppercut - np
MB Amazonian uppercut - n/a
air Amazonian smash - np
MB air Amazonian smash - n/a
Lasso grab - np
MB Lasso grab - n/a
Lasso spin - np
Bracelets of submission - n/a
Up tiara - np
air Down tiara - np
air Straight tiara - np
air Demigodess' might - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, Li] 3 [n/a]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [np] 3 [P, Lc] (If the first 3 is blocked, second 3 be SP-ed)
d3 [np]

Shield toss - np
MB Shield toss - np
Amalthea bash - P
MB Amalthea bash - P [On maximum delay can be parried if first hit is blocked]
Shield strike - np
Up shield - np
air Down shield - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] b1 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, J] 2 [P, Lc] (If the first 2 hits are blocked, 2 can be SP-ed)
f1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] b1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 1 [P, Lc]
b2 [np] 3 [np]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]
Normal stance
Fire kiss - np
Fast/Slow MB Fire kiss - LP
Up/Down/Straight Linking rings- LP
MB Up/Down/Straight Linking rings- LP
Teleport - n/a
MB Teleport - n/a
Air Zatara dive - np
MB Air Zatara dive - n/a
Multi kick - first hit np, the rest are aprriable
MB Multi kick - first hit np, the rest are aprriable
Puppet master -
MB Puppet master -
Smoke and mirrors -
MB Smoke and mirrors -
Levitate - n/a
Fifty two pickup - np
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] d3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] u3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] d3 [np] SDA on block
d1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, Lc]
2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [np]
b2 [P, L3, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
f2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 1 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Hat stance
Straight magic - LP
Ground magic - np
Upward magic - n/a
Magic pillar - LP
Absorb - n/a
Lightning rod - np
1 - [P, Lc]
2 - [P, Lc]
3 - [P, Lc]
Side arm - LP
MB Side arm - LPx3
Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Kryptonian rifle - LPx2
Fast Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Fast Kryptonian rifle - LPx2
Slow Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Slow Kryptonian rifle - LPx2
Air Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Air Kryptonian rifle - LP
Air Fast Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Air Fast Kryptonian rifle - LP
Air Slow Kryptonian rifle - LP
MB Air Slow Kryptonian rifle - LP
Zod charge - np
MB Zod charge - n/a
Air Zod charge - np
MB Air Zod charge - n/a
Ground blast - LP (although it's a low, can be LP-ed)
MB Ground blast - LP
Close Ground blast - LP
MB Close Ground blast - LP
Far Ground blast - LP
MB Far Ground blast - LP
Phantom strike - np
MB Phantom strike - n/a
General parry - n/a
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, J] d2 [LP, Lc] (although 2 is a low, it is LP-ed)
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, JT] 1+3 [P, Lc]
1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 2 [P, L1, Lc, J] 3 [P, Lc]
b1 [np] 2 [P, L1, Lc, Jt] 3 [P, Lc]
d1 [P, Ld1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 3 [P, Lc]
2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] 2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 1+3 [P, Lc]
f2 [np] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA] u2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA/T] 3 [n/a]
f2 [np] 1 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, JT] 3 [P, Lc]
b2 [P, L1, Lc, SDA, J] 3 [P, Lc]
d2 [P, Lc]
3 [P, Lc]
d3 [np]

Wraith slash - np
Wraith grab - np


Something interesting about lasso parry I found out is you can dash out of some string if lasso parry hits.
Also to gain the most advantage from a lasso parry you have to do it as late as possible.
This is an amazing resource that should be stickied. What do you mean by "most advantage?" I thought you recovered instantly regardless of when the parry is triggered?


This is an amazing resource that should be stickied. What do you mean by "most advantage?" I thought you recovered instantly regardless of when the parry is triggered?
Nope. Seems that if the parry hits, WW recovers for the rest of active frames. However, the actual recovery frames of the move are obsolete.


Finished all chars. Almost all the time it's best to backdash or jump after a parried attack when there's a possibility so you whiffpunish the recovery. D1-spin is also a good option, while 1 is situational.
Yea I was abusing this to get in on supes today, it's really good and isn't that hard to time considering I was doing with online. I kept messing up my punishes though, but that'll come with time. Can't wait to get the hang of parrying the 3 in batmans 113 string.


Ready to lose your head?
Fun fact(well actually I haven't checked this since the most recent patch and I'm in bed...)

BUUTTT, her wake-up parry in Lasso stance will parry low hits if they attempt to do so. Not exactly sure the benefit off of this other than punishing their attempt to punish your wake up


Sometimes quick strings (like Batgirl's 11 and Flash's 2) are parried by one lasso parry. This is also true for double projectiles like Batman's and Killer Frost's, and Nightwing's wingdings.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
This is a great list.

My favorite use of the Lasso Parry is using it against doomsdays shoulder charge. Most of them do it on wakeup, at least till I keep parrying it and having them eat 40%.

edit: dope, I dont know why I havent been doing the same thing against Banes charge, I just keep jumping over, and then air charging him in the back before I land :/


bad at things
This is a great list.

My favorite use of the Lasso Parry is using it against doomsdays shoulder charge. Most of them do it on wakeup, at least till I keep parrying it and having them eat 40%.

edit: dope, I dont know why I havent been doing the same thing against Banes charge, I just keep jumping over, and then air charging him in the back before I land :/
yeah i normally save it towards the end vs bane lol.. its just an absolute trump card. they realllllly should make his charge cancelable


This is a great list.

My favorite use of the Lasso Parry is using it against doomsdays shoulder charge. Most of them do it on wakeup, at least till I keep parrying it and having them eat 40%.

edit: dope, I dont know why I havent been doing the same thing against Banes charge, I just keep jumping over, and then air charging him in the back before I land :/
Moves that you can block on reaction (Bane charge, Aquaman's b2, most b3's etc) are death to your opponent. Lasso parry gives a 40%+ punish just for doing the move.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
  • The Raging Charge (Back+Forwad+X) can no longer be parried

Dangit!!!! Guess its back to just jumping over his charge, and flying at his back knocking him on the ground.


+ on block 50/50s
I LS parried one of the green canisters on Ferris Aircraft. I suggest a list of the interactables she can parry be added here.


bad at things
It is! It probably will not be very many.

Ferris Aircraft - Green gas canisters when thrown, right side missile when thrown (power)
Wayne Manor: Great Room - chair
its odd because other interactables with similar "flight paths" cant be parried. the fire disc on the far left of thymiscara, the laser satellite thing on reactor core (power), etc