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Optimizing Frost's Restand Pressure and Damage: (Video)


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness

This episode is the mark of one of my new series, titled "Incredibly Important Information," abbreviated as "III."

In this series, first I show the final sequence, then assemble the individual pieces that build into the final sequence. For each individual piece of the final sequence, I provide explanations of their significance, and how they contribute to the final form of the tech.

The main takeaway from this episode is that Frost can microdash after 344 to get in 22's hitconfirm range, and doing so is incredibly powerful, even on block, because 22 is plus 5 on block, and lets Frost take the next turn afterwards.

I reply to comments and messages with questions. I encourage you to ask me anything that comes to mind!